$1M Jack Ma Foundation Africa Netpreneur Prize Initiative (ANPI) 

The Africa Netpreneur Prize Initiative (ANPI) application process is open to African entrepreneurs from all countries, sectors, and age groups.

ANPI is a Jack Ma Foundation-based contest that will award $10 million and reward 100 African entrepreneurs over the next 10 years.

Jack Ma Foundation Netpreneur Prize is worth US$1 million, if you are an entrepreneur, this is a lifetime opportunity for you; take your time and go through this article.

We have arranged all the details you need to win the Jack Ma Foundation Grant, including the Jack Ma Foundation Grant form and many more.

About The Jack Ma Foundation Africa

Alibaba’s CEO, Jack Ma, launched the award for the first time since his first trip to Africa in July 2017.

He was inspired by the energetic and entrepreneurial potential of the young people he met.

The award is open to entrepreneurs from all sectors, and Ma encouraged small entrepreneurs, particularly those who make a difference in their local population and women entrepreneurs, to apply.

The award aims to support and inspire the next generation of entrepreneurs to build a more sustainable and inclusive economy for the future.

Each year, 10 finalists will be selected to participate in a final competition broadcast across the continent. The ten finalists will gain access to the African business community Netpreneur to leverage community skills, best practices, and resources.

Level / Field of Study

The Jack Ma Foundation Grant is open to African entrepreneurs.

Host Nationality

This Netpreneur Africa is hosted in China.

There are other China Scholarships available for International students in 2024.

You can utilize these scholarship opportunities to solve most of your academic problems. Check out other scholarships you can apply for in 2024 to study in EuropeAfricaAsiaAmerica, etc.

Eligible Nationality

The Jack Ma Foundation Netpreneur Prize is open to entrepreneurs who are nationals from any of the 54 African countries.

Aside from the Jack Ma Foundation Africa, other scholarships are available to international students to study abroad. You can check our scholarship by country to access all scholarships available.

Scholarship Worth

  • The Prize will host a grand finale pitch competition in Africa where ten finalists from across the continent will compete for a share of US$1 million in total grant prize money.
  • Make it to the grand finale, and you’ll have your shot to pitch your story to Jack and the rest of the judges.

Eligibility For Jack Ma Foundation Africa Netpreneur Prize Initiative

  • Entrepreneurs of any age, gender, and sector are encouraged to apply.
  • Open to all industry sectors
  • Strongly encourage young people and female entrepreneurs to apply

How to Apply for Jack Ma Foundation Africa Netpreneur Prize Initiative.

Interested candidates who meet the criteria listed above should apply by clicking on the “Apply” button in the Link

Deadline For Jack Ma Foundation Grant

Key Dates:

  1. Applications Launch:  27th March 2024
  2. Deadline for applications: 30th June 2024
  3. The announcement of the top 50 regional finalists: August 2024
  4. The announcement of the final 10 finalists: October 2024
  5. Grand Finale pitch event: November 2024

For More Information and application on the Jack Ma Foundation Africa. Click on the link below:




Jack Ma is a scholarship for entrepreneurs.

This scholarship/grant is worth a huge chunk of money.

Apply first before discouraging yourself.


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