Top 12 University Of Regina Scholarships | UPDATED

Here is a descriptive post of the University Of Regina Scholarships 2024. Carefully read through to Apply for these Scholarships in Canada

Just take your time and go through this article, we have arranged every detail you need to be an applicant among the top 15 Universities Of Regina Scholarships, and I believe the information in this article will go a long way for you.

About The University Of Regina

The University of Regina is a public research university with excellent research facilities. The school also has a wide range of programs in thirteen faculties:

  • Faculty of Arts
  • Faculty of Education
  • English as Second Language (ESL) and Faculty of Social Work.
  • Faculty of Business Administration
  • Faculty of Engineering
  • Institut Français
  • Faculty of Graduate Studies and Research
  • Faculty of Fine Arts
  • Faculty of Kinesiology and Health Studies
  • Johnson-Shoyama Graduate School of Public Policy
  • Faculty of Science, Centre for Continuing Education

Given the health and mental benefits of sporting activities, the University of Regina, also has a good focus on sports which is just as strong as their academic focus. The university takes part in the sports league for Canadian universities, Canadian Interuniversity Sport.

The University has students from all over the world studying with them. In a bid to encourage the relationship between her and her international students, the University of Regina, in a bid to improve has added two new scholarships specially designed for international students who are entering the school for the first time.

List Of The Scholarships In The University Of Regina

These Are The Scholarships to Apply For In the University Of Regina

The University of Regina Entrance Scholarship For The International Students

This scholarship is available for students with outstanding academic achievements with an early-conditional admission average of at least 85.00% and is starting their undergraduate programs at the University of Regina.

Applicants must have a study permit and must be applying directly from a secondary school or its equivalent in their country. The applicants must be applying to a direct-entry undergraduate program.

Applicants should be enrolled for nine credit hours in the semester of the award. The award is worth 3 000 dollars and is an automatic award.

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2. University of Regina Circle of Scholars Entrance Scholarship

This yearly award is presented to the top three students in three specific regions as named throughout the world in three regions as specified throughout the world.

The scholarship is automatically available for students entering an undergraduate degree in the Fall Semester. The scholarship is valid for four years and is worth 5 000 dollars.

The students, however, must maintain the criteria for the scholarship while they are on it otherwise the scholarship will be terminated.

The recipients are also invited every year to meet with the President of the University of Regina for a Circle of Scholars event.

For specific eligibility requirements and criteria, please visit the school website or follow the link to be automatically redirected:

OTHER SCHOLARSHIPS: there are other scholarship opportunities for students of the University of Regina as found below.

3. University of Regina International Experience Travel Fund

This scholarship is available for students of the University of Regina who are going to be participating in a University-related travel experience.

The eligibility criteria and application can be found below according to categories:

Travel fund for undergraduate students: TF app March 2018.pdf

Travel fund for graduate students: TF app March 2018.pdf

Travel waiver form: 2017 Informed Consent form.pdf

Application procedure:

After downloading the forms from the school website or the links given above, applicants are expected to submit their applications including all the application documents on the list as provided by the school through the link above to the University of Regina International.

Applications must be submitted at a minimum of four weeks before the intended date of departure.

Applications should be sent by mail to:

The University of Regina International,
The University of Regina,
College West, Room 128,
3737 Wascana Parkway,
Regina, SK,
S4S 0A2.

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The University of Regina International selects those to be awarded the travel grant. If an applicant is selected, such applicant is expected to fill out an acceptance form within thirty days after the money has been issued.

The form can be found on the school website or you can follow the link to be automatically redirected: acceptance.docx.pdf

For more information, please visit the school website or follow the link to be automatically redirected:

4. Shastri ‘Institut Indo-Canadian Scholarships

This scholarship is available for studies at the University of Regina.

For more information and to apply, please follow this link to be automatically redirected:

5. Canadian Bureau for International Education

This scholarship is available at the University of Regina for studies. It is designed for international students by the Canadian Bureau.

For more information and to apply, please follow this link to be automatically redirected:

6. The Government of Canada Scholarships

This scholarship is specifically designed by the Federal Government of Canada for studies in the University of Regina and other Canadian Universities.

It is available for international students. For more information and to apply, please follow this link to be automatically redirected:

7. Emerging Leaders of the Americas

This scholarship is designed for American citizens at universities. Applicants must have leadership skills and applied leadership positions.

For more information and to apply, please follow this link to be automatically redirected:

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8. Export Development Canada Youth Education Program

This University of Regina scholarship is designed for Canadian citizens to study at universities, Canada.

For more information and to apply, please follow this link to be automatically redirected:

9. Understanding China Fellowship

This scholarship is provided by Chinese departments to study in universities. The students of the University of Regina, Canada benefit from this fellowship.

For more information and to apply, please follow this link to be automatically redirected:

10. University of Regina; Student Awards and Financial Aid

The University also helps her students to clear the bills of their education by providing assistance in the form of Student awards and financial aids.

To be eligible, one has to be a fully registered student at the University.

For more information and to apply for these assistances, please, kindly visit the school website or follow the link to be automatically redirected:

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11. University of Regina; Graduate Teaching Assistantships.

There are graduate assistantship positions available for registered students at the university.

The online portal of the graduate awards as provided by the Faculty of Graduate Studies and Research is made available for applications and monitoring and tracking of applications as well.

For more information and to apply please, visit the school website or follow the link to

12. Student Awards Management System (SAMS)

The SAMS is an online tool provided by the school for her students which they can use to search for and apply for the available awards at the University of Regina.

Due to regularly scheduled maintenance, the SAMS site is usually unavailable between 9:00 pm and 9:15 pm every day.

For more information and to register for SAMS, please visit the school website or follow the link to be redirected:

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