30 Best Scholarships In Texas To Apply For In 

With the High Cost of Tuition in Texas, there are opportunities that can help you Study for Free in Texas. We have promised you a list of the Best Scholarships In Texas 2024.

Although higher education can be a huge financial burden, lots of grants and scholarships are available to ease the burden.

Because the process of searching for financial aid and scholarship opportunities can be overwhelming, we’ve gathered a list of the 30 Best Scholarships In Texas Today.

30 Best Scholarships In Texas

These scholarships are listed below.

#1. The TSJCL Lourania Miller and Gareth Morgan Scholarships

The Lourania Miller & Gareth Morgan Scholarships, worth $1,000 each, are awarded annually to two graduating high school seniors who studied Latin and the classics in high school and will continue their studies in college.

Students have to be nominated by their Texas Junior Classical League Chapter and must take either Greek or Latin in their freshman year of college to receive the Texas scholarship.

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#2. Austin Alliance for Women in Media Scholarship

The Austin Alliance for Women in Media awards a $5,000 scholarship to a college junior or senior majoring in media, marketing, communications, or a related field at a university in the Austin or San Marcos area.

Students must have a minimum GPA of 3.25 and must have completed at least 75 hours of coursework to receive the scholarship.

Applicants must submit their transcript, two letters of reference as well as a personal statement.

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#3. Forth worth Scottish Rite Foundation

The Fort Worth Scottish Rite Foundation is a Texas association that awards 50 academic scholarships, worth $1,500 each, to graduating high school seniors yearly.

For five of these scholarships, the Foundation has a preference for students who will be attending a community college. Applicants have to submit a high school transcript, SAT or ACT scores, two personal letters of reference, and two academic letters of reference.

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#4. Barbara Odom-Wesley Spirit of Achievement Scholarship

The Barbara Odom-Wesley Scholarship is a scholarship awarded to a female African American student who attends school in Tarrant County.

The female student must be a graduating senior, have a minimum GPA of 2.5, and submit a transcript, SAT or ACT score, three letters of recommendation, and a 1,000-word essay.

The scholarship is worth $3,000.

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#5. The Children of Disabled or Deceased Firemen, Peace officers, Game Wardens and Employees of Correctional Institutions Scholarship

This scholarship is for students whose parent sustained an injury, resulting in disability or death, in their job as an eligible public servant.

The scholarship can be used at any public Texas college or university and covers all tuition and fees for the student’s first 120 credit hours or all tuition and fees until the student turns 26.

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#6. City of Houston Scholarship Essay Contest

The City of Houston Scholarship Contest is available to high school seniors in the Houston area.

Applicants must write a 500-word essay explaining how they would make an impact if they are to work for the city of Houston.

The judges award the first prize scholarship of $2,000, a second prize scholarship of $1,200, a third prize scholarship of $800, and two honorable mention scholarships of $500 each.

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#7. Diamonds in the Rough Ministry International Scholarship

The Diamonds in the Rough Scholarship is awarded to a female high school senior who is involved in community service and other extracurricular activities.

Applicants have to be Texas residents, must have a minimum GPA of 2.5, be enrolled in a college or university, and provide their high school transcript and a letter of recommendation. The scholarship foundation usually determines the scholarship amount yearly.

Deadline is December 31, 2024.

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#8. Jake Jones Memorial Scholarship for the Learning Disabled

The Jake Jones Memorial Scholarship is available to physically challenged high school seniors in the Texas Panhandle.

The scholarship winner must possess integrity, ambition, motivation, and good moral character and be enrolled in Texas higher education.

Applicants are required to provide a letter from their special education teacher, counselor, or doctor, as well as a personal essay about how they have overcome struggles and obstacles. The foundation awards a $500 scholarship yearly.

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#9. University of Texas Presidential Scholars Program

The Presidential Scholars Program is available to students at the University of Texas at Austin, who have financial need and outstanding academic achievement in high school.

Presidential Scholars usually receives $5,000 per year for four years.

Applicants must have a minimum GPA of 2.0 and complete 30 hours of coursework each year to keep their scholarships.

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#10. The Pickard Scholarship Fund

The Dallas Foundation awards the Dr. Dan J and Patricia S. Pickard Scholarship to all-male African American students in Dallas County.

Applicants are required to have a minimum GPA of 2.5 and be enrolled in a college or university. Preference is given to applicants who have financial need.

One or two scholarships of $1,000 are usually awarded yearly.

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#11. Fifth Year Accounting Student Scholarship Program

The Fifth-Year Accounting Scholarship, worth $5,000, is awarded to any Texas resident who is enrolled at least half-time in a college or university, has completed 120 hours of coursework, has financial need, and plans to take the CPA exam to become a Certified Public Accountant.

Applicants are required to have submitted an Application of Intent to take the CPA exam in order to be awarded the scholarship.

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#12. Aimee Melissa Davis Memorial Scholarship

The Aimee Melissa Davis Memorial Scholarship is awarded to a graduating senior from Travis, Williamson, or Hays County, who has Type one diabetes and financial need.

Applicants are required to provide the date of their diagnosis, a letter from their physician confirming that they have diabetes, and two letters of recommendation. This scholarship is worth $5,000.

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#13. George and Mary Josephine Hamman Foundation Scholarships

The George and Mary Josephine Hamman Foundation Scholarships are awarded to 70 graduating high school seniors in the Houston area who have the plan to attend any college or university in the U.S.

The award is $4,500 per year for four years. The scholarships are awarded based both on academics and the financial need of students. Finalists for the awards are invited for an interview with the foundation.

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#14. Irma Gesche Scholarship

The Irma Gesche Scholarship which is worth $1,000 is awarded to a Texas resident who attends or plans to attend a college or university.

The scholarship is based on academic history, financial need as well as community service. Applicants are required to submit their high school transcript, three letters of reference, and a personal statement explaining their goals and educational plans.

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Other best scholarships in Texas are;

  • 2024Hellenic Professional Society of Texas Scholarship. Apply here
  • Jack’s Ride Cancer Scholarship. Apply here
  • Fairrilla E. White Scholarship. Apply here
  • Josie Washington Memorial Scholarship. Apply here
  • 4-H Baccalaureate Scholarship. Apply here
  • Kenneth H. Ashworth Fellowship Program. Apply here
  • Texas Wildlife Association Natural Resource Scholarship. Apply here
  • Mary E. Bivins Foundation Scholarship. Apply here
  • Hope Pierce Tartt Scholarship. Apply here
  • Don’t Mess With Texas Scholarship. Apply here
  • Media Alliance of Houston Scholarship. Apply here
  • Doris Kallini/’Nez Muhleman Scholarship. Apply here
  • Sandy Schenker Capell Scholarship. Apply here
  • Society of Professional Women in Petroleum Scholarship. Apply here
  • Texas Educational Opportunity Grant Program. Apply here
  • Texas Urban Scholarship. Apply here


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