25 Undergraduate Scholarships for Journalism Students

Are you a budding Journalist and you are looking for a scholarship to pursue your Undergraduate degree? Here is a list of Scholarships that have paid many International Students. Carefully Follow me as I take you on a journey through the latest Undergraduate Scholarships for Journalism Students in 2024.

The quote that says‘ “no news is good news” has been made totally obsolete by modern technology.

Insatiable appetites for fresh insights into new information have been induced by recent innovations that enable near-instantaneous transfer and access to vast data volumes.

So, in this article, we’ll be looking at how journalism students can leverage these scholarships for their career growth. Meanwhile, let’s look at the table of contents below for an overview of what to expect in this article.

Why do you need a scholarship for your journalism degree?

Today, there is an increasingly global socio-economic scene; one can be hurt by what he/she does not know.

Thus, specialized expertise in the observation, compilation, analysis, and process of reporting current events and recent developments of major import and widespread interest is more essential than ever before.

Both news organizations and talented but non-wealthy aspiring reporters of beneficial opportunities have often been deprived of this novel yet urgent necessity.

Fortunately, there is an effective remedy for their mutual dilemma, and it may be readily gleaned by reading through the following undergraduate scholarships available for journalism students in 2024 below.

Abilene Reporter-News Bernard Hanks Scholarship Fund

This scholarship is sponsored by the “Abilene Reporter” news publication and administered by the Abilene Community Foundation.

Annual awards offered in varying amounts to college journalism majors is made available by this scholarship fund.

Applicants must be:

  • An undergraduate junior who is a major in journalism or mass communications
    • A native of Abilene, Texas

Scholarship link

American Copy Editors Society (“ACES”) Scholarship

Application Deadline: November 15

Since 1999, acknowledgment has been given to worthy students by ACES who exhibit an outstanding passion for the field of news editing.

It does this by offering one annual award of $2,500 and four additional awards of $1,000 each.

Applicants must:

  • Be juniors, seniors, or graduates from undergraduate college
    • Be current students enrolled for a minimum of one full term during the year of an award
    • Demonstrate outstanding quality for scholarship and exemplary work product.

Added to those mentioned above, direct educational and financial assistance, chosen awardees are offered free registration and $500 for travel costs to the annual conference of ACES.

Scholarship link

Anne Clapper Scholarship

Application Deadline: April 18

Outstanding undergraduates majoring in communications-related disciplines such as public relations and print and broadcast journalism receive annual awards from this scholarship.

There’s variation in the number and amount of non-renewable awards offered annually. In the selection of recipients, the primary factors of influence considered are demonstrated as journalism potential and academic performance.

Scholarship link

BurrellesLuce Arthur Wynne, Jr. Memorial Award

This scholarship is sponsored by America’s leading commercial media monitor BurrellesLuce, and is administered by the Public Relations Student Society of America (“PRSSA”).

This scholarship makes a one-time annual award of $1,000 to an outstanding undergraduate student majoring in public relations or communications.

Applicants must be:

  • Juniors or seniors in full-time studies in an accredited four-year journalism, communications, public relations, or marketing degree program.
    • Active members of PRSSA in good standing

Scholarship link

Chips Quinn Scholars Program for Diversity in Journalism

Application Deadline: October 15

Washington funds this scholarship program, D.C. First Amendment advocacy group Freedom Forum, and provides practical training and mentorship by veteran news reporters for aspiring journalists of color.

These benefits are aimed at enhancing diversity in the journalism profession.

Renewable annual awards of $1,000 are offered to chosen recipients, and aside from that, they participate in paid internships with participating newspapers.

All applicants must:

  • Be juniors or seniors in a college with journalism majors or demonstrated an interest in a career related to news
  • Be of minority racial or ethnic origin
  • Maintain auto insurance coverage and a valid driver’s license for the full duration of participation in an internship.

Scholarship link

Colorado Press Association (“CPA”) Scholarship Fund

Application Deadline: April 1

Yearly, a selection of as many as ten high school students is done for students to receive a $500 lump-sum stipend upon the conclusion of an 80-hour internship at a Colorado newspaper.

This scholarship fund is sponsored by CPA and administered by the Denver Foundation.

The editor or publisher of the applicant’s hometown newspaper is to provide a written agreement to part-time summer intern employment, which is to be obtained by the applicant.

Applicants must establish objectives for specific internship learning in collaboration with the publisher or news editor.

Scholarship link

David W. Ewald Journalism Scholarship

Application Deadline: July 29

This scholarship was established by the National Business Aviation Association (“NBAA”) in 2007. This scholarship makes one nonrenewable annual award of $1,000 to an outstanding student pursuing career paths in journalism with an aviation emphasis.

Applicants must be:

  • Citizens of the U.S.
  • Currently enrolled or accepted for an accredited program in an undergraduate degree in journalism or a discipline related to it.

Scholarship link

Direct Marketing Scholarship

Application Deadline: May 1

Opening Date: November 1

Marketing EDGE, formerly named “Direct Marketing Educational Foundation,” is the sole non-profit organization in America. It is exclusively dedicated to acquiring college students and educators to facilitate their mutual involvement in the thriving marketing business.

Marketing EDGE employs a primary means to meet that end via a group of nine different scholarship funds that make varying numbers and amounts of awards yearly.

All applicants must:

  • Be citizens of the U.S. or permanent legal residents
  • Be currently enrolled in an accredited four-year institution
  • Have demonstrated the commitment to a marketing career by previously completed coursework and internship participation in relevant areas

Scholarship link

Edward J Nell Scholarship

Since 1926, this scholarship was established and is sponsored by the University of Iowa’s International Quill & Scroll Association (“IQSA”).

It assists the best and brightest aspiring journalists in realizing their dreams of career success with annual awards of at least $500 to fund their higher education.

Applicants must:

  • Be National winners of the International Writing/Photography Contest
    or IQSA’s annual Yearbook Excellence.
  • Be a freshman majoring in journalism or mass communications
    at any accredited post-secondary institution.
  • Include high-quality work samples in their scholarship application through which they would exhibit outstanding potential and ability in journalism.

Scholarship link

Leonard M. Perryman Communications Scholarship for Racial Ethnic Minority Students

Application Deadline: March 15

This is a memorial scholarship and makes an annual award of $2,500 for an undergraduate degree in religious journalism or mass communications.

Applicants must:

  • Be of the United Methodist faith
    • Be of minority racial origin
    • Have current or planned future enrollment in an accredited U.S. post-secondary degree program in communications or religious journalism

Scholarship link

Guy P. Gannett Scholarship Fund

Application Deadline: May 1

This scholarship was established in 2000 and assists graduates of Maine high school in pursuit of journalism and other “reasonably related” careers.

The amounts of this annual award are based on the availability of funds and the selection committee’s recommendations.

Applicants must:

  • Be graduates from homeschooling or high school program in Maine
  • Be in the final year of education at the secondary level
  • Plan to attend an undergraduate or graduate post-secondary educational institution accredited by the U.S.
  • Demonstrate outstanding performance in academics
  • Demonstrate the need for financial assistance

Scholarship link

MervAubespin Scholarship

Application Deadline: November 15

This scholarship is named after its co-founder and former president of the National Association of Black Journalists and is sponsored by ACES in their honor.

Via this scholarship, annual awards of $2,500 are made available to outstanding college upperclassmen with demonstrated dedication to a career in copy editing.

Applicants must be:

  • College juniors or seniors, graduate students, or college graduates in the undergraduate level
  • enrolled for a minimum of one complete academic term during the year of the award
  • Non-winner of previous ACES scholarship

Scholarship link

Mike Reynolds Journalism Scholarship

This foundation has the pressing mission of honoring those who fearlessly support freedom of the press, the Radio Television Digital News Association (“RTDNA”), and sees its advancement by offering $1,000 to a deserving journalist aspirant via this memorial scholarship.

Applicants must:

  • Be enrolled as a higher student or an undergraduate sophomore
  • Have a minimum of one full academic year for the completion of his/her studies
  • Apply for one scholarship alone
  • Have exemplary excellent grades and writing skill
  • Have a strong interest in an electronic journalism career
  • Demonstrate the need for financial assistance

Scholarship link

National Association of Black Journalists (“NABJ”) Scholarship Programs

Application Deadline: March

Through these scholarship programs, seven annual awards ranging from $1,000 to $2,500 are made by NABJ to worthy undergraduate journalism majors.

Applicants are mandated to have/be:

  • College or high school students
  • Active members of NABJ
  • Current or planned future enrollment at a postsecondary institution accredited by the U.S.
  • Major in journalism or a field related to communications
  • Demonstrated strong interest in a career in journalism
  • A minimum of a complete year of postsecondary studies remaining
  • Satisfy program-specific minimum GPA requirements
  • Non-recipients of any previous scholarship award offered by NABJ

Scholarship link

Ohio Newspapers Foundation (“ONF”) Minority Scholarship

Application Deadline: March 31

This scholarship is sponsored by ONF and makes an annual award of $1,500 to an Ohio minority high school senior intending to pursue studies in a newspaper-related discipline, especially journalism, communications, marketing, and advertising at an in-state post-secondary institution.

Applicants must be/have:

  • Enrolled as a college freshman at an Ohio university or college throughout the academic award year
  • Asian American, African American, Native American, or Hispanic

Scholarship link

Portland Chapter AAJA Scholarships

Application Deadline: April 1

This scholarship is sponsored by the Portland, Oregon Chapter of the Asian American Journalists Association (“AAJA”). It makes an annual award of up to $2,000 to an outstanding undergraduate or graduate scholar.

Applicants must have/be:

  • Committed to journalism
  • Sensitive to issues of Asian America, as evidenced by community involvement
  • Demonstrated need for financial assistance
  • Outstanding scholarship and journalistic ability
  • A graduating senior of high school, undergraduate, or graduate student
  • Full-time enrollment in an accredited postsecondary school during the year of the award
  • A resident or attending a school in Oregon or Vancouver, WA

Scholarship link

Reid Blackburn Scholarship

Application Deadline: April 15

This memorial scholarship was established by “The Columbian” newspaper based in Vancouver, WA. It makes annual awards to undergraduate students who exhibit high potential in photojournalism.

Applicants must:

  • Currently enrolled full-time or accepted by an accredited four-year college or university in Canada or the United States.
  • Have demonstrated the potential for completing a successful degree program and high aptitude in photojournalism. They are to submit their GPA as evidence for this.
  • Demonstrate and give the explanation to need for finance
  • Have a minimum of one-half of an academic year to complete his/her program.
  • Apply the award proceeds to the costs of attendance for the upcoming academic session.
  • Be current college students and must have previously completed courses in photojournalism.

Scholarship link

Richard Drukker Memorial Scholarship

Application Deadline: March

The New Jersey Press Foundation administers this memorial scholarship (“NJPF”). It awards annual $2,000 to students studying journalism at New Jersey’s Montclair University (“MU”).

Applicants must be:

  • Majors or minors of MU journalism
    • A staff member of the official newspaper of MU “The Montclarion”
    • Non-recipients of any previous scholarship award offered by NJPF

Scholarship link

RTNDA Abe Schechter Scholarship

This scholarship was established to honor the memory of the nominee radio news pioneer and first NBC News VP, who died in a 1999 auto accident.

It is sponsored by the Radio-Television News Digital Association (“RTNDA”). It offers $2,000 as an award amount to a deserving graduate scholar yearly.

Applicants must:

  • Be officially enrolled in a degree program for graduate students
    • Apply for only one scholarship
    • Have an interest in a career in electronic journalism but is not restricted to majoring in any specific discipline

Scholarship link

RTNDA Lou and Carole Prato Sports Reporting Scholarship

The above-listed scholarship is a sister fund to this. It is a memorial scholarship and is administered byRTNDA. It makes one annual award to a worthy undergraduate student.

Applicants must:

  • Be formally enrolled in college
    • Be a sophomore or higher
    • Apply for one scholarship alone
    • Must exhibit an intention to go in pursuit of a career in electronic journalism but may be enrolled in any major

Scholarship link

Sacramento Press Club Scholarships

Application Deadline: March 31

Sacramento Press Club sponsors several scholarship funds. It offers annual awards ranging between $4,000 and $8,000 to worthy would-be Sacramento journalists.

Applicants must:

  • Be college juniors, seniors, or graduate students during the year of an award
  • Have personal ties to the Sacramento area.

Scholarship link

The George Snow Scholarship Fund

This scholarship was established in 1982 and is based in Boca Raton, FL. George Snow Fund offers four-year awards of varying amounts to the brightest and worthiest young scholars in its locale.

This is a need-based award, and applicants for these must:

  • Be graduating seniors from high school in FL or Pompano Beach, Palm Beach County or Blanche Ely High Schools in Northern Broward County, FL
    • Demonstrate strong self-motivation towards meeting well-defined goals in education and career
    • Demonstrate the need for financial assistance
    • Attend any accredited post-secondary institution in the U.S. and major in any desired program

Scholarship link

Valley Press Club Scholarship

Application Deadline: April 1

The Valley Press Club makes five annual awards of $1,000 for the assistance of deserving students in pursuit of a journalism career.

Applicants must:

  • Be high school seniors in northern Connecticut or western Massachusetts
    • Be planning to attend an accredited institution for post-secondary education

The Primary influential factors considered in the selection of awardees are scholastic achievement, career objectives, writing skills, and extracurricular activities. The Selections Committee interviews all finalists.

Scholarship link

Vivian D. Tillman Scholarship         

Application Deadline: April 30

This scholarship is administered by the Sigma Gamma Rho Sorority National Educational Fund, Inc., which awards $500 to deserving undergraduate and graduate journalism and communications majors annually.

Applicants must:

  • Have a GPA of at least “C”
    • Demonstrate the need for financial assistance
    • Prepay a processing fee of $20

This award cannot be renewed, but recipients who satisfy the basic eligibility criteria may send in a reapplication yearly.

Scholarship link

William B. Ruggles Right to Work Scholarship

Application Deadline: December 31

Opening Date: October 1

The National Institute sponsors this scholarship for Labor Relations Research (“NILRR”). It awards $2,000 annually to an outstanding scholar who exemplifies the high journalistic standards of its named honoree.

Applicants must:

  • Be Full-time undergraduate or graduate majors in journalism or a related field in a postsecondary educational institution in the U.S.
    • Exhibit high potential for the successful completion of the program by GPA and letters of recommendation.

Scholarship link



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