Fully Funded Loeries Creative Future Scholarship for South Africans 

Applications are now available for the Fully Funded Loeries Creative Future Scholarship for South Africans talented in need of financial support. This scholarship is designed for south-Africa students.

The Loeries has been rewarding imagination for 40 decades. Since Africa and the Middle East’s highest award which recognizes rewards, arouses and boosts creative excellence from the advertisements and new communicating business, winning a Loerie could be your maximum accolade for innovation and creativity over its region.

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About Loeries

The Loeries (The Loerie Awards Company NPC) is a non-profit company administering awards for the brand communications industry, in Africa and the Middle East and that supports and promotes imagination by assisting entrepreneurs, consumers, and agencies to love the significance of fresh thinking, innovative thoughts, and outstanding implementation.

Scholarship Level/Field

The Loeries Creative Future Scholarship is available for aspiring Grade 1-2 students to study a 3-year degree in the field of Brand Communication or even copy-writing beginning from the 2024-2024 academic calendar year.

Host Nationality

The Scholarship is hosted in Johannesburg, South Africa. If you are an international student and you desire to study in South Africa. Check out the best scholarships obtainable for study in South Africa

Scholarship Benefits

The scholarship offers the creative industry’s wealthiest bursary, covering what a student requires, including prices, study materials, accommodation, and bills in addition to mentorship, internship, and job from the advertisements and new communicating industry.

Eligible Nationality

The Loeries Creative Future Scholarship is available for students from South Africa. 

Read also if you wish to study outside your home country Simple and Detailed Answers about Applying and Winning a Scholarship.

Loeries Creative Future Scholarship Scholarship Number

The number of offers was not specified.

Eligibility for Scholarship

Applicants for the scholarship must fulfill the following requirements

  • The candidate must be a citizen and resident or a student in South-Africa.
  • The scholarship offers the chance for an aspiring grade-12 student, together with financial need, to examine a multi-level degree in Brand Communication at Johannesburg.
  • Candidates whose first language isn’t English usually are required to give evidence of competence in English at the high degree demanded at the University.

Application Procedures

Please complete the form below and email it to education@loeries.com. You can commence the application by clicking on the application form and get additional information by clicking the scholarship Link.

Application Deadline

The deadline for an application for the scholarship is October 19 every year.

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