Fully Funded Unilever Bursary South Africa  | Updated

UNILEVER, a global brand company, is offering Unilever Bursary South Africa 2024, made available for South African students to encourage the study of various fields of engineering in tertiary institutions in South Africa.

However, in this article, we’ll be taking detailed information about the Unilever Bursary South Africa 2024, such as the eligibility requirement, level/ field of study required, how to apply and deadline.


Unilever was established as a result of the merger formed between “Margarine Unie”, a Dutch margarine producer and the “Lever Brothers”, British soapmakers in 1930. the company has its operations in many nations and has become a household name.

Today, Unilever is one of the oldest multinational companies in the world, and is the biggest international consumer goods company and is reputed to be the biggest manufacturer of food propagates (such as margarine).

The organization’s services and products include beverages and food (ie beverages and ice cream), in addition to healthcare items and cleaning agents, which can be offered in approximately 190 nations.

The company owns more than 400 brands, some of which include: Dove, Lux, Sunsilk, Domestos, Handy Andy, Omo, Surf, Vaseline, Axe, Magnum, Lipton, Robertsons, Knorr, Hellmann’s and Rama.

Unilever South Africa has greater than 3500 full-time personnel of its employ, over the states seven fabricating locations and two corporate offices.

Scholarship Level/Field

The Unilever Bursary South Africa is available for undergraduates who are pursuing a degree in any of the fields of engineering study in South Africa;

Host Nationality

The Scholarship is hosted in South Africa. If you are an international student and you desire to study in South Africa. Check out the best scholarships obtainable for study in South Africa

Eligible Nationality

The Unilever Bursary South Africa is available for students from South Africa. Read also if you wish to study outside your home country Simple and Detailed Answers about Applying and Winning a Scholarship.

Scholarship Worth

The benefits accrued to the bursary recipients are not specified. However, the bursary will have fully funded tuition benefits.

Scholarship Number

The number of offers was not specified.

Eligibility for Scholarship

Applicants should meet the following minimum entrance standards before implementing the application (please notice that failure to meet each of the prerequisites will probably result in an application not being considered):

  • Candidate must be a South African citizen
  • must have completed Matric or currently in Matric
  • is already enrolled or intend on studying in one of the aforementioned Engineering fields
  • Studying or intend on studying at a recognized South African university
  • Has strong academic results in Mathematics and Physical Science

Application Procedures

Download and finish the Unilever Bursary application type in either of these formats:
Unilever Bursary Form (.Doc)
Unilever Bursary Form (. pdf)

As an alternative, you may download the latest form from www.unilever.co.za/careers/graduates

Submit clear copies of these supporting documentation together with your completed Form (the entry of those documents is mandatory — when some items are lost, your program be dismissed ):

  • A certified copy of ID document
  • A copy of Matric latest results, if currently in Matric
  • A copy of Matric certificate, if completed Matric
  • Latest tertiary academic record, if a university

The software should be filed at one of the following manners:
1) Mail: Bursary.SA@unilever.com
two ) Article:
The Bursary Offices
Emma O’Toole
PO BOX 4923

(Note: Please Make Sure That you indicate your program as follows: “Unilever Bursary Application — Your full Name”)

For any questions associated with the bursary program, please contact Unilever:

Unilever SA Graduate Recruitment
Tel: 031 571 9600
Email: Bursary.SA@unilever.com

Application Deadline

The deadline for an application for the bursary is 30 April every academic year.
(Applications submitted after this date won’t be accepted — please apply prior to the final date to make sure your application is accepted)


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