10 Public Health Scholarships In The UK For Students In Developing Countries

Public health aspires to improve the quality of life by preventing and treating diseases, including mental health. This is done during the surveillance of cases and health indicators and by promoting healthy behaviors.

The field of public health requires the prevention and education of the general public to help advance the overall health and reduce risks to a population, as opposed to providing one patient’s medical treatment at a time.

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The United Kingdom is one of the most exciting places to study public health as it has lots of institutions that offer courses at undergraduate, Master’s, Ph.D., Post-doctoral, and research levels and a high level of effectiveness and international standard.

Numerous scholarship opportunities also exist to aid you in financing your studies while in the UK.

In light of this, we invite you to explore the list of 10 Best Public Health Scholarships in the UK for Students from Developing Countries.

  • The Glenmore Medical Postgraduate Scholarship at the University of Edinburgh
  • Edinburgh Online Global Health Scholarships
  • Oxford University Fully-Funded Scholarships for Developing Countries in the UK
  • Fully Funded 1,500 Chevening Scholarships In the UK For Nigerian Students
  • Nottingham Developing Solutions Scholarships
  • Senior Fellowships In Public Health And Tropical Medicine For Developing Countries
  • University of Westminster Ph.D., MSc, and MPH Public Health Scholarship
  • Imperial College Business School Public Healthcare Scholarship In the UK
  • CEHC Scholarships For Master Degree In Public Health For Eye Care, UK
  • Glasgow Caledonian University Master of Public Health Scholarship in the UK

#1. Glenmore Medical Postgraduate Scholarship at the University of Edinburgh

Host/Eligible country: Glenmore Medical Postgraduate Scholarships is hosted in the UK and is meant for students from developing countries.

Level: The scholarship is for students pursuing their Postgraduate courses in Public health in the UK.

Scholarship Benefit/Number of awards: Glenmore Medical Postgraduate Scholarship comprises tuition fees of about £21,200, and any surplus is paid as a stipend. The number of the offer was not specified.

Scholarship Link

#2. Edinburgh Online Global Health Scholarships

Host/Eligible country: Edinburgh Online Global Health Scholarships is hosted in the UK and is meant for students from developing countries.

Level: The scholarship is for students pursuing their Master’s program in the UK’s public health field.

Scholarship Benefit/Number of awards: The scholarship package includes a full tuition fee, free participation in summer school, payments towards internet usage and printing of materials, and project costs. The number of the offer was not specified.

Scholarship Link

#3. Oxford University Fully-Funded Scholarships For Developing Countries In the UK

Host/Eligible country: Oxford University Scholarships will be taken in the UK and are meant for students from developing countries.

Level: The scholarship is open for students to pursue the full-graduate study of Public health in the UK.

Scholarship Benefit/Number of awards: The scholarship will cover 100% of University and college fees and a grant for living costs (of at least £14,296). Awards are made for the entire duration of your fee liability for the agreed course. The number of the offer was not specified.

Scholarship Link

#4. Fully Funded 1,500 Chevening Scholarships In the UK For Nigerian Students 2024

Host/Eligible Country: The Chevening scholarship is hosted in the UK and available to students from developing countries.

Level: The scholarship is available to pursue Undergraduate and Post-graduate studies in Public Health.

Scholarship Benefit/Number of awards: A total Chevening Scholarship award typically comprises:

  • Payment of tuition fees;
  • Travel to and from your country of residence by an approved route for you only;
  • An arrival allowance;
  • A grant for the cost of preparation of a thesis or dissertation (if required);
  • An excess baggage allowance;
  • The cost of entry clearance (visa) application is for you only;
  • A monthly personal living allowance (stipend) covers accommodation and living expenses. The monthly salary will depend on whether you study inside or outside London. It is currently £917 per month outside London and £1134 per month inside London (subject to annual review).
  • Scholarship Link

#5. Nottingham Developing Solutions Scholarships 2024

Host/Eligible Country: This scholarship scheme is funded and hosted by the University of Nottingham, United Kingdom, and is available for students from developing countries.

Level: The scholarship was developed to aid international students from developing countries who desire to obtain a master’s degree in public health from the university and want to impact their country’s developmentGreat financial rewards of up to 105 scholarships given out, with 50-100% tuition funding.

Scholarship Link

#5. 2024 Senior Fellowships In Public Health And Tropical Medicine For Developing Countries

Host/Eligible Country: This scholarship is hosted in the United Kingdom and is available to students from developing countries.

Level: The scholarship is aimed at assisting financial students from developing countries who desire to pursue research to understand and improve public health and diseases of local, national, and global relevance.

Scholarship Worth: Senior Fellowships in Public Health and Tropical Medicine provide the support that includes:

A basic salary and research expenses,

Course fees were appropriate and justified

Research management and support costs

An inflation allowance and support to attend scientific meetings

Provision for public engagement costs.

Where appropriate, overseas allowances will be provided for periods of training or collaborative research spent outside the home institution country. Research-dedicated costs (excluding salary costs) should not exceed £100 000 per annum.

Scholarship Link

#6. University of Westminster Ph.D., MSc, and MPH Public Health Scholarship

Host/Eligible country: University of Westminster Scholarships is hosted in the UK and is meant for students from developing countries.

Level: The scholarship is for students pursuing their master’s and Ph.D. programs in the UK’s public health field.

Scholarship Benefit/Number of awards: This scholarship covers tuition fees, accommodation, living expenses & flights. The number of the offer was not specified.

Scholarship Link

#7. Imperial College Business School Public Healthcare Scholarship In UK, 2024

Host/Eligible country: Imperial College Business School, Public Healthcare Scholarships, is hosted by Imperial College, UK, and is meant for students from developing countries.

Level: The scholarship is for students pursuing their masters in the UK public health field.

Scholarship Benefit/Number of awards: This scholarship has a reward of up to £10,000. The number of the offer was not specified.

Scholarship Link

#8. CEHC Scholarships For Master Degree In Public Health For Eye Care, UK

Host/Eligible country: CEHC University Scholarships will be taken in the UK and are meant for students from developing countries.

Level: The scholarship is open for students to pursue a Master’s degree in Public Health for Eye Care in the UK.

Scholarship Benefit/Number of awards: This scholarship will cover course fees, two return flights, dissertation project funds, and living Master’snd and accommodation at the International Students House in Central London. The number of the offer was not specified.

Scholarship Link

#9. Glasgow Caledonian University Master of Public Health Scholarship in UK, 2024

Host/Eligible country: Glasgow Caledonian University Scholarships will be taken in the UK and made available to students from developing countries.

Level: The scholarship is open for students to pursue Masters and a Ph.D. degree in Public Health in the UK.

Scholarship Benefit/Number of awards: The Scholarship covers your tuition fees throughout your Public Health Studies. The number of the offer was not specified.

Scholarship Link


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