15 Scholarships for Angola Students to Study in New Zealand 2024

Are you an Angolan student searching for scholarships to study in New Zealand? Then, you are in the right place as we have compiled a list of 15 scholarships for Angola students to study in New Zealand you can apply for in 2024

New Zealand is one of the most beautiful countries in the world. The citizens are friendly and welcoming towards foreigners; English is their lingua-franca; they have world-class high schools, colleges, institutes of technology and universities; and it is the ideal place for an adventure with students from other parts of the world.

Studying in New Zealand is a thrill Angolan Students should get, especially with the availability of scholarships to subsidize or completely eliminate the cost of studying abroad. These scholarships vary by level of study, the discipline of study, and universities.

List Of Scholarships for Angola Students to Study in New Zealand 2024

Here is a list of the top 15 scholarships for Angolan students who wish to study in New Zealand in the new 2024-2024 academic year.

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  • Lincoln University’s Struthers Scholarship 2024
  • New Zealand College of Humanities and Social Sciences International Excellence Scholarship 2024
  • University of Waikato Doctoral Scholarship in New Zealand, 2024
  • University of Otago – Alan Musgrave Scholarship in Philosophy in New Zealand, 2024
  • Auckland University of Technology’s Culture and Society Doctoral Scholarships in New Zealand, 2024
  • University of Canterbury – Dow AgroSciences Bursary in Chemical Engineering in New Zealand, 2024
  • University of Waikato Taught Postgraduate Scholarships in New Zealand, 2024
  • Equity Grants, 2024
  • University of Auckland Scholarships
  • VUW Postgraduate and Ph.D. scholarships
  • Victoria University of Wellington – Margaret Nielsen Music Scholarship in New Zealand, 2024
  • International Brain Research Organization (IBRO)’s African Regional Committee (ARC) Bursaries 2024
  • Cancer Research Institute Irvington Postdoctoral Fellowship, 2024
  • BeArt Presets Academic Scholarship

Lincoln University’s Struthers Scholarship 2024

This scholarship is available to Master’s degree students in all subjects offered by University. The scholarship is provided by Lincoln University, New Zealand and the value is Partial Funding of up to NZ $25,000.

It is open to students from every part of the world. The deadline for applying is 31 October annually.

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New Zealand College of Humanities and Social Sciences International Excellence Scholarship 2024

This scholarship is available to Undergraduate and Postgraduate degree students in the field of programs available in the College of Humanities and Social Sciences.

The scholarship is provided by the University of Massey and the value is a maximum of NZD 20,000 (for a 4-year program) for the Undergraduate Program and a maximum of NZD 10,000 (for a 2-year program) for the Postgraduate Program.

It is open to students from every part of the world. The deadline for applying is 01 May 2024.

Applications are submitted to international@massey.ac.nz.

Download and fill the application form on the website.

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Read Also: 15 Scholarships for Angola Students to Study in USA

University of Waikato Doctoral Scholarship in New Zealand, 2024

This scholarship is available to Ph.D. degree students in the field of Demographic and Economic Analysis.

The scholarship is provided by the University of Waikato and the value is Full Funding comprising a Tuition fee waiver and $22,000 per annum.

It is open to students from every part of the world. The deadline for applying is 31 January 2024.

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University of Otago – Alan Musgrave Scholarship in Philosophy in New Zealand, 2024

This scholarship is available to Master’s degree students in the field of Philosophy. The scholarship is provided by the University of Otago and the value is Partial Funding comprising Tuition fees and NZ $15,000 each year.

It is open to students from every part of the world. The deadline for applying is 01 September 2024.

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Victoria University of Wellington Frank Evison Research Scholarship in Geophysics, 2024

This scholarship is available to Masters and Ph. D. degree students for Long term seismogenesis and earthquake forecasting.

The scholarship is provided by Victoria University of Wellington and the value is Partial Funding of $15,000.

It is open to students from every part of the world. The deadline for applying is 01 November annually. (https://bellarinova.com)

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Auckland University of Technology’s Culture and Society Doctoral Scholarships in New Zealand, 2024

This scholarship is available to Ph.D. degree students in the field of Culture and Society.

The scholarship is provided by Auckland University of Technology (AUT) and the value is Full Funding comprising full tuition fees and a Stipend of $10,000.

It is open to students from every part of the world. The deadline for applying is 15 June 2024.

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University of Canterbury – Dow AgroSciences Bursary in Chemical Engineering in New Zealand, 2024

This scholarship is available to Bachelor’s degree students in the field of Chemical Engineering.

The scholarship is provided by the University of Canterbury and the value is Partial Funding of $2,500.

It is open to students from every part of the world. The deadline for applying is 31 March annually.

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University of Waikato Taught Postgraduate Scholarships in New Zealand, 2024

This scholarship is one of the 15 scholarships for Angola students to study in New Zealand, 2024. It is available to Master’s degree students in all subjects offered by the university.

The scholarship is provided by the University of Waikato and the value is Partial Funding of up to $3,000.

It is open to students from New Zealand, permanent residents, and International students. The deadline for applying is 30 April each year.

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Equity Grants, 2024

This scholarship is available to Bachelor’s and Master’s degree students in all subjects offered by the university.

The scholarship is provided by Victoria University of Wellington and the value is Partial Funding of up to $2,000.

It is open to students from every part of the world. The deadline for applying varies according to the period of application.

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University of Auckland Scholarships

This scholarship is one of the scholarships for Angolan students to study in New Zealand, 2024. is available to Ph. D. degree students in all programs offered by the University of Auckland.

The scholarship is provided by the University of Auckland and the value is Partial Funding of up to $27,600 per annum.

It is open to students from every part of the world. The deadline for applying varies according to the period of application.

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VUW Postgraduate and Ph.D. scholarships

This scholarship is available to Masters’s and Ph.D. degree students in all subjects offered by the University.

The scholarship is provided by Victoria University of Wellington and the value is Full Funding, depending on students’ needs.

It is open to students from every part of the world. The deadline for applying varies according to the period of application.

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Victoria University of Wellington – Margaret Nielsen Music Scholarship in New Zealand, 2024

This scholarship is a scholarship for Angolan students to study in New Zealand, 2024. It is available to Bachelor’s degree students in the field of Music.

The scholarship is provided by Victoria University of Wellington and the value is Partial Funding of up to NZ $1,000, depending on the availability of funds.

It is open to students from every part of the world. The deadline for applying is 31 March annually.

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International Brain Research Organization (IBRO)’s African Regional Committee (ARC) Bursaries 2024

This scholarship is one of the 15 scholarships for Angola students to study in New Zealand, 2024. It is available to Ph.D. degree students in the field of fundamental or clinical research in Neuroscience at any institution in Africa and Abroad.

The scholarship is provided by The International Brain Research Organization (IBRO) and the value is Partial Funding of up to EUR 4,000.

It is open to students from Africa only. The deadline for applying is 20 February each year.

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Application Link

Cancer Research Institute Irvington Postdoctoral Fellowship, 2024

This scholarship is one of the 15 scholarships for Angola students to study in New Zealand, 2024. It is available to Post Doc degree students in all cancer immunology-related fields of study offered by any non-profit institution across the world.

The scholarship is provided by Cancer Research Institute and the value is Full Funding of $175,500 for over three years.

It is open to students from every part of the world. The deadline for applying is 01 April annually.

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BeArt Presets Academic Scholarship

This scholarship is available to High School/Secondary School, Bachelor’s, and Master’s degree students in any subject offered by accredited Universities or academic institutions worldwide.

The scholarship is provided by BeArt and the value is Partial Funding of $2500. It is open to students from every part of the world. The deadline for applying is 01 April annually.

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Editor’s Recommendation

We also recommend other scholarship opportunities.

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