Melissa Centrella Memorial Scholarship Fund 

Melissa Centrella memorial scholarship fund 2024 is designed to help individuals that have a fantastic heart keep up with the good works. Melissa’s Hope Scholarships serve as a tribute to Melissa Centrella’s life of courage and love.

Each year, Melissa’s Hope awards several scholarships to New Jersey students pursuing careers in nursing, medical sciences, or a medical technology field.

Because medicine and care were so important to Melissa’s daily life, she had a deep respect for the people that helped to bring dignity, comfort, and attention to her special needs.

About the Sponsor: Melissa Anne Centrella Scholarship Foundation.

After a long battle with Dystonia, Melissa Centrella passed away in June 2002. Her family and friends keep memorabilia as an honor of their daughter to create a scholarship program called Melissa Anne Centrella Scholarship Foundation. This program is devoted to the lifetime of Melissa Cantrell along with her actions.

Throughout the attempt produced by the category of Melissa Anne Centrella, this program foundation has been shrouded. Though it’s a debilitating manner to lose a loved one but to keep on her actions is a fantastic noble.

Their daughter gets one’s center for everybody who seeks help therefore, it’s their assignment to keep on exactly what had been Melissa Centrella had begun as a fervent mission of love. The positive ability Mellissa attracted to one other sufferer of Dystonia can be a noble personality where their family members would really like to talk with students who wanted to pursue their education.

Level/Field of Study

The Melissa Centrella memorial scholarship fund is open College Freshman, College Sophomore, College Junior, College Senior too and college in the under-listed courses:

Host Nationality

This Melissa Centrella memorial scholarship fund 2024 is to be taken in New Jersey. If you are an international student seeking scholarships to study in the United State of America, you can find such on Study in the USA category.

You can also check out other Study Abroad scholarships available for you irrespective of where you are coming from

Eligible Nationality

This scholarship organized by Melissa Anne Centrella Scholarship Foundation and is opened for students who are New Jersey citizens.

Scholarship Benefits

The firm will provide an award worth $5,000 will be given to an underprivileged student who suffers financial constraints but has an attitude in pursuing a good education.

Who is eligible to apply  for melissa Centrella memorial scholarship

To be eligible to apply for this scholarship the applicant must;

  • Have to Be a resident of New Jersey
  • Must reveal traits and mindset since Melissa Anne Centrella need
  • need to pursue a bachelor diploma in nursing, medical sciences, and medical technical area
  • Must enroll in colleges licensed by Melissa Anne Centrella Scholarship Foundation

How to Apply for melissa Centrella memorial scholarship Fund

Entire online application on the site. A pdf file will be downloaded that you input your details and submission requirements.

Go to the website to APPLY

The deadline for this particular year had passed nonetheless it’s a yearly scholarship award, therefore, it’s still possible to apply for the following forthcoming batch.

Application Deadline for Melissa Centrella memorial scholarship

This scholarship has ended. But keep in touch with us for more details. Melissa’s Hope scholarship application is available online.


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