Scholarships for Djibouti Students in UK 

Are you a Djibouti student battling with the ups and downs of finding a good university to study in the UK or scholarships for Djibouti Students?

We are happy to announce Scholarships for Djibouti students to Study in UK 2024 which are fully funded and are applicable in internationally accredited universities in the UK.

UK Opportunities are amongst the world’s best Paying Opportunities. The Scholarship in the UK can go for over $7,500 to over $100,000.

The Scholarships listed below are not only open to Djibouti students but also African students and students from major Sub-Saharan countries.

You are strongly advised to begin the application process as soon as possible.

Amongst the Scholarships for Djibouti in the UK, you can get through many other opportunities like fellowships, Grants Internships all for Djibouti students

Also, take the liberty to apply for more than one Scholarship to increase your chances of being awarded any of them.

Here at World Scholarship Forum, we wish you a successful application. Do well to check out our website regularly for fresh opportunities.

Table of Contents Hide
    1. 1. University of Aberdeen Masters Scholarships for African Students 2024
    2. 2. Mastercard Foundation University of Gondar Graduate Scholarships for East African Students 2024 
    3. 3. Czech Government Scholarships for Developing Countries 2024 – Undergraduate, Masters and Doctorate
    4. 4. Reach Oxford Scholarships for Undergraduates from Developing Countries 2024
    5. 5. Ashinaga Fully-funded Undergraduate Scholarships 2024 for Orphans from Sub-Saharan African Countries
    6. 6. University of Twente 2024 Kipaji Masters Scholarships for Students from Developing Countries
    7. 7. TU Delft Sub-Saharan Africa Excellence Scholarships 2024 for African Students – The Netherlands
    8. 8. University of Strathclyde Postgraduate Elite Scholarships 2024 for African Students
    9. 9. New Zealand Development Scholarships 2024 for African and Developing Countries’ Students
    10. 10. The Government of Brunei Darussalam Scholarships 2024 for International Students
    11. 11. The Government of Austria ITH Fully-Funded Masters Scholarships 2024 for Developing Countries
    12. 12. Professor De Winter International Masters Scholarships for Women – Netherlands
    13. 13. University of Bradford Global Development Scholarships for Masters Students 2024
    14. 14. University of Birmingham African MBA Scholarships for African Students 2024
    15. 15. University of the Arts London (UAL) Tuition and Accommodation Scholarships for Developing Countries 2024 – UK
    16. 16. the American University of Beirut MasterCard Foundation Scholarship Program 2024 for Sub-Saharan African Students
    17. 17. Romanian Government Scholarships 2024 for International Students
  1. Conclusion
  2. Frequently Asked Questions
  3. Recommendations

1. University of Aberdeen Masters Scholarships for African Students 2024

The University of Aberdeen is currently offering scholarships for Djibouti students who wish to undertake Masters taught subjects at a Scotland University.

Host Nationality: Scotland
Level of Study: Master’s degree
Scholarship Worth: £2,000 tuition fee discount
Application Link:

2. Mastercard Foundation University of Gondar Graduate Scholarships for East African Students 2024 

The Mastercard Foundation Scholars Program (MCFSP) at the University of Gondar awards a total of 160 graduate scholarships for Djibouti students for the 2024 academic session.

Host Nationality: UK
Level of Study: Master’s degree
Application Deadline: Varies
Application Link:

3. Czech Government Scholarships for Developing Countries 2024 – Undergraduate, Masters and Doctorate

The Czech Ministry of Education, Youth and Sport offer five partial scholarships for Djibouti students going through a process of political and economic transition.

Host Nationality: Czech Republic
Level of Study: Bachelor’s/Master’s & PhD
Application Deadline: 30th September 2024
Application Link:

4. Reach Oxford Scholarships for Undergraduates from Developing Countries 2024

The University of Oxford, UK offers the Reach Oxford scholarships for Djibouti students to study for a Bachelors degree in any course offered at the institution 2024.

Host Nationality: UK
Level of Study: Bachelor’s degree
Application Deadline: 13th February 2024
Application Link:

5. Ashinaga Fully-funded Undergraduate Scholarships 2024 for Orphans from Sub-Saharan African Countries

Ashinaga, Japan-based non-profit organization offers scholarships for Djibouti students to study for undergraduate degrees at  world-leading universities in countries such as Japan, US, UK, etc

Host Nationality: Japan
Level of Study: Bachelor’s degree
Application Deadline: 16th December
Application Link:

6. University of Twente 2024 Kipaji Masters Scholarships for Students from Developing Countries

The Kipaji Scholarship Fund was established for talented students from countries with upcoming economies, like in parts of South America, Africa, and Asia. Recipient students would receive Scholarships to study for their master’s degree program at the University of Twente.

Host Nationality: UK
Level of Study: Master’s degree
Application Deadline: 1st May 2024
Application Link:

7. TU Delft Sub-Saharan Africa Excellence Scholarships 2024 for African Students – The Netherlands

TU Delft | Global Initiative offers four Sub-Saharan Africa Excellence scholarships for Djibouti students every year for talented, motivated and broadly interested students to study at the Delft University of Technology.

Host Nationality: Netherlands
Level of Study: Bachelor’s degree
Application Deadline: 15th December 2024 (23:59 CET)
Application Link:

8. University of Strathclyde Postgraduate Elite Scholarships 2024 for African Students

Scholarships of £4000/£3500 and £3000/£2500 for tuition fees are currently available to students studying on MSc/PGT programs in Science.

Host Nationality: UK
Level of Study: Master’s degree
Application Deadline: 1st April 2024
Application Link

9. New Zealand Development Scholarships 2024 for African and Developing Countries’ Students

New Zealand Aid Programme Scholarships (NZDS) offers the opportunity to students from select African countries to undertake development-related studies at tertiary education institutions in New Zealand. Recipients are required to return to their home country for at least two years after the completion of their scholarship to apply the new knowledge in government, civil society or private business organisations.

Host Nationality: New Zealand
Level of Study: Bachelor’s degree
Application Deadline: 14th March 2024 12.00 pm NZ Time.
Application Link:

10. The Government of Brunei Darussalam Scholarships 2024 for International Students

The Government of Brunei Darussalam offers annual scholarships for Djibouti students to study at the University of Brunei Darussalam [UBD], Islam Sultan Sharif Ali university [UNISSA] Brunei Institute of Technology [ITB], and Politeknik Brunei (PB).

These scholarships are awarded for pursuing the undergraduate and postgraduate degree programs in various disciplines offered by the UBD, UNISSA, and ITB at different levels.

Host Nationality: Brunei
Level of Study: Bachelor’s &Master’s degree
Application Deadline: 28th February 2024.
Application Link:

11. The Government of Austria ITH Fully-Funded Masters Scholarships 2024 for Developing Countries

Limited scholarships are offered every year by the Austrian Development Cooperation to attend ITH. The Austrian Development Cooperation through the Institute of Tourism and Hotel Management offers about 30 scholarships for Djibouti students. The Tourism School in Salzburg has an outstanding international reputation and a long tradition. They train future entrepreneurs and employees according to the needs of the international tourism and leisure industry.

Host Nationality: Austria
Level of Study: Bachelor’s degree
Application Deadline: 1st May 2024
Application Link:

12. Professor De Winter International Masters Scholarships for Women – Netherlands

The Professor De Winter Master’s Scholarships in the Netherlands for Women at the University of Twente for Students of Non-EU/EEA Countries for the September 2024 academic session.

Host Nationality: Netherlands
Level of Study: Bachelor’s degree
Scholarship Worth: € 7,500 per year for the full duration of your Master’s program.
Application Deadline: 31 March 2024
Application Link:

13. University of Bradford Global Development Scholarships for Masters Students 2024

The University of Bradford Global Development Scholarships is offered to students from war-stricken countries to study for Masters at the University of Bradford.

Host Nationality: UK
Level of Study: Master’s degree
Application Deadline: 15th May 2024
Application Link:

14. University of Birmingham African MBA Scholarships for African Students 2024

The African MBA Scholarship is a full fees scholarship (£25,950 for 2024 entry), part-funded by a private donor with a commitment to Africa and part by the University.

Host Nationality: UK
Level of Study: MBA
Application Deadline: Varies
Application Link:

15. University of the Arts London (UAL) Tuition and Accommodation Scholarships for Developing Countries 2024 – UK

The University of the Arts London is currently offering tuition and accommodation scholarships for Djibouti students. Candidate must have applied to study a full-time taught Master’s course that offers either an M ARCH, MA, MFA, MRes, or MSc qualification at one of UAL’s six Colleges starting in the academic year of 2024.

Host Nationality: London
Level of Study: Master’s degree
Application Deadline: 25th May 2024 (11:59 pm BST)
Application Link:–funding/scholarships-search/ual-international-postgraduate-scholarships/

16. the American University of Beirut MasterCard Foundation Scholarship Program 2024 for Sub-Saharan African Students

American University of Beirut MasterCard Foundation Scholarship Program is currently running Masters scholarships for Djibouti students in 2024.

Host Nationality: UK
Level of Study: Master’s degree
Application Deadline: 18th March 2024
Application Link:

17. Romanian Government Scholarships 2024 for International Students

The Romanian Government through the Ministry of Foreign Affairs offers scholarships to foreign citizens to study for Undergraduate, Masters, and Doctoral Degrees for the 2024 academic year. 85 scholarships will be awarded to international students to study in Romania.

Host Nationality: UK
Level of Study: Bachelor’s/Master’s & PhD
Application Deadline: 15th March 2024
Application Link:


There you have it! 17 Scholarships for Djibouti to Study in UK 2024, although all African students are welcome to apply.

Remember to apply to as many related Scholarships as possible and most importantly submit your applications at least a week before the stated deadline. Good luck!

Frequently Asked Questions

The Djibouti Scholarship in the UK can go for over $7,500 to over $100,000.

Yes. Please take the liberty to apply for more than one Scholarship to increase your chances of being awarded any of them.

However, you can get a £2,000 tuition tuition fee discount.


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