$2,000 Bitch Media fellowship | USA

The Bitch Media Organization celebrates its 21st anniversary and is pleased to offer writers Bitch Media Fellowship.

The program comprises a series of three-month intensive writing scholarships aimed at developing, supporting and reinforcing new and diverse voices in feminist, activist and pop culture media. conscious

It aims this scholarship at authors who want to develop further. The Voice of Bitch Media is intended to provide a thoughtful and committed response to traditional media and pop culture and encourage them to consider feminism as an element necessary to the broader movement of social justice.

Scholars will receive a scholarship of $ 2,000 for the three-month scholarship ($ 8,000 in total).

Just take your time and go through this article, the World Scholarship Forum has arranged every detail you need to be a participant in the Bitch Media Fellowship.

What you Need to Know about Bitch Media fellowship 2022

Bitch Media is an independent, feminist, nonprofit media organization whose mission is to promote and promote a committed and thoughtful feminist response to traditional media and popular culture.

This Writing fellowships 2024 publishes the award-winning magazine Bitch: A Feminist Response to Pop Culture, as well as Daily Articles and Opinions Online. Weekly podcasts and lectures and workshops worldwide through Bitch on Campus.

Bitch Media is pleased to kick off the fourth year of our fellowship program. We seek fellows who are passionate, engaged, and interested in developing their unique voices for these four fellowships, each of which pays a stipend of $2,000 for the three-month period.

Level/ Field of Study

These fellowships are available to pursue a series of three-month intensive writing. Scholars will be working in one of four areas during the writing fellowships 2024 scholarship period:

  • Reproduction rights and justice
  • Criticism of pop culture
  • Technology
  • Global feminism

Host Nationality

The fellowship is hosted by The Bitch Media Organization. Scholarships can be taken in South African.

Aside from the fellowship, there are other scholarships available to international students to study abroad. You can check our scholarship by country to access all scholarships available

Eligible Nationality

Bitch Media fellowship 2024 is for Applicants of all nationalities who are eligible for these fellowships.

Read also if you wish to study outside your home country Simple and Detailed Answers about Applying and Winning a Scholarship.

Fellowship Worth

  • Receive a grant of $2,000 for the three-month scholarship (each subject).
  • Produce at least six online articles for Bitch Media in the area of their stock exchange. These texts can take various forms: reported, analytical, advocacy questions, even infographics and contain at least 600 words.
  • Produce at least one long article for publication in the quarterly Bitch Magazine: Feminist Reaction to Pop Culture.
  • Participate in two-week discussions (by phone or Skype if the fellows cannot meet in person) with the Fellowship Director and other writing fellowships employees.
  • Get mentoring and support for creating, formatting, and editing articles and blog posts.
  • Get support in publishing future articles and essays, and make good connections in feminist media
  • You can access the Bitch Media Library, which contains more than 2,000 books on feminist theory and activism, gender studies, race and others, pop culture criticism, and social justice.


  • Fellows can be anywhere in the world, or at least anywhere, and have access to email and Skype.
  • There is no age limit.
  • If you are a writer with minimal publishing experience, he strongly recommends you to apply.
  • Once you are passionate about one of the areas above but have not written or written about it in a blog, you will be asked to apply.
  • If you are a writer and always know what topics you are obsessed with, ask them to apply.
  • Scholarship holders may be located worldwide and US citizenship or residence need not be considered as fellows. Writers who have contributed to Bitch Media will be considered on a case-by-case basis.

How to Apply for Bitch Media Fellowship 2022

To apply for the media fellowship, the candidate must submit an online application by creating an account via the link provided: https://bitchmedia.submittable.com/submit.

Application Deadline for the Bitch Media Fellowship 2024 Program

Applications for the 2024 Bitch Media Writers Awards are open from 17 July to 31 August. (Applicants may apply for a grant in several areas, but must submit a separate application each time.)

Fellows will work with Bitch Media over the next four quarters:

January 1st to March 30th
April 1st to 30th of June
1st of July to 30th of September
1st of October to 31st of December

Check the link below for more information:

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Editor’s Recommendations

We hope this writing provided your scholarship necessities. Please share with your friends and leave your question or response in the comment box for us to serve you better.

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