15 Scholarships For Congo To Study In Singapore

Are you a Congo student looking to study in Singapore on a funded scholarship? We are happy to announce 15 Scholarships for Congo to Study in Singapore in 2024.

The Scholarships listed below are not only open to Congo students but also talented African students and students from Sub Saharan countries.

The deadline for these Scholarships is in a few month’s time so it’s advised that you begin the application process as soon as possible.

Also, take the liberty to apply for more than one Scholarship to increase your chances of being awarded any of them. Here at World Scholarship Forum, we wish you a successful application. Do well to check out our website regularly for fresh opportunities.

15 Scholarships for Congo to Study in Singapore 2024

Below are some of the scholarships for Congolese students to study in Singapore. Do well to apply for any of them.

#1. The Government of Singapore – ICAO Training Scholarships for Developing Countries

Singapore and ICAO jointly established the Developing Countries Training Programme (DCTP) sponsored by the Singapore Government. This organization is administered by the ICAO Technical Cooperation Bureau for specialized training programs conducted by the Singapore Aviation Academy (SAA).

This program has been extended for another three years and expanded to provide 10 scholarships.

Scholarship Amount:

The Government of Singapore will cover the training fees, the daily allowance of Sixty Singapore Dollars (S$60) and hotel accommodation for participants accepted for the programs.

Application Link

Scholarship Link

#2. Singapore International Graduate Award

SINGA is an award given to international students with excellent academic undergraduate and/or master’s results, and a strong interest in doing research leading to a doctorate (PhD) in Science and Engineering at a Singapore University.

Application Deadline: 1 June (annual)

Scholarship Link

#3. Nanyang President’s Graduate Scholarships (fully-funded) for International Students 2022

The Nanyang President’s Graduate Scholarship (NPGS) is a prestigious scholarship scheme designed to encourage outstanding graduates or final-year students to partake in a research career by studying for a doctoral degree programme (PhD) at the Nanyang Technological University (NTU), one of Asia’s leading research universities.

Nanyang Technological University funds the Nanyang President’s Graduate PhD Scholarship for International students in Singapore. Funding will be provided for up to 4 years for NPGS awardees, and up to 30 NPGS awards will be made available in each Academic Year.

Application Deadline:

30th November, annually.

Application Link

Scholarship Link

#4. INSEAD Nelson Mandela Endowed Scholarships 2024 for Sub-Saharan African Students

The INSEAD Nelson Mandela Endowed Scholarship is offered to students who are nationals of a sub-Saharan African country and have spent a substantial part of their lives and received part of their prior education in Africa.

Application Deadlines:

The date for submission varies.

Scholarship Link

#5. Singapore Government Scholarships for Southeast Asians

The Singapore Scholarship is a Government to Government Scholarship for students who are citizens of ASEAN member countries (except Singapore) to undergo a full-time undergraduate study at the Singapore University (NUS, NTU or SMU).

Application Deadline:

14 December annually

Scholarship Link

#6. ASEAN Foundation Scholarships in Development, Environment, and IT for ASEAN Nationals

The ASEAN Foundation (AF) and NUS collaborated to develop human resources within ASEAN member countries through the ASEAN Foundation Research Scholarship.

This scholarship programme is part of the ASEAN Foundation Scholarships for Postgraduate Studies and funded through the Japan-ASEAN Solidarity Fund.

Application Deadline:

15 May/15 Nov annually

Contact information:

For more information, please contact Registrar’s Office at gdhelp@nus.edu.sg

Scholarship Link

 #7. Lee Kong Chian Graduate Scholarships at National University of Singapore

The Lee Kong Chian Graduate Scholarships were established from donations received from the Lee Foundation and are the most prestigious scholarship awards for graduate students at the National University of Singapore.

This scholarship is intended for students who would like to pursue PhD Programmes at the University.

Application Deadline:

15 November (annual)

Scholarship Link

#8. INSEAD-Syngenta MBA Scholarships for Developing Country Leaders

Syngenta is a world-leading agribusiness committed to sustainable agriculture through innovative research and technology. Syngenta is particularly committed to the dynamic emerging market regions and has therefore chosen to offer this scholarship opportunity to future leaders from emerging countries.

Scholarship Amount:

The Scholarship is worth €22,500

Application Deadline:

4 Jan/8 Apr/3 Jun annually

Scholarship Link

#9. Fully Funded Commonwealth PhD Scholarships for study in Singapore 2024

Applications are currently open for the Fully Funded Commonwealth PhD Scholarships for study in Singapore 2024, eligible candidates are welcome to apply. The Commonwealth Scholarship is awarded to outstanding international students from Commonwealth countries seeking admission to pursuing a Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) program by research at the University.

Application Deadline:

31 January annually.

Scholarship Link

#10. Lasalle Future Leader Scholarship, 2024

Lasalle Future Leader Scholarship 2024 is an Undergraduate scholarship offered to international students to study at the Lasalle College of the Arts Singapore.

Scholarship Amount:

The scholarship is worth about 10,000 Singaporean dollars.

Scholarship Link

#11. Nanyang Technological University (NTU) Global Digital Art Prize in Singapore

Nanyang Technological University in collaboration with the Institute of Science and Technology for Humanity (NISTH) and the School of Art, Design, and Media is currently awarding the NTU Global Digital Art Prize 2024. This scholarship is open to Congo students who are talented and outstanding in arts.

Scholarship Amount:

The scholarship prize is worth $50,000 (USD 35,000).

Scholarship Link

#12. Fully Funded A*STAR Computing and Information Science (ACIS) PhD Scholarship in Singapore, 2024

The new A*STAR Computing and Information Science (ACIS) Scholarship is now available for Congo students to pursue a PhD in computing and information science (CIS) disciplines.

Scholarship Link

#13. NRF Research Fellowship for Artificial Intelligence Singapore, 2024

National Research Foundation (NRF) is currently accepting applications for the national research foundation Fellowship from Researchers to enable them to pursue research in Artificial Intelligence. This Fellowship is available to Congo students.

Scholarship link

#14. SG LEADS Postdoctoral Fellowship for International Students at National University of Singapore, 2022

Applications are welcome for the Postdoctoral Fellowship Singapore Longitudinal Early Development Study at the National University of Singapore. This position is intended for outstanding active researchers from Congo to work on a longitudinal study on childhood development in Singapore.

Scholarship Link

#15. Singapore Management University Overseas Postdoctoral Fellowship (OPF) to Study Abroad, 2022

The Singapore Management University is currently open to applications for the Overseas Postdoctoral Fellowship (OPF) to study at an overseas university for one year. Students from Djibouti are eligible to apply for this fellowship. Other international students too are eligible.

Scholarship Link

Scholarships for Congo to Study in Singapore-FAQs

Be citizens of an ASEAN* member country, excluding Singapore.
Have strong leadership qualities and potential.
Present good co-curricular activities records.
Possess outstanding high school results.
Be applying for admission to a full-time undergraduate degree programme at NUS.

Have strong leadership qualities and potential. Have good co-curricular activities record. Possess outstanding Singapore-Cambridge GCE A Level, local polytechnic diploma, International Baccalaureate diploma, NUS High School diploma or equivalent qualifications.


There you have it! 15 Scholarships for Congo to Study in Singapore 2024, although African students are welcome to apply. Remember to apply to as many related Scholarships as possible and most importantly submit your applications at least a week before the stated deadline.

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