15 Scholarships for Burundi Students to Study in Australia

International Scholarships for Burundi students, African students, and other international students from other countries of the world to study in Australia are in tons and available for applications.

Burundi out of many is one of the simplest and smallest countries in Africa, along with its neighbor Rwanda among others which includes Botswana, Lesotho, and Swaziland.

The Burundian state university “University of Burundi” is a well-known university by UNESCO. This is the only University in the country own by the government, and they offer a good number of the study program, which includes Teaching, Economics, Medicine, Law, Applied Science, Agronomy, Arts (Languages), Geography, and Physical Education and Sports.

Due to the availability of institutions and the important study program in Burundi, many Burundians move abroad to find greener pasture and study the course of their choice, with good academic facilities and infrastructure.

And most scholarship platforms, institutions, and governmental bodies have seen this as an opportunity to increase global relationships and improve development, thereby offering scholarships for students from countries like Burundi to study abroad. 

If you’re not from Burundi but you are from Africa or any other developing countries or even other international communities, you can also try applying to some of these scholarships because some of them are also available for students coming from a wide range of international communities.

Good luck!

15 Scholarships for Burundi Students to Study in Australia

Here is a list of Australian Scholarships for Burundi Students:

  • Fully-Funded Rotary Peace Fellowships-2024
  • Australia Awards Scholarships
  • Endeavour Postgraduate Leadership Award
  • Adelaide Scholarships International (ASI)
  • University of Sydney International Scholarships (USydIS)
  • Melbourne International Undergraduate Scholarships
  • Australia Research Training Program (RTP) Scholarships
  • Australian Government Research Training Program International Scholarships
  • University of Melbourne Graduate Research Scholarships
  • IWC Scholarships for International Students
  • CDU Vice-Chancellor’s International High Achievers Scholarships
  • Macquarie Vice-Chancellor’s International Scholarships
  • Melbourne Human Rights Scholarships
  • Endeavour Vocational Education and Training (VET) Leadership Award
  • Australia Awards Masters Scholarships for Africa

Fully-Funded Rotary Peace Fellowships 2024

Annually the Rotary selects up to 100 students from Burundi, and around the world to receive fully funded academic scholarships to pursue a Professional Development degree Program or Masters Degree Program in relation to peace and conflict settling and prevention at one of the participating peace centers in Australia and around the world

Deadline: 31 May 2024 (annual)

Host/Eligibility Nationality: USA, Japan, UK, Sweden, Thailand, and Australia are eligible to host institutions and open to international students from Burundi, and other international students.

Level/Field of Study: Masters’s degree program in any field relating to development.

Scholarship Worth: The international Scholarships cover tuition and fees, round-trip transportation, room and board, and all internship and field-study expenses.

Application Link

Australia Awards Scholarships

Australia Awards Scholarships provide opportunities for people from Burundi, Africa and developing countries, particularly those countries that are recognized as underdeveloped or financially deprived, to delve into a full-time undergraduate or postgraduate study program, or to study in Australia.

Deadline: 30 Apr 2024 (annual)

Host/Eligibility Nationality: The Study in Australia scholarships is open to Burundi students, African students, and other international students from developing countries.

Level/Field of Study: The International Scholarships is open to undergraduate, and postgraduate students in all study fields except for training in fields related to nuclear technology,  flying aircraft, or military training.

Scholarship Worth: Full funding for the study program.

Application Link

Adelaide Scholarships International (ASI)

One of the best Australian scholarships offered by a university. This is a study in Australia scholarship. This international scholarship is open to international students from different countries.

Deadline: 15 Feb/30 Apr 2024

Host/Eligibility Nationality: Host: University of Adelaide, Australia, Open to Burundi Students, African students to study in Australia, other international students can apply.

Level/Field of Study: Any Masters degree program via Research or Doctoral Research program that is offered by the school.

Scholarship Worth:  An allowance of $27,082 will be offered per calendar

Application Link

University of Sydney International Scholarships (USydIS)

The University of Sydney is prone to inviting students who are qualified to undertake a Postgraduate  Degree or Master’s by the program by research at this University to Qualify for this studying in Australia Scholarships.

Deadline: admissions deadline

Host/Eligibility Nationality: Can be used to study in Australia at the University of Sydney, open to Burundi Students, and other international students from African.

Level/Field of Study: Matter’s, and PhD students in any accredited research program.

Scholarship Worth: The award covers tuition fees and living allowance for completion of the study program.

Application Link

Melbourne International Undergraduate Scholarships

The International Scholarships to study in Australia for undergraduate students was established by the University of Melbourne in acceptance of the significant contribution offered by international students.

Deadline: Admission deadline

Host/Eligibility Nationality: At the University of Melbourne, Australia.  Open to African Students, including Burundi Students, and other international students.

Level/Field of Study: Any undergraduate degree course accredited and offered at the University of Melbourne

Scholarship Worth:

  • $10,000 tuition fee in the first year of an undergraduate degree,
  • 50% fee for the three years of an undergraduate degree, or
  • 100% fee for the three-year duration of an undergraduate degree

Application Link

Australia Research Training Program (RTP) Scholarships

The RTP provides International Scholarships, on a calendar year basis, to African students, Burundi Students, and other

international students to study in Australia

Deadline: varies, April-Oct (annual)

Host/Eligibility Nationality: Hosted in the Participating Universities in Australia

Level/Field of Study: Open to Master’s degree or PhD students in any research program.

Scholarship Worth: The Study in Australia scholarships provide full funding.

Application Link

Australian Government Research Training Program International Scholarships

The Australian Government Research Training Program to study in Australia Scholarships are specifically channeled to support Africans, Burundi students, and international students to take on a research higher degree at the University.

Deadline: 13 Aug (annual)

Host/Eligibility Nationality: Hosted t University of Flinders Australia: Scholarships for Burundi students to study in Australia. Other Africans and international students can apply.

Level/Field of Study: Masters or PhD degrees programs via research, and open to any study field.

Scholarship Worth, $27,082 or more, and an allowance of up to $1,485 to assist with relocation costs and travels are offered.

Application Link

University of Melbourne Graduate Research Scholarships

Hosted by the University of Melbourne, this international scholarship is available to high achieving local and international students undertaking any postgraduate course of study.

Deadline: Ongoing (annual)

Host/Eligibility Nationality: Hosted in Australia, and can be taken by local and international students from Burundi, or any other country.

Level/Field of Study: Postgraduate studies in any accredited field of study.

Scholarship Worth: full tuition waiver, and a living allowance of up to $30,600 per year pro-rate for up to two years for participants undertaking a Masters by Research, and up to 3.5yrs for PhD students.

Application Link

IWC Scholarships for International Students

Offers scholarships to African students, including Burundi Students, and other international students to study in Australia. This scholarship is to increase and enhance the global relationship.

Deadline: August 1st

Host/Eligibility Nationality: Can be used in Australia, and open to Burundi students, and other international students.

Level/Field of Study: Masters students in the field of integrated water management.

Scholarship Worth: Amounts ranging from AU$ 52,500 – AU$ 92,645 is to be offered

Application Link

CDU Vice-Chancellor’s International High Achievers Scholarships

Charles Darwin University in Australia offers the Vice-Chancellor’s study in Australia Scholarships to international students, including Burundi, and African students who have a record of excellence in academics and high achievement and who are looking to start an Undergraduate or Postgraduate degree by coursework.

Deadline: 1 May (annual)

Host/Eligibility Nationality: Hosts at Charles Darwin University, and open to Burundi Students, African Students, and other international students to study in Australia.

Level/Field of Study: Any Undergraduate or graduate Coursework program at the University.

Scholarship Worth: 25% or 50% of the tuition fee will be waived.

Application Link

Macquarie Vice-Chancellor’s International Scholarships

The Vice-Chancellor’s International Scholarship gives a partial tuition fee scholarship for a good number of outstanding international students to study undergraduate or graduate programs.

Deadline: 14 June 2024 (annual)

Host/Eligibility Nationality: Hosted at the Macquarie University North Ryde Campus at the Australian soil. Open to international students, including Burundi Students.

Level/Field of Study: Open to undergraduate and Postgraduate students in priority areas: Engineering, Human Science, Environment Media, Linguistics, and Education related.

Scholarship Worth: The amount is varied up to AUD$10,000  and will be awarded towards tuition fees. It cannot be renewed.

Application Link

Melbourne Human Rights Scholarships

The Human Rights international Scholarship was I invented by the University of Melbourne to offer international students the opportunity to delve into the field of human right and increase global relationship.

Deadline: 31 Oct 2021

Host/Eligibility Nationality: Open to local and international students, including Burundi students, and other international students. Host: University of Melbourne, Australia

Level/Field of Study: Research Degree in the area of human rights at the University of Melbourne

Scholarship Worth: Full funding for the study program

Application Link

Australia Awards Masters Scholarships for Africa

This is Study in Australia Scholarships for Masters studies in Australia offered to eligible Burundi and African candidates for a postgraduate program in Australia.

Deadline: Nov– Dec. annually

Host/Eligibility Nationality: Hosts in Australian Universities, and open to Burundi students and other African students only.

Level/Field of Study: Postgraduate Students in the following field of study:

  • Agriculture
  • Food Security
  • Health
  • Natural Resource Management
  • Mining and Mining Governance
  • Public Policy
  • Water and Sanitation.

Application Link

Here is a list of Australian Scholarships for Burundi Students, don’t just read and pass, make an effort by applying for any of these scholarships.


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