Eleanor Dunn Scholarship for Engineering Students in Australia

The University of Technology Sydney(UTS) is proud to offer the Eleanor Dunn Engineering Scholarship 2024 in Australia. This scholarship is open to Australian or New Zealander students or Australian permanent residents.

The purpose of this scholarship is to support candidates who have personal skills and commitment to engineering education and who come from a financially disadvantaged environment or who have other educational barriers.

Level/Field of Study

The Eleanor Dunn Scholarship is available for the study of the Bachelor of Engineering (Honours) and the Diploma in Professional Engineering.

Host Nationality

The Eleanor Dunn Scholarship in Engineering is hosted by the University of Technology Sydney, Australia, one of the youngest universities in the world. UTS has 45,930 students, including 33,070 graduates and 12,860 doctoral students from 9 faculties and schools.

Eligible Nationality

Eleanor Dunn Scholarship 2024 is open to Australian or New Zealand citizens or holders of a permanent or permanent Australian visa.

Scholarship Worth

  • The Eleanor Dunn Engineering Scholarship award successful applicants with $25,000 paid over five years.
  • Also, each recipient receives two payments per year via an electronically transferred bank account.
  • In a situation where a part-time study has been approved, each payment will be made to the recipients in $2,500.
  • Also, payments are usually made within four weeks of the dates of the fall and spring sessions.


To be qualified, interested applicants of the Eleanor Dunn Scholarship in Engineering must adhere to the following:

  • Applicants must be starting their first year of undergraduate Bachelor of Engineering (Hons), a Diploma in Professional Engineering Practice.
  • Studying or intending to study Electrical Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, Mechatronics Engineering, Mechanical and Mechatronics Engineering, or Information Communication Technology (ICT) or Software or Data Engineering.
  • Be an Australian or New Zealand citizen or holder of an Australian permanent resident visa or a permanent humanitarian visa.
  • Also, applicants must be either a current or a non-current school leaver.
  • For the duration of the Scholarship: applicants should have full-time enrolment in the chosen Bachelor of Engineering(Honours), Diploma in a Professional Engineering Practice course.
  • All applicants must apply using the UTS online application form.
  • Applicants must be available to attend an interview in person.

If you wish to prove the eligibility criteria, you must apply to the University Admission Center (UAC) for an Equity Scholarship or for the Educational Access Scheme.

Notwithstanding, preference will be given to applicants who meet one or more of the following criteria:

  • Those from a low socioeconomic background;
  • Have demonstrated financial disadvantages;
  • Facing educational barriers and/or personal hardship (including, but not limited to caregivers, single parents, refugees).

How to Apply

To apply for an Eleanor Dunn Engineering Scholarship at Sydney University of Technology, applicants must Visit the link below for the online Scholarship Application Form and also follow any other instructions outlined in the form:

Click here to apply

Application Deadline

Regarding the application deadline for the Eleanor Dunn Scholarship in Engineering, applicants are expected to submit their applications on or before March 9, annually.

For more information on the scholarship, applicants should click on the link below:



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