CBC Spouses Education Scholarship | UPDATED

The CBC Spouses Education Scholarship is now available. If you are pursuing undergraduate or graduate studies and looking for a scholarship, the Congressional Black Caucus Foundation, Inc. (FCCS) offers its “CBC Spouses Education scholarship”.

The program is for students of all ages who are preparing to pursue full-time studies at a US-accredited college or university or who are currently completing a bachelor’s degree. The program aims to reward and financially support talented and highly motivated students from all streams. Winners will receive a variable amount ranging from $400 to $8,200.

The Black Caucus Foundation of Congress, Inc. (CBCF) is dedicated to advancing the global black community through leadership development, policy information, and public education.

What You Need To Know About The Ontario Graduate Scholarships

If you are from a country where English is not the first language of instruction, you must submit evidence of oral and written proficiency in English with your scholarship application.

Applicants must arrange for original test scores to be sent directly from the testing center to the Office of Graduate Studies.

Level/Field of Study

The CBC scholarship is available for undergraduates, masters and PhD students who wish to study in the USA.

Host Nationality

The CBC scholarship 2022 is hosted in the USA. Check out other scholarships you can apply for in 2024 to study in EuropeAfricaAsiaAmerica, etc.

Eligible Nationality

The scholarship is open to US students. If you are an international student looking for a scholarship to Study Abroad, you can check out our Study Abroad scholarships available for international students

CBC Spouses Education Scholarship Financial Aid and Award Money:

TheCongressional Black Caucus Foundation, Inc will be worth various awards from $400 to $8,200 to students seeking an associate or bachelor’s degree.

CBC Spouses Education Scholarship Eligibility:

  • Be a U.S. citizen or permanent U.S. resident
  • Currently/planning to be enrolled in the upcoming academic year as a full-time undergraduate or graduate student
  • Have a minimum 2.5 GPA on a 4.0 scale
  • Exhibit leadership ability and participate in community service activities
  • Selected applicants will be qualified African-American or black students

How to Apply for the CBC Spouses Education Scholarship:

To apply for the scholarship, the interested candidates can register through the given link:

Application Link

CBC Spouses Education Scholarship Supporting documents:

  • Personal statement (500-1,000 words). Students should use the same personal statement when applying for multiple scholarships.
  • TWO (2) electronically submitted letters of recommendation. We suggest one come from a community or public service leader (i.e. church leader, community leader, volunteer organization). The application provides instructions for your references to upload their letters.
  • An electronic copy of a detailed Federal Student Aid Report (SAR); this report comes from the US Department of Education and is typically 5 pages in length. This should be uploaded to the online application as a PDF document.
  • Resume (3 pages maximum) detailing your academics, extracurricular activities, honors, employment, community service, and special skills.
  • A recent photograph is suitable for publication (i.e., a cap and gown picture, or other professional quality and professionally dressed photograph).
  • Official transcript (all pages, in color, and legible) scanned and uploaded as ONE (1) PDF file.
  • Upload a PDF copy of your electronic Student Aid Report (SAR) from your 2024 Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA).
CBC Spouses Education Scholarship Submitting Details:

Transcripts and any needed proof of acceptance should be mailed to

CBC Spouses Education Scholarship
Congressional Black Caucus Foundation, Inc.
1720 Massachusetts Ave., NW
Washington, DC 20036

CBC Spouses Education Scholarship Application Deadline:

The application deadline is May 19, annually. Online applications typically open each year between mid-to-late December.

Official Website


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