DHL UK Foundation Undergraduate Scholarships for UK/EU Students

If you’re a UK & EU student seeking chances to study in the UK, then you’ll be very delighted to know that the DHL UK Foundation Undergraduate Scholarships is available for you.

The University of Edinburgh and DHL UK Foundation is offering 15 scholarships to study an undergraduate degree program in the field of Science, Technology, Engineering or Mathematics at the University.

In this article, we will be telling you more about the University of Edinburgh and also the scholarship. Also, I will be showing you the scholarship worth, application of the scholarship, and its eligibility.

About University of Edinburgh

Located in the United Kingdom, the University of Edinburgh is your sixth-oldest university in the world. It really is among the planet’s finest universities, always ranked 18th at the QS World University Rankings. It’s a global reputation for innovative research over a vast array of subjects.

At the University of Edinburgh– The university supplies a range of aid for students. The award-winning Careers Service with the university provides practical ideas and aid to aid the applicants to accomplish their livelihood objectives. It gives many opportunities for applicants to build a wide selection of skills and develop confidence.

Information about DHL UK Foundation

The DHL UK Foundation is the UK registered charity that believes all children and young people should be supported to reach their potential and grow into the best person they can be.
In other to achieve its mission, the DHL UK Foundation works in partnership with the DHL businesses in UK, like-minded charity partners, and DHL employees nationwide.
Founded in 1988, The company encourage all her employees to get involved in the communities in which you live and work, through fundraising and volunteering.


DHL UK Foundation Undergraduate Scholarships are available to pursue an Undergraduate degree program awarded for all Undergraduate degree programs in the field of science, Technology, Engineering, or Mathematics available at the University of Edinburgh. List of eligible Programs with UCAS code 2024.

If you wish to explore more information on Undergraduate Scholarships, click on the link.


All scholarships are taken in the UK at the University of Edinburgh. If you are an international student and you wish to study in UK, this is for your Complete Guide to Getting A UK Tier 4 Student Visa For International Students.

Eligible Nationality

All UK/EU applicants for our Undergraduate courses will be considered for scholarships. Read also if you wish to study outside your home country Simple and Detailed Answers about Applying and Winning a Scholarship.

Scholarship Benefits

These DHL UK Foundation Undergraduate Scholarships 2024 has benefits that are worth up to a yearly maintenance allowance of E2,000 and are tenable throughout the program of study.

Scholarship Number

The DHL UK Foundation Scholarships 2024 has up to 15 available offers.

Eligibility for Scholarship

To qualify for the scholarships, the applicant needs to be UK or EU citizens, the applicant must be UK or EU citizens, who are accepted for admission on a full-time basis for undergraduate study in one of the following eligible programs within Science, Technology, Engineering or Mathematics (STEM) at the University of Edinburgh.

Application Procedure

To apply for the scholarship,

  • the candidates should accept entrance at the faculty within their desire level and field location.
  • Applicants may submit the web form, that may be retrieved via MyEd on-line information portal site at
  • The candidates should submit a formal academic transcript, Academic reference, Topical benchmark, Resume/CV, Personal announcement: A 500-word informative article on why you want to take part in the program, and also Legitimate English-language certification.
  • the applicant must satisfy with the undergraduate entrance conditions from country dwelling and submit their records based on this program.
  • All applicants into the University is going to probably be asked to establish a degree of language proficiency, irrespective of nationality or country of residence. Language requirements vary between level program.
  • In the event, you demand a Tier-4 visa to study within the united kingdom, the English eligibility that you employ for admissions purposes into the undergraduate degree-level study at the University of Edinburgh.

Click the following link for More Information

Application Deadline

The application deadline for DHL UK Foundation Scholarships until April 30th, 2024.


We have other great scholarship opportunities that might be of help to your search

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