Princeton In Africa Fellowship Programme 2024

Princeton University is now accepting applications for year-long Princeton in Africa fellowship (Piaf) 2024 opportunities with various businesses working across the African continent. The Piaf Programme is an exclusive program that gives Fellows an opportunity for personal and professional growth.

The Princeton in Africa fellowship Fellows work in various places in many industries and functions, for example, income generation and societal entrepreneurship, humanitarian assistance, education, post-conflict reconstruction, general/public health, agriculture, and conservation and environment.

In this post, we will share with you all you need to know to apply for the PiAf Fellow Program. This includes eligibility, your contribution to the program, what the program provides you, and how to apply. We will also answer some questions you may ask.

About Princeton in Africa Fellowship Programme

The Princeton in Africa Fellowship Programme began in 1999 with a group of Princeton alumni, faculty, and staff. They opened Princeton in Africa as an affiliate of Princeton University, inspired by the university’s informal motto, “Princeton in the Nation’s Service and in the Service of all Nations.”

The PiAf program places Fellows in organizations that will guarantee their personal and professional growth. It is an opportunity for Fellows to join a growing community of passionate PiAf alumni.

Furthermore, Princeton in Africa Programme is devoted to making sure candidates can take part in the fellowship program regardless of financial needs. Once set with a fellowship organization, Piaf comes with a financial aid application for Fellows with proven need.

It will also work with applicants to make sure that financial concerns don’t prevent any candidate chosen for a fellowship from participating.

Since its launch in 1999, PiAf has set almost 600 Fellows with over 100 organizations in 35 countries all over the continent.

Level/Field of Study

Princeton in Africa Fellowship program is available to graduating seniors and young professionals/leaders committed to Africa’s advancement.

Host Nationality

Princeton in Africa Fellowship is awarded by Princeton University New Jersey, USA.

Eligible Nationality

The Princeton in Africa Fellowship 2024 is available to eligible applicants from African countries.

You can become a fellow even if you’re from a developing country with this Doctoral Fellowships for Developing Countries at the University of British Columbia in Canada

Scholarship Worth

Princeton at Africa/fellowship organizations provides:

  • Housing and a living stipend.
  • Visas/work permits.
  • Medical, medical evacuation, and security evacuation insurance.
  • Pre-departure orientation housing and meals for Fellows
  • Mid-Year Retreat in Africa. Housing and meals are all provided. PiAf, in addition, supplies a partial travel allowance to help with traveling to/from the Retreat.

This provision varies based on your post. You will find full details of this in your letter of offer when you are selected.

However, the Fellow will cover some costs for themselves. These costs include:

  • Application fee of $75
  • Transportation to and from Princeton for interviews and orientation
  • A program placement fee of $350 upon acceptance of a post
  • Round-trip airfare to and from the post in their host country.
  • Pre-departure medical expenses include immunizations, malaria prevention meds, personals meds, and visits for completing the medical release form
  • Contribution to visa or work permit costs, depending on the Fellow’s post.

Notwithstanding these fees, PiAf ensures that all applicants can take part in the program.

If you can demonstrate financial need for the completion of your application, contact PiAf directly at

Eligibility Requirements

To apply for the Princeton in Africa Fellowship 2024, interested applicants must adhere to:

  • Be graduating seniors and young professionals from any licensed/accredited U.S. college or university eligible to utilize?
  • Applicants should also take note that earlier African experience isn’t a requirement.

Duration of Programme:

Princeton in Africa Fellowship Programme is a 12-month-long Fellowship with Fellows beginning their job between June 11, 2024 (anytime after the Fellows’ orientation on June 5th-10th) and September 2nd, 2024.

These Fellows will complete their fellowships between June and September 2024, 12 months after their launch date.

How to Apply

The application for the Princeton in Africa Fellowship Programme is online. Click on the button below to start your application.

Start Application

However, in applying for this Fellowship, provide the following supporting document:

  • Resume
  • Unofficial transcript(s)
  • Official transcript(s) of each undergraduate/graduate institution attended
  • Letter of recommendation (submitted through the LOR form), and
  • Application fee of $75 USD.

Indian Scientists can apply for and win the ICSSR Doctoral and Postdoctoral Fellowships for Indian Students.

Application Deadline & Timeline

The deadline to apply to the 2024-2024 Princeton in Africa Fellowship is Weds, October 26th, 2024 at 11:59 PM Eastern.

Application Starts

Application for the PiAf goes life.


Office Hours

Office hours fall within this date, every Tuesday from 9 am – 12 pm and Wednesdays from 1 pm – 4 pm.

14 OCTOBER 2024

Info Session

6:00 pm


PiAf Info Session happens.



Application Ends

11:59 PM EDT

Application for PiAf ends

The deadline to apply to the 2024-2024 Princeton in Africa Fellowship is Weds, October 26th, 2024 at 11:59 PM Eastern.


12:30 – 1:30 PM


The webinar takes place within this timeframe.

10-12; 17-19


Princeton Interview

The interview takes place in Princeton, but if you can’t be available at Princeton, PiAf can arrange Skye interviews for you.


Acceptance & Placement

Acceptance for the fellowship program occurs during this timeframe.

03 – 07

JUNE 2024


Accepted Fellows must attend this Mandatory Orientation.


Fellowship Begins

Accepted and placed Fellows begin their program.


Fellowship Ends

The 2024 Fellows finish their program within this period.

For more information on the Princeton in Africa fellowship 2024, click the button below.

Scholarship Website


Do I need prior experience to become a PiAF fellow?

No, prior experience in Africa is not a prerequisite to becoming a PiAf Fellow.

what is the age limit for PiAF fellows?

There is no age limit with Princeton in Africa and applicants with graduate degrees or a couple of years of experience can apply. Please note, however, that the PiAf fellowship positions are entry-level placements and it is designed for Fellows to find the work they do during their fellowships stimulating and challenging.

How does becoming a PiAF fellow benefit me in the end?

In the end, PiAf placement process is about fitting the right candidate with the right organization so as to have a 100% hard and fast rule about how much experience a Fellow should have. The fellowship can be a great fit for Fellows with some experience if the fellowship seems like a forward step in their career.

Can International students apply?

International students who have recently graduated from a college or university accredited in the US may apply. Please note that, in certain cases, visa eligibility for destination countries may be a determining factor in placement.

Can i get a spot reserved as a PiAF alumni?

PiAf does not reserve any spot for Princeton Alumni. Please note that at the end of the day, PiAf tries to make the best matches between its applicants and its fellowship organizations in the field. Also, PiAf must take into consideration candidates’ skills, backgrounds, and preferences as well as its fellowship organizations’ needs. Since 2010 the PiAf program has been open to students and alumni of other colleges and universities accredited in the US.

Where can i send my PiAf Application?

Please direct any mailed application materials to the following address:
Princeton in Africa—Applications
Louis A. Simpson International Building
Princeton University
Princeton, NJ 08544

Please note the above address is the full address of Princeton in Africa–there is no street number. Also, ensure to bring them to the office during regular office hours.

How long is the PiAF program?

The PiAf program is 12 months long. Depending on the organizations where you are placed, Fellows will begin work between June and August and will complete their fellowship one year later, between June and August. This timing largely depends on the needs of the fellowship organizations, however. Ensure to let PiAf know early on if you have specific preferences in terms of timing but note that these preferences cannot always be accommodated.

How long is the PiAF fellowship?

PiAf fellowships are only one year long. Some Fellows do remain with their host organization or elsewhere in Africa longer than one year, but they do so in their own capacity. (That is, they receive a job offer from the organization or they make their own arrangements to work/volunteer for another organization.)

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