Kurt Schork International Journalism Awards In London

The Kurt Schork Memorial Fund (KSMF) is now accepting nominations for its International Journalism Awards Awards.

The Kurt Schork Awards 2024 is worth $5,000, relax and go through this opportunity, the World Scholarship Forum has arranged all the details you need to win the Kurt Schork Scholarships.

About The Kurt Schork Awards 2024

After the death of Kurt, his family and friends consoled the quick meeting of colleagues who wanted to participate in the creation of a concrete legacy that supported the ideals he had lived and worked with.

Often at personal risk, many journalists around the world seek to report conflicts, corruption, and injustice. Their goal is to ensure that the world knows the challenges that communities are facing and can better understand, and that they can be motivated to help the desperate.

This work is usually not well rewarded. Freelancers live from employment to employment and live in financial uncertainty. Local journalists are often poorly paid and harassed, or even worse when their stories reveal political or business wrongdoing. Many international journalists rely on “News Fixers” whose guidance, local knowledge and contacts often have a decisive impact on a story.

Three awards

Each of these three categories of journalists receives an award from the KSMF each year. one to a freelance journalist covering international news, one to a reporter living and working in the developing world or a country in transition, and – newly introduced – one to recognize the unsung work of news fixers.

Host Nationality

The Kurt Schork Awards will take place in Canary Wharf, London. UK

Eligible Nationality

The Kurt Schork Scholarships is open to International Journalist.

Scholarship Worth

Each award is for $5,000 and will be presented at a prestigious ceremony in London in late October or November 2024.

Eligibility For Kurt Schork Awards in International Journalism

  • The 18th annual call for awards is therefore now split into three categories:
  • Local Reporter award that recognizes the often-overlooked work of journalists in developing nations or countries in transition who write about events in their homeland.
  • Freelance award for those journalists who travel to the world’s conflict zones, usually at great personal risk, to witness and report the impact and consequences of events.
  • News Fixer award rewarding local journalists and/or experts, hired by a visiting foreign reporter or news organization, whose guidance and local knowledge materially benefited the content, impact, and reach of the stories submitted.

How to Apply For Kurt Schork Awards 

If you would like to apply for the new News Fixer Award, below are some key details that you can find the definitions for each of the prize categories and guide you through the application process.

  • Three separate articles must be submitted, including when journalists are nominating fixers for the new award.
  • Ensure you publish your article between May 31 2024, and June 1, 2024.
  • Accepted media: any print-based medium, such as newspapers and magazines, or established online publications.
  • Articles can encompass war reporting, human rights issues, cross-border troubles, corruption or other controversial matters impacting on people’s lives. Judges will be looking for professionalism, high journalistic standards, and evidence of dedication and courage in obtaining the story.
  • You have to provide your article as a text file – MS Word (.doc or .docx) or similar text format (.rtf), or a PDF of a text file.
  • You may supply a URL link to your article(s), or a scan (as a PDF or JPG file) as supporting evidence of the publication context, but your entry will be disqualified if you do not also submit the required text files.
  • The awards panel will take into account nominations for fixers who have received more than one recommendation from journalists they have worked with.

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Additional material you must provide:

  • CV or resumé about your education and journalism career or about that of the fixer you are nominating.
  • Passport-quality photo (JPEG, GIF or PNG file, size no larger than 250Kb) of yourself or that of the fixer you are nominating.
  • a high standard English translation if the original articles are not in English.
  • a short statement explaining what you had to do to get the story.

In the case of the fixer award, they require from the nominating journalist:

  • Statement of nomination
  • A copy of the story or stories generated because of the nominated fixer’s involvement
  • A statement that the nominee is aware that he/ or she is being nominated and has given permission for the nomination (or perhaps the nomination for anonymous if win).
  • An acceptance from the nominator and nominee that they accept the terms of the competition
  • Two references
  • The maximum filesize for text submissions or scans is 5Mb.
  • Entrants must complete the online entry form (or a PDF for printing and posting if not possible).

Deadline For The Kurt Schork Memorial Fund

The deadline for receipt of submissions is midnight (London time), May 31. After which further application will not be considered.

For More Information and application on the Kurt Schork Awards 2024. Click on the link below:

Official Link



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