University of Michigan – Flint in USA Freshmen Merit Scholarships

If you are a first-year international student, here is an opportunity to apply for the Freshmen Merit Scholarships award at the University of Michigan Flint to help pay for your college.

The Freshmen scholarship program offers more money to students with high academic standing and a desire for excellence. New high school students are requested to apply for this scholarship.

About the Flint Scholarship

The University of Michigan – Flint in the United States offers a number of Freshmen Merit scholarships to students attending a bachelor’s degree at the University. Students from all over the world can apply. There are different scholarships.

At UM-Flint, we want you to focus on starting your university experience, not on your tuition. Our new Freshmen scholarship program is available to students with good academic performance who want to deliver excellence.

Level/ Field of Study

Flint in USA Freshmen Merit Scholarships covers Undergraduate degree program available in any course.

Host Nationality

The Freshmen Merit Scholarships is hosted by the University of Michigan – Flint and can be conducted in the United States.

If you are an international student and you desire to study in the UK, Check out the best scholarships obtainable for study in the UK

Eligible Nationality

All Intrnational students can apply for the University of Michigan Freshmen Scholarships.

Aside from the Flint in USA Freshmen Merit Scholarships 2024, there are other scholarships available to international students to study abroad. You can check our scholarship by country to access all scholarships available.

University of Michigan Freshmen Scholarships Worth

The value of the Freshmen Merit Scholarships Awards is between $ 3,000 and $ 7,000 a year.

Eligibility for MasterCard Start path competition 2022

  • Must be an international student.
  • GPA High School 3.25 on a scale of 4.0.
  • ACT score of 24 and SAT score of 1160
  • Application and admission from the Bachelor’s degree program at the University.
  • Must begin her admission in fall 2024.
  • Excellent academic record.
  • Nationality of candidates

How to apply for University of Michigan Freshmen Scholarships

This Freshmen Merit Scholarships Application is online on their websites.

Click here for more details and to apply

University of Michigan Freshmen Scholarships 2024 Application Deadline 

The Freshmen Merit Scholarships Application deadline varies.

However, note that: Eligible students admitted in Spring and Summer will begin receiving their awards in the Fall 2024 semester.

Awards are only distributed in the Fall and Winter terms. Students admitted after March 1, will not receive our full in-state automatic merit award, but will still be eligible for our $5,000/annual award.

Additional full in-state merit awards may be given following additional consideration by the Admissions Committee. 

Official website

Freshmen Merit Scholarships- Frequently Asked Questions

The Stamps Scholarship is one of the University of Michigan’s most prestigious merit-based scholarships and is awarded to incoming U-M students that demonstrate exceptional talent, leadership qualities, outstanding academic achievement, and a commitment to their community.

Typical High School Grades
You will need above average high school grades to get into University of Michigan Flint. The average high school GPA of the admitted freshman class at University of Michigan Flint was 3.27 on the 4.0 scale indicating that primarily B students are accepted and ultimately attend.

There is no federal financial aid and limited scholarship funding available to international students attending U-M, though a short-term university loan may be available in the case of emergencies (see information below). … U-M schools and colleges have very limited funding for undergraduate international students.

Undergraduate Tuition
university of Michigan tuition is $14,498 per year for in-state residents. This is 105% more expensive than the national average public four year tuition of $7,056. The cost is 24% cheaper than the average Michigan tuition of $19,001 for 4 year colleges.


The U of M merit scholarship award is actually for the spring and winter terms.

So, if you want to get this scholarship, you need to apply early and gain admission in the spring of 2020.

Do visit the website also as the terms actually change periodically.

In addition, you can get the scholarships at the time of admission based on your test scores and GPA.

So you need a high score.

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