SonoBoom Annual Scholarship Program

You have probably been writing essays as a student. But what didn’t stand out to you is that your essays can earn you a scholarship award worth $1000.

The SonoBoom Annual Scholarship Program offers equal opportunity to all eligible candidates to win this offer.

Hence, this article is written to guide you through the eligibility criteria and also the application procedure. A glance at the table of content shows a highlight of all as it regards the scholarship found in detail in this article.

To apply, they must write an essay on this topic: “Modern Music and its Influence on Our Life.”


About SonoBoom Scholarship

To make things easier for students and their families, we offer the SonoBoom Scholarship to anyone attending or planning a college or graduate school soon. We’ve created the SonoBoom Music Fellowship for undergraduate and postgraduate students passionate about “music” to receive a prize of $1,000.

Are you searching for a fully-funded scholarship? Here are some fully-funded grants.

Scholarship Worth

The winner receives $1,000.

Eligibility For The SonoBoom Scholarship 2024

The requirements for the SonoBoom scholarship are:

  • Either be enrolled as a full-time student (both undergraduate and postgraduate) in an accredited University or College or be able to present a legitimate letter of acceptance from an accredited University or College.
  •  No limit to nationalities.
  •  Applicants must hold an overall 3.0 GPA.

Level / Field of Study

The SonoBoom Scholarship 2024 is open for Undergraduate and postgraduate degree students in any discipline.

Host Nationality

The SonoBoom Annual Scholarship Program is hosted online and conducted worldwide at any college or university.

You can utilize these scholarship opportunities to solve most of your academic problems. Check out other scholarships you can apply for in 2024 to study in EuropeAfricaAsiaAmerica, etc.

Eligible Nationality

The SonoBoom Scholarship 2024 is open to all nationalities. Aside from this SonoBoom Annual Scholarship Program, other scholarships are available for international students studying abroad. You can check our scholarship by country to access all scholarships available.

Are you searching for a fully-funded scholarship? Here are some fully-funded grants.

How To Apply For The SonoBoom Annual Scholarship

To participate, students must submit a text with 500 to 1000 words on a given topic. Last year, interested candidates wrote about “Modern music and its influence on our lives.” However, the essay topic for this year is yet to be made public.


Deadline for SonoBoom Scholarship 2024

The deadline for the scholarship is March 31, annually. After which further applications will not be considered.


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