International Hardship Fund at King’s College London 

If you are a foreign or European student from a low-income household, you will be pleased to know that King’s College London is offering the International Hardship Fund to eligible students international students in Uk.

Being an undergraduate in a foreign land can be so expensive. Especially, if the value of your local currency is lower than that of the country of study.

Kings College London has noticed this difficulty and has deemed it necessary to assist International and European students who have started studying but encountered unforeseen circumstances.

Instead of allowing them to drop out, they have decided to help the students.

In this post, we have simplified the IHF and brought all the requirements to your reading pleasure. Do well to apply after reading as that is what we intend to achieve; helping you get a stress-free education in the UK.

What is The International Hardship Fund (IHF)?

IHF is a set of limited funds that assist European and International students who are having financial difficulties.

This funding for undergraduate students is sponsored by Kings College London.

Basically, the fund covers tuition fees and living costs for the entire time you are studying.

For an international student, the UKVI has indicated that students will need about £1,265 for their living costs in each month of their study. Then their cost of tuition fees. (

This living cost will now vary according to the individual.

If difficulties arise, we mean financial, then you should contact the Student Funding Office or your personal tutor to discuss the situation.

The program is open to students from all over the world who are in financial difficulties and wish to continue their studies in the UK.

As a result, the funding is open all through the year once the fund is available.

What Is The Scholarship Worth?

The International Hardship Fund Varies and depends on the needs of the student.

Your need will determine the amount you will be given.


To qualify for the International Hardship Fund 2024, applicants must adhere to the following:

  • Be a European or foreign student.
  • Be pursuing an undergraduate degree program in any subject offered by the university.
  • The applicant must be able to demonstrate that unforeseen financial difficulties occurred after the beginning of the course. Before this, he had sufficient financial resources to cover the study and living costs throughout the course.
  • The unforeseen changes in circumstances must have affected your access to these funds.
  • To study at King’s, it is important that candidates in an academic environment communicate effectively in English.
  • Benefits: The scholarship provides financial support to candidates according to the needs of the student.

You may also read about Plymouth University Scholarships for International Students in UK as an international student.

Admission Requirements

To be admitted to the university, all students must have an A-levels degree in general science. Applicants can apply through the university website.

This international student hardship fund UK is available to students for an undergraduate program in their chosen field of study.

This funding is hosted by King’s College London was founded in 1829 and became one of the two founding colleges of the University of London.

It is the largest European center for medical education and biomedical research on graduates and postgraduate levels.

In the rankings of the QS World University of 2019, it occupies the 31st place.

European and international students are eligible for this scholarship.

How to Apply For International Hardship Fund at King’s College London

Applicants for the Hardship Funds for International Students in the UK must already be given admission to the university.

You will apply online through King’s Student Records.

On the first page of the King’s Student Records, find the ‘My Fund Application’ box and select ‘click here to view your funding options’. 

Please ensure that you read the guidance notes carefully before completing the application form.

Supporting Documents

The applicant must provide all supporting evidence to prove the financial resources and changing circumstances:

  • Details of the financial provision made prior to the start of your studies
  • Details of the change in circumstances, and how this has affected your ability to fund their studies
  • The details of your financial need, and what you will require financial assistance for (e.g. tuition fees, living costs, etc)

In addition, all supporting documents must be legible: scanned/electronic copies, preferably in PDF format with the title: SURNAME, Name – document title (eg SMITH, John – March bank statement).

Email your documents to and insert your king’s student ID (as on your ID card, not your K number) in the text of the e-mail.


Are you a Nigerian Student? Here is a law funding at King’s college. Nigerian Law Scholars Fund at Kings College London

Application Deadline

The funding has no deadline.

You can apply anytime you experience financial difficulty. Or even become scared of an intending difficulty.

The funding will be granted as long as funds are still available.

Also, it will be given if you have strong evidence.

For more information, you can actually visit their website.

FAQs On International Hardship Fund at King’s College

Who is eligible to receive the International Hardship Fund at King’s College?

If you can provide suitable evidence that you are having financial difficulties, then, yes you will receive the funding.

How much is awarded for the Hardship fund?

Awards will vary in size depending on the student’s need.

Which country can apply for the Hardship fund?

International students and European students. If you are from any of these nationalities, the international hardship fund is for you.

You can also apply for King’s Undergraduate Summer Scholarships for International Students in UK


The IHF is used to assist international students to finish their program in the UK.

As an international student, we encourage you no to drop out of school when you encounter financial difficulties.

Also, this is another reason to study at King’s college because of unforeseen circumstances.

We wish you the best of luck!


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