41+ Indian Scholarships for Liberians

Are you from Liberia? Do you need the scholarship to study in the Asian country of India? Are you interested in pursuing an undergraduate or graduate program in India? This page highlights a detailed list of Indian Scholarships for Liberians. These Scholarships for Liberians in Indian Students have been grouped for undergraduate and postgraduate studies.

We are aware of the fact that Liberian students in their thousands troop to the internet on a monthly basis in search of scholarship opportunities to aid their studies abroad.

In lieu of this constant search for scholarship opportunities overseas, the World scholarship forum has compiled a list of Indian scholarships for Liberians. Some of these scholarships are fully funded while others are partially funded covering only some part of the tuition fee.

Also, some scholarships are Government funded while others are sponsored by well-meaning individuals as well as other multinational companies. Interested citizens of Liberia are welcome to read the following sections carefully to get details of the latest Indian scholarships for Liberians.

World Scholarship Forum popular searched Scholarships

Don’t miss any of these Scholarship opportunities. You can open any of these opportunities on a new tab.

Here is a list of Indian Scholarships for Liberians

  • University Of Westminster Undergraduate Distant Horizons Awards In UK, 2022
  • Google Ph.D. Fellowship Program, 2024
  • British Council – IELTS Award, 2024
  • The Elizabeth Greenshields Foundation Grant, 2024
  • Forte Fellows Program 2022
  • POGO-SCOR Visiting Fellowships For Developing Countries 2024
  • NWO Rubicon Scholarship, 2024
  • Momeni Iranian Scholarships, 2024
  • AIRC International Cancer Research Fellowships (iCARE)

University Of Westminster Undergraduate Distant Horizons Awards In UK, 2024

The University of Westminster is a world-renowned UK University with satellite institutions across the world including India.

The University offers several scholarship opportunities to exceptional students across different field of study at all levels.

This scholarship is sponsored by the University of Westminster.


Open to pursuing undergraduate degree studies across the course offered at the University

Scholarship Worth


Scholarship Application Deadline

June 21, every year.

Scholarship Website Link

Official Website

Google PhD Fellowship Program, 2024

This Fellowship program is sponsored by the giant online company, Google. Application for the 2024 Google fellowship program is currently ongoing and it is open to study anywhere in the world.

Interested applicants are advised to visit the official scholarship website to read the complete details of the program. A summary of the Google fellowship include the following;


The fellowship is open to doctoral (Ph.D.) students applying in the field of Computer Science or other related subjects

Scholarship Worth

The scholarship is designed to award scholars $10,000 or $50,000 as stipend

Scholarship Website Link

Official Website

British Council – IELTS Award, 2024

The British Council scholarship is a £10,000 award reserved for outstanding international students. Liberian students are welcome to apply for this scholarship.

Please see the full scholarship details through the scholarship link.


The scholarship is available to both undergraduate and master’s students applying to study any subject offered at the university

Scholarship Worth


Scholarship Application Deadline

May 31, every year.

Scholarship Website Link

Official Website

The Elizabeth Greenshields Foundation Grant, 2024

This is one of the annual Indian scholarships for Liberians sponsored by the non-profit organization known as the Elizabeth Greenshields Foundation.

The scholarship is a partially funded program designed to aid Liberian students nursing the ambition to study abroad. Please note that this scholarship would not cover the full tuition fee of selected scholars and as such, applicants are required to be self-sponsored students.


This program is open to undergraduate or Master’s students applying to study in the field of Arts

Scholarship Worth

CAD $15,000 – CAD $18,000

Scholarship Application Deadline

Always Open

Scholarship Website Link

Official Website

Forte Fellows Program 2024

This scholarship is sponsored by the Forte Group. This ranks among the popular scholarships obtained by Liberian Students on a yearly basis.

Are you a graduate student from Liberia hoping to apply for a fellowship program overseas? Do you need financial aid to accomplish this ambition?

If yes, please read the full details of this scholarship and apply accordingly through the official scholarship link provided below


The program is open to Master’s students applying in the field of Business Administration

Scholarship Worth

Partial funded

Scholarship Application Deadline

Deadline varies

Scholarship Website Link

Official Website

POGO-SCOR Visiting Fellowships For Developing Countries 2024

The POGO-SCOR Fellowship program is open to students from developing countries who wish to study at world-leading University across the world.

This program is exclusively reserve for exceptional international students and it is sponsored by the Scientific Committee on Antarctic Research (SCAR).


The program is open t graduate students applying to study in fields related to Oceans

Scholarship Worth

The International program is a fully funded scholarship designed to cover the full cost of study for the duration of the program

Student’s accommodation, transportation and other costs of study would be covered by this program

Scholarship Application Deadline

April 9, every year.

Scholarship Website Link

Official Website

NWO Rubicon Scholarship, 2024

This scholarship program is sponsored by the Netherlands Organisation for Scientific Research (NWO). The scholarship is open to international students to study in world-leading Universities.


The scholarship is open to Ph.D. students in all fields of studies

Scholarship Worth

This is a partially funded scholarship. Interested students are expected to contribute a part to the cost of their study.

Scholarship Application Deadline

Aug 30, every year.

Scholarship Website Link

Official Website

Momeni Iranian Scholarships, 2024

This scholarship is sponsored by the renowned Momeni foundation and it is open to international students to apply. However, we wish to inform you that the scholarship is highly competitive and reserved for exceptional students.

Are you an exceptional student? Do you have what it takes to compete among the world best students? If yes, then read the full scholarship details through the official scholarship link below.


The Momeni scholarship program is open to all fields of studies including Bachelor, master, Ph.D. and post-doctoral levels.

Scholarship Worth

This is a partially funded scholarship

Scholarship Application Deadline

June 30, every year.

Scholarship Website Link

Official Website

AIRC International Cancer Research Fellowships (iCARE)

This program is sponsored by the European Union Seventh Framework Program for research. The fellowship program is designed to invite exceptional international fellows with interest in Cancer Research.

The Fellowship is open to advanced international researchers in the health profession to carry out research programs with focus on improving the existing management of Cancer.

If you are interested in this program, please visit the official scholarship website to get the complete details of the fellowship.


Master’s/PhD in health profession

Scholarship Worth

This is a partially funded program

Scholarship Application Deadline

April 19, every year.

Scholarship Website Link

Official Website


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