25 Cheapest Universities In Spain 2024-2024

Are you currently seeking admission to one of the elite Universities in Spain? Are you conversant with the tuition fee of Spanish Universities? It may please you to learn that Universities in Spain have the lowest tuition fees in Europe. Check out the Cheapest universities in Spain in 2024.

The tuition fees of Spanish Universities vary slightly depending on the type of program you choose to study. There are public and Private Universities in Spain with affordable tuition fees. The Spanish Government sets and regulates the Tuition fee of Public Universities in Spain.

The tuition fee of Private Universities in Spain is relatively high but can be considered low or moderate compared to the private universities of other European countries. To obtain a Bachelor’s degree from a Private University, a student must pay the range of €5,500-€18,000 per annum.

In addition, students admitted into Public universities must pay the college application fee, which varies with Universities. Different Universities charge different fees for application, but the fees across the Universities cannot exceed €44.

The Tuition fees of all Public Universities in Spain fall within the range of €2,000-3,500 per annum. Students in the same Spanish University will likely pay a different tuition fee per annum depending on their chosen field of study.

Also, tuition fees in Spain vary with the level of academic programs. Undergraduate degree programs across the Public Universities in Spain range from €680- to €1,280 per annum, while graduate programs charge between €22 and €36 per credit.

Do you wish to pursue an undergraduate or graduate degree in Spain? The World Scholarship forum has outlined a list of Spain’s cheapest universities to apply for the 2024/2024 academic sessions.

What are the Cheapest Universities in Spain?

Here are the top 25 Cheapest Universities in Spain to apply for 2024:

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  • Universidad de Sevilla
  • University of Salamanca
  • University of Granada
  • University of Zaragoza
  • University of Valencia
  • Universidad de Santiago de Compostela
  • University of Alcala
  • Polytechnic University of Valencia
  • Catholic University of Cordoba
  • EADA Business School of Barcelona
  • EAE Business School
  • EOI Business School
  • ESIC Business and Marketing School
  • ESDi School of Design
  • ESERP Business School
  • Loyola University of Andalusia
  • National University of Cordoba
  • National University of Distance Education
  • Open University of Catalonia
  • Nebrija University
  • Miguel Hernadez University of Elche
  • Mondragon University
  • Fundesem Business School
  • La Salle Campus Barcelona
  • Pamplona Learning Spanish Institute
  • Polytechnic University of Cartagena
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Universidad de Sevilla

The Universidad De Sevilla is one of the oldest Universities in Spain, located in the city of Seville. The University is a public teaching and research Institution founded as far back as 1505.

Universidad de Sevilla has a high acceptance rate and welcomes international students from around the world.

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University of Salamanca

The University of Salamanca is a public University with thousands of students made up of local and internal students.

The University is one of Spanish oldest Universities, founded in 1218. The University receives tons of applications on a yearly basis and has a high acceptance rate

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University of Granada

Located in the ancient city of Granda, the University offers more than academics to students. It was founded in 1531 and the University has thousands of students enrolled in different programs.

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University of Zaragoza

This University offers several courses across the Bachelor and graduates degree levels.  Founded in 1542, the University has overseen several graduates who have gone on to impact the world positively. The acceptance rate at the University pegs at 60 – 70%.

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University of Valencia

The University of Valencia is a top destination for international students due to its high acceptance rate. In addition, the outstanding academic curricular makes it a preferred choice to students.

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Universidad de Santiago de Compostela

Founded in 1495, the University is one of Spain’s oldest Universities.

The University offers undergraduate and postgraduate courses to national and international students willing to study in any of the courses offered at the University.

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University of Alcala

The University of Alcala makes a cut in our list of the cheapest Universities to study in Spain in 2020. It was founded as far back as 1409 and currently serves as a public university with high ranking across the world.

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Polytechnic University of Valencia

The Polytechnic University of Valencia was established in 1917 as a public technical school. The University welcomes students applying to study in one of its programs.

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Catholic University of Cordoba

The Catholic University of Cordoba is a Missionary University founded and funded by the Catholic Church. The University offers several courses and has a high acceptance rate.

Interested applicants are welcome to learn more about the University through the official website link

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EADA Business School of Barcelona

The School of Business located in Barcelona was founded in 1957. EADA is a highly renowned Business and management school with high acceptance rate. Visit the official school website to learn more about the University.

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EAE Business School

The EAE Business School was founded in 1958. It offers Business, finance and management courses to local and international students. Please refer to the official school website to learn more about EAE

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EOI Business School

Like other Schools of Business, EOI offers management and finance courses. It was founded in 1955 and currently ranks as one of the best Business schools in Europe.

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ESIC Business and Marketing School

ESIC School of Business and Marketing offers limited academic programs. It was founded in 1965 as a business school.

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ESDi School of Design

This ESDi School of design makes the cut in our list of cheapest Universities in Spain. The school was founded three decades ago in 1989 for students with interest in the field of art and design.

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ESERP Business School

Do you wish to study at an affordable Business School? The ESERP school of Business offers affordable programs for local nd international students.

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Loyola University of Andalusia

This is a public University with a high acceptance rate. The university was founded in 1963 as a public teaching and research institution. Visit the official school website for more information

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National University of Cordoba

The National University of Cordoba is a Public University founded in 1613. The University offers undergraduate and graduate programs across several faculties.

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National University of Distance Education

This University was founded in 1972 and it reputable for its excellent academic curricula.

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Open University of Catalonia

The Open University is located in the city of Catalonia and it welcomes basically local students into its program

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Nebrija University

This is one of the new generation of Spanish Universities founded in 1995. The University of Nebrija is a private university based in Madrid, Spain, named after Antonio de Nebrija.

Its headquarters are located in the Nebija-Princesa building in Madrid. The university has 7 online schools and programs.

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Miguel Hernadez University of Elche

The University was founded in 1996 and it offers Bachelor and graduate courses.

It is a Spanish public university open to the world, which offers quality education, excellent research, and quality services that facilitate the integral development of its students and their insertion in the labour market.

It is located in the province of Alicante and was founded in 1996.

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Mondragon University

It is a private cooperative non-profit University of the Basque Country, formally established and recognized in 1997. It is part of Mondragon Corporation. Its main campus is in Mondragón, Gipuzkoa.

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Fundesem Business School

It is an international business school located in Alicante, Spain, belonging to the FUNDESEM foundation, which brings together more than 200 companies and institutions.

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La Salle Campus Barcelona

La Salle Campus Barcelona is a campus of the Ramon Llull University located in Barcelona, Catalonia, Spain. It is located at the foot of Tibidabo and has more than 75,000 m².

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Pamplona Learning Spanish Institute

Pamplona Learning Spanish Institute is a perfect place to spend your educational holidays in Spain, located in the prestigious attic of the Official Medical College of Pamplona and situated next to Media Luna Park.

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Polytechnic University of Cartagena

The Polytechnic University of Cartagena is the youngest technical university in Spain.

However, this contrasts with his long history as a university in the fields of engineering and business, and many of his faculties date back to the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries.

This unique status combines youth and tradition, making it a dynamic and innovative institution.

Editor’s Recommendations

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