£15,000 Mak Family Scholarship at Swansea University, UK

Are you a new student in Hong Kong? If yes, there is an opportunity for you at the Mak Family Scholarship. This Scholarship award will take place at Swansea University, UK.

The recipient will present high-level academic achievements and be ready to serve as a foreign student ambassador to the Office of International Development and the Office of Development and Engagement. This Swansea University Mak Family Scholarship worth £ 15,000.

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About Swansea University

Swansea University is a research-led university that has been making a difference since 1920. Our diverse and welcoming community thrives on exploration and discovery, with a balance of excellent teaching and research, alongside a superb quality of life.

Their commitment to research with real-world benefits has seen them achieve their ambition to be a Top 30 Research University, soaring up the 2014 Research Excellence Framework league table to 26th in the UK from 52nd in 2008.

Level/ Field of Study

Swansea University Mak Family Scholarship covers Master degree programs in any field of study.

Host Nationality

The Scholarship 2024 is hosted by Swansea University and the study is being conducted in the UK.

If you are an international student and you desire to study in the UK, Check out the best scholarships obtainable for study in the UK

Eligible Nationality

The Scholarship is open to postgraduate Hong Kong students.

There are similar opportunities available for international students to study abroad. You can check our scholarship by country to access all scholarships available.

Mak Family Scholarship Worth

The winner of the Mak Family Scholarship will receive a profit of £15,000.

Eligibility for Mak Family Scholarship 2024

The following criteria must be met for candidates to be eligible for the Swansea University Mak Family Scholarship:

  • A permanent resident of Hong Kong
  • Registered as a foreign student for study purposes
  • Apply as a postgraduate student (Master) and receive an offer (conditional or unrestricted).

How to Apply for Mak Family Scholarship 2024

Click here for more details and to apply

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