Mizoram University Scholarship

Which are the popular Mizoram scholarships in 2024 that you must look up? Who offers the funds for these scholarships? When and how can you apply for them? What are the eligibility conditions that you need to fulfil? Find the answer to all these questions in detail in this article. It highlights every significant piece of information related to the Mizoram university scholarship.

Mizoram Scholarship is available to students domiciled in Mizoram which is the southernmost landlocked Indian state with a population of 10 Lakh and a highly literate agrarian economy.

The Samaj Kalyan Vibhag or Department of Social Welfare under the Mizoram Government plays a key role in providing Mizoram scholarships to all students who are studying at secondary, higher secondary, or higher levels of education. 

So, in this post, you’ll learn how much the online Mizoram University Scholarship costs, eligibility, as well as how to apply for the program.

More About Mizoram University Scholarship

The Mizoram scholarship is also available to students living in Mizoram. This is the southernmost landlocked Indian state with a population of 10 people and a highly literate agricultural economy.

Samaj Kalyan Vibhag or the Social Welfare Department of Mizoram also plays a key role. This key role is providing the Mizoram Scholarship to all students attending upper secondary or higher education.

The scholarships are of several categories which are preparation courses, post-primary, and merit. Students can find information about the Mizoram Scholarship through the Missouri Scholarship Council (MSB) website, the National Scholarship Portal, the Mizoram University website, etc.

The Mizoram grant is possible of dividing into a pre-mathematical grant and beyond, a vice-president grant, a post-secondary grant, an NEC grant, and so on.

Some of the outstanding institutions that offer scholarships to Mizoram students include the Department of Social Welfare, the Government of Mizoram, UGC, CSIR, Mizoram University, the Mizoram Scholarship Council and more.

The table below contains a detailed list of all Mizoram grants, along with their presenter information and the initial implementation schedule.

Detailed List of Mizoram Scholarship 2022

S.NoScholarship NameProvider NameApplication time*
1.Pre-matric scholarship for SC/ST/OBC/Minority, MizoramSocial Welfare Department, Government of MizoramApril-June
2.Post-matric scholarship for SC/ST/OBC/Minority, MizoramSocial Welfare Department, Government of MizoramApril-June
3.Merit cum means scholarship for SC/ST/OBC/Minority, MizoramSocial Welfare Department, Government of MizoramApril-June
4.Rajiv Gandhi National Fellowship (RGNF) for SC/STUGCSeptember- November
5.UGC-NET/JRFUGCSeptember- December
6.INSPIRE ScholarshipDepartment of Science and Technology, Government of IndiaOctober- December
7.Maulana Azad National Fellowship for MinorityUGCSeptember- December
8.CSIR JRFCSIROctober- December
9.NEC Merit ScholarshipMizoram Scholarship Board, Government of MizoramJune-August

Documents Required for Mizoram scholarship 2022

Eligible candidates are advised to make sure that they have the following supporting documents with them.

  • Mark sheet of the final exam
  • Self-declaration application
  • Income Certificate
  • Residential proof
  • Candidates bank passbook
  • Bank statement of candidate’s bank account
  • Institute verification form from institute/college
  • Applicant religion certificate.

Scholarship Eligibility:

The students of Mizoram can avail of different types of scholarships that have their own set of eligibility criteria. The key eligibility that applies to each Mizoram scholarship is that you should be a domicile or permanent resident of Mizoram state.

Furthermore, as shown below provides detailed information on different scholarships, the applicant’s category and the conditions that need to be fulfilled for the application.

Also, candidates who want to benefit from this amazing scholarship scheme can apply only if they are eligible. Eligible candidates need to apply on or before the due date.

  • This Mizoram scholarship 2024 is designed for those who have scored 50% marks in their final examination.
  • The annual income of their parents should not exceed more than 2 lakh per annum.
  • Candidates must be the resident of Mizoram
  • Although slots are reserved for SC/ST categories, candidates belonging to BPL families who earn low income are more preferable.
  • About 30% of the slots are reserved for girls.

Level/Field of Study

The scholarship scheme is available for those who are currently pursuing their 9th, 10th, 11th, 12th, U. G and P. G in different categories like BCA, BBA, MBA, B.sc, LLB, etc… are eligible to apply.

Eligible Nationality

This is an Indian scholarship, therefore it is open and reserved for students who are legitimately a citizen of India and students who are now permanent residents in India.

Host Nationality

This scholarship is hosted in India.

Scholarship worth: 

How much scholarship amount does a student receive a Mizoram scholarship? How many numbers of scholarships are awarded every year? The table given below provides comprehensive Mizoram Scholarship award details.

However, there are different awards given to the selected students based on the scholarship the student opts to apply with their current academic qualification. Also, at times, financial need plays a crucial role in identifying scholars.

Detailed awards list of Mizoram University Scholarship 2024

S.NoScholarship NameNumber of ScholarshipsAward details
1.Post-matric scholarship for SC/ST/OBC/Minority5 lakhs For classes I to XII, the admission fee will be paid up to INR 7000 per annum. The tuition fee for class XI and XII is INR 10,000 per annum. The admission and tuition fees for UG and PG students is INR 3000 per annum and the maintenance allowance is up to INR 350 per month.
2.Pre-matric scholarship for SC/ST/OBC/Minority30 lakhs      For class VI to X students, the admission fee will be paid up to INR 500 and the tuition fee up to INR 350. The maintenance grant worth INR 600 per month is provided. For classes I to V, the maintenance allowance is of INR 100 per month.
3.Merit cum means scholarship for SC/ST/OBC/Minority50,000 The scholarship is worth INR 20,000 per annum. Up to INR 1000 for maintenance is provided.
4.NEC Merit ScholarshipNA The students are awarded stipends and book grants under this scholarship. The stipend worth up to INR 1500 is awarded. A book grant up to INR 3000 per annum is awarded.
5.UGC JRFNA The selected JRF and SRF are paid monthly stipends up to INR 12,000 and INR 14,000 respectively. The contingency grant is INR 10,000 for JRF and INR 20,500 for SRF. HRA, medical and academic leaves are also provided.
6.CSIR JRFNA The selected JRF students are paid INR 25,000 as a monthly stipend for the first two years and INR 28,000 for the rest of the tenure. A contingency grant of INR 20,000 per student is also provided.
7.Maulana Azad National Fellowship for minority1000 Scholarship worth up to INR 25,000 for JRF and up to INR 28000 for SRF is granted. The contingency grant worth up to INR 10000 for JRF and up to INR 12000 for SRF. Other benefits include HRA, medical and academic leaves awarded to the selected scholars.
8.INSPIRE Scholarship12000 The selected scholars get a scholarship worth INR 80,000 per annum and INR 20,000 yearly for summer research projects. A monthly scholarship of INR 5000 is also provided.
9.Rajiv Gandhi National Fellowship for SC/STFor SC Students- 2000For ST students- 667 The selected students get fellowship INR 16,000 for the first two years and INR 18,000 for the rest of the tenure. A contingency grant 10,000 for 2 years and 20,500 for the remaining period in humanities and social sciences research. For science and engineering, INR 12,000 for the first two years and 25,000 for the remaining time period. HRA, medical and academic leaves are also provided.

Application Process

Most scholarships can be applied for online, and students are encouraged to visit state or government portals to see the latest information, deadlines, and instructions for applying for scholarships. Each Mizoram grant has its own distinct approach to the application. The following table provides complete information on where you can apply for each scholarship.

The detailed application process for Mizoram Scholarship

S.NoScholarship NameHow to apply?
1.Pre-matric scholarship for SC/ST/OBC/MinorityApply online through the National Scholarship Portal
2.Post-matric scholarship SC/ST/OBC/MinorityApply online through the National Scholarship Portal
3.Merit cum means scholarship SC/ST/OBC/MinorityApply online through the National Scholarship Portal
4.NEC Merit ScholarshipApply online through the National Scholarship Portal
5.UGC JRFApply online through the official UGC website
6.CSIR JRFApply online through the official CSIR HRDG website
7.Maulana Azad National Fellowship for MinorityApply online through the official UGC website
8.Rajiv Gandhi National Fellowship for SC/STApply online through the official UGC website
9.INSPIRE ScholarshipApply online through the INSPIRE program website.

Application Link

Scholarship Deadline:

This scholarship is offered annually.

FAQ On Mizoram University Scholarship

How much scholarship amount does a student receive a Mizoram scholarship? How many numbers of scholarships are awarded every year?

The table given below provides comprehensive Mizoram Scholarship award details. However, there are different awards given to the selected students based on the scholarship the student opts to apply with their current academic qualification. Also, at times, financial need plays a crucial role in identifying scholars.

This scholarship is offered annually.

The Mizoram university scholarship is a program available to students living in Mizoram. This is the southernmost landlocked Indian state with a population of 10 people and a highly literate agricultural economy.

Samaj Kalyan Vibhag or the Social Welfare Department of Mizoram also plays a key role. This key role in providing the Mizoram Scholarship to all students attending upper secondary or higher education.

This scholarship is hosted in India.

This is an Indian scholarship, therefore it is open and reserved for students who are legitimately a citizen of India and students who are now permanent residents in India.


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