Win The  Developer Circles Community Challenge

Are you are a developer, Do you like an intellectual challenge and showing what you love doing well? No worries, Developer Circles Community Challenge 2022 is here for you to explore. Moreso, Developer Circles Community Challenge is organized by Facebook for over 20,000 developers all around the world.

This opportunity is a sort after opportunity for many bright students who have special computer skills

Today, Developer Circles launches the third Developer Circles Community Challenge. The main objective is to bring together developers from around the world to use React360, Spark AR, or HTML5 games to develop software that enables people to connect with friends and family, build communities, and build businesses.

Developers are invited to submit software in one of three categories: Productivity & Benefits, Games & Entertainment, and Social.

However, I believe this article will help you to know about the opportunity, give you guides on how to apply, and also give answers to your questions.

What is Developer Circles?

Developer Circles from Facebook is a program designed to create locally organized communities for developers. These communities are meant to educate and provide a forum for discussion and knowledge sharing around topics that are top-of-mind for developers in a particular market. Anyone can apply to become a Lead of a local circle here.

Who can be a Developer Circle lead?

Successful Developer Circle Leads are people motivated by community organizing, collaboration and sharing their knowledge. Technical background, experience in development and community management are common assets among successful Leads.

Why Facebook Developer Circles Challenge?

There are over $ 165,000 in prizes for regional and global winners. The first-place winner in the world can win up to $ 25,000 in prizes.

Facebook Developer Circles, located in over 130 cities around the world, with a community of over 200,000 developers, is a great way to join a developer network to collaborate, learn and collaborate.

In the Developer Circles Community Challenge 2024, Local Developer Circles organize personal development days where developers can meet, learn about Facebook developer products, and collaborate on solutions.

Visit the Challenge website to attend a Construction Day in your city and see if new dates and cities have been added.

How Much is the Facebook Developer Circles Challenge?

The Facebook Developer Circles Challenge is open for developers across many Countries of the World. There are over $ 165,000 in prizes for regional and global winners. The first-place winner in the world can win up to $ 25,000 in prizes.

How to Apply

Here is a detailed procedure on how to apply.

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  • Register for the Developer Circles Community Challenge here.
  • Join the Developer Community Challenge Facebook Group here.
  • Join your local Developer Circle to collaborate with other developers.
  • Check out the Facebook tools you can build with on the Resources tab.
  • Create a two-minute demo video that demonstrates your solution’s features and functionality.
  • Submit your project to the Challenge website

Successful candidates will feature at the global developer community builds! #DevCChallenge

Eligibility Requirements (Criteria)

  • For the purposes of this Contest, the “Territory” means any country, state, province, territory, region, or jurisdiction where the laws of the United States or local law do not prohibit participating or receiving a prize in the Contest and excludes Quebec, and Crimea, Cuba, Sudan, Iran, North Korea, Syria and any other country designated by the United States Treasury’s Office of Foreign Assets Control.
  • In addition to and without limiting any of the conditions, each Entrant (including all members of a Team Entrant) and any Representative of an Organization Entrant must be a member of Facebook in good standing at the time of entry and throughout the award of the prizes in this Contest.

Eligible Countries



Developer Circle Leads are people motivated by community organizing, collaboration, and sharing their knowledge. While Leads are not motivated or compensated by Facebook, successful Developer Circles Leads can elevate their profile and influence within their local developer communities.

Passionate community leaders can apply to be Leads by navigating to the Find a Circle section and selecting the city for which they would want to apply. If there isn’t an open Circle in the city selected, the option to apply to be a Lead will appear. You’ll also see the option if the existing Circle is taking new applications for Leads.

Topics discussed range from Facebook products, open source technologies, machine learning, artificial intelligence, data science, among others. The topics are determined by what’s most relevant to the specific Circle.

No, participation as a Developer Circle Lead is completely voluntary.

No, discussion topics are at the discretion of Developer Circle Leads and they’re dictated by the needs, interests and priorities of the community.


Facebook’s Developer Circles are local communities designed to help developers learn and grow.

For the 2024 Developer Circles Community Challenge, you are invited to build software applications that use at least one of three featured technologies: React360, Spark AR, and/or HTML5 Games

Your software must also fit into one of three categories: Gaming and Entertainment, Productivity and Utility, or Social Good. Good luck!!!


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