What Does a Computer Technician Do? Job Description, Salary & Certification

The ability to screw open a computer hardware system doesn’t qualify you to become a computer technician. Indeed, a level of expertise and training is required to acquire such a status.

The increased dependence on the web and the growth from heavy hardware equipment to light equipment has seen computer users grow in an astounding way.

For this cause, the growth in users has skyrocketed the manufacturing of these systems for office and home use.

Being machines, there is a great probability of breakdown and malfunction and this is where the group of experts we’re going to expound on in this article come into place.

In this article, we will discuss computer technicians meticulously. In addition, we will also look at how to become a computer technician, scaling your career as a technician, and the opportunities that abound in this career path.

Who is a Computer Technician?

A computer technician is simply an individual who is responsible for the repair and maintenance of computers and servers. Most times, technicians are expected to understand how to build and configure hardware, create and maintain network packages, not forgetting the installation and updating of software. (https://www.stgeorge-inn.com/)

These technicians work in both the private and public sectors or you can say anywhere where a computer is used. However, despite their different working environments, their work descriptions stem around information systems, networking, and system administration.

What do Computer Technicians Do?

Computer technicians deal with hardware and software repairs in some of these institutions which range from servers, laptops, mobile phones down to eviction of viruses respectively.

In addition, their range expands into output devices as they perform functions such as restoration of lost files.

Therefore, since we understand part of the work description, I know you might be thinking you would need a whole lot of time to become a very good computer technician. Practically, it depends on the route you wish to take in this career path.

How long does it take to become a Computer Technician?

The issue of time will depend on how far you want to scale in the career path.

However, the minimum requirement needed to become a technician is a high school diploma, however, a bachelor degree is an added advantage.

Therefore, it could take about 4 years on average to become a computer technician.

How can I become a Computer Technician without a Degree?

For no cause, should you it’s impossible to become a technician without a degree. Technically, it’s very possible as you’ll take a different path.

In order to become a computer technician without a degree, you would need to go for an apprenticeship program after your diploma.

The apprenticeship gives you the opportunity to learn from veterans in the field and you can gain practical experience as you practice.

Therefore, if someone says it’s impossible, tell them you know a way out.

How much is a Computer Technician’s Salary

As you resolve technical issues regarding computer, you’ll definitely get rewarded.

As you resolve technical issues regarding computer hardware and software, you’ll definitely get rewarded.

In essence, this reward is usually financial and its frequency can’t be measured except in some cases.

However, according to payscale.com, the average salary of a computer technician ranges from $24,337 – $55,889 per year.

How can I become a Computer Technician?

In becoming a professionally certified computer technician, you have to follow an outlined process. In essence, this process is created to spur your intelligence and strengthen your competence. They include;

Step 1: Get a Bachelor’s Degree

A higher diploma can take you a long way but a bachelor’s degree gives you more knowledge about your career.
For this reason, you can take up any of the bachelor’s degree programs in any of the institutions with computer engineering/information systems as a course of study.

Step Two: Get Hired/Internships

Your best bet to becoming a highly skilled professional computer technician will be to get trained after successfully graduating. You’ll need to run internships for corporate or public companies that have highly experienced senior colleagues. Therefore, you need to get hired and trained.

Step Three: Get Certified/Licensed

To operate as a professional in the field, you’ll need a certification or a license. In its own way, this promotes and stamps your verbal and written competence.

Therefore, a license is very imperative as many industries won’t give you the opportunity to perform any works on their wares without a license.

Step Four: Execute Tasks

It is a popular opinion that the more you work on something, the better you get at it. At this point, you’ll need to execute more jobs in order to continue to gain experience and grow.

What skills do I need to become a Computer Technician?

There are certain skills that are necessary for any individual in this field.

In essence, these skills help sharpen and elevate your career as a computer technician. They comprise;

There are certain interpersonal skills that are imperative for this career path. You’ll need to possess integrity, creativity, and diligence among a lot of others in order to excel.

Of course, you’re expected to possess a basic knowledge of the necessary processes for executing the task. In essence, you’ll need to understand information systems, hardware, and software processes.

This is the benchmark at which many businesses and professions falter. As a technician, you must be able to communicate effectively to your client and the public about how relevant you can be to them and why they should work with you.

What does the Resume of A Computer Technician Look like?

I know you might be wondering what a technician’s resume looks like. In essence, the sample below from www.qwikresume.com best describes it.

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How can I scale my career as a Computer Technician?

As you know, getting yourself into a field is important but growing in the field is more imperative.

Therefore, we will outline four ways in which you can scale your career as a computer technician.

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  • Build Experience
  • Invest in Learning
  • Get Mentored
  • Build Relationships

Build Experience
Experience is very imperative if you wish to be well known and respected in as a computer technician.
Basically, you can build experience by taking on jobs and practicing consistently.

Invest in Learning
A very big path that leads to growth in any career path is consistent learning.
For this purpose, you have to read extensively, attend conferences and training.
Learning is an investment so you should be ready to put in your money, time, and energy.

Get Mentored
If you want to grow, learn by experience. However, if you want to grow very fast, get a mentor.
Mentors always act as catalysts to the growth and building of any individual.

Build Relationships
Relationships are an essential part of growth as a person or in a career path.
Therefore, you should invest in the right relationships with both clients and individuals.

What is the difference between a Computer Technician and a Computer Engineer?

These two professions hold a lot of similarities and it’s normal for you to entangle both into one field.

However, despite their similarities, they possess differences that are key to their separation.

A computer engineer is basically the individual who deals with the building of computer parts and devices.

In other words, he functions as a producer or manufacturer while a computer technician who is also called a support specialist deals basically with the repair and troubleshooting of these computer parts/devices when they break down or malfunction.

What are the best schools to study to become a Computer Technician?

As expected, there are a host of schools that train students to become high-quality computer technicians.

However, we have highlighted the top seven from study.com to help you make a choice. They include;

7. University of Alaska

Tuition: $1,079 per credit

University of Alaska Anchorage (UAA) is the largest university in the state, with approximately 20,000 full- and part-time students scattered across all of its campuses.

To be precise, there are twelve Colleges within UAA, four of which are community colleges in Valdez, Soldotna, Homer, Kodiak, and the Mat-Su.

In essence, the computer and networking program of the institution prepares and produces graduates who are highly qualified technicians and network administrators.

Therefore, the learning environment in addition to the prime practical and academic classes makes this institution one of the best places to study.

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6. Penn Foster College

Tuition: $909 monthly mail pay

The college is a private non-profit college that was founded in 1890. Some time ago, it was known as the Center for Degree Studies before it changed its name.

Basically, this is an institute in which you get your diploma in as little as six months. In this institute, PC Maintenace and Repair is the program run by the institution.

In addition, the conducive, learning environment which is matched into your time frame makes it stand out as a great place to study to become a computer technician.

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5. Southern Careers Institute

Tuition: $13,000 per year

Southern Careers Institute is accredited by the Commission of the Council on Occupational Education. After its establishment in 1960, it has risen to become one of the most prestigious institutes in Texas.

Therefore, in this institution, you’re trained to become a computer support specialist.

Apparently, all the courses are aimed at producing excellence in its students. In addition, the flexibility of the program helps it easy to key into and start.

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4. Vista College

Tuition: $17,015 per year

Located in Texas United States, Vista College boosts of an undergraduate enrolment of 4,701 per year. As expected, the institution remains on its toes in bringing about advancements in science and technology.

The specialists in this institute give hands-on training and mentoring.

In essence, they aim to produce competent information technologists. The students will undergo extra training where some will become computer technicians, engineers, analysts etc.

Moreso, you’re in for one of the best training if you enroll.

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3. Southern Technical College

Tuition: $12,924 per year

Southern Technical College was founded in 2001 as a private for-profit technical college. Moreso, students are exposed to diverse programs diploma and an associate degree in which they can choose from.

Basically, the teaching methods in this institution comprise both practical and theoretical approaches which build understanding.

In essence, students are exposed to better technological approaches and are taught concepts behind certain theories and results.

In addition, they also offer an associate degree in Network Engineering and Administration for students who wish to seek a career in that area.

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2. Lincoln Tech

Tuition: $17,900 per year

Lincoln Tech is a postsecondary group for-profit American vocational institution. Located in New Jersey, it has a lot of campuses operated and managed by Lincoln Educational Services Corporation.

The program which called Computer and Network Support Technician aims to educate you on the best IT systems.

Therefore, you get a laptop that you can use to practice most of the skills you will gain. More so, you’ll be taught how to get the front of information security through cyber invigilation.

Essentially, you’re trained to build your skills in time and financial management, critical thinking, goal setting and much more.

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1. University of Cincinnati

Tuition: $27,244 per year

University of Cincinnati is a public research university that was founded in 1819 as Cincinnati College. It boasts of an annual enrolment of over 44,000, in addition to a graduation and acceptance rate of 62% and 76% respectively.

Sincerely, this is one of the finest places in which you can advance your course as a computer technician. This is due to the comfortable learning environment and the practical methods used to make learning comfortable and interesting.

Therefore, if you seek to study in this institution, you will go through the Information technology program.

Under this program, you get access to the basic theories and practical steps on how you can become a computer technician.

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A computer technician is simply an individual who is responsible for the repair and maintenance of computers and servers.

It could take about six months to 4 years on average to become a computer technician.

A computer technician’s salary ranges from $24,337 – $55,889 per year.

You need a lot of technical skills backed up with communication and interpersonal skills to become a computer technician.


If you were to take a survey of career professionals that are highly sought after, computer technicians will make the list.

However, whether you choose to take a short course or take a bachelor’s program, the majority of the hard work lies on your shoulders.

So what time is the best to take such a career path? I would say, the time is now.


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Author’s Recommendation

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