EarthTech Challenge 2024 for Young Innovators Worldwide | Australia

Have you got a ground-breaking idea or solution to tackle most of the significant environmental and social problems in the world? Then you are exactly what we are searching for. Apply for the ongoing EarthTech Challenge 2024 and stand the chance to win an all-expense-paid trip to the EarthTech summit in Australia.

The EarthTech Challenge is putting a call for young people with a passion to solve the most pressing environmental and social problems, through the use of science, technology, communication, and design.

The program involves a six-week online course from December 2024, until January 24, 2024, taught through a cloud-based platform that provides teams with perfect incorporation, access to expert educational material, and tutoring.

In our writing today, we shall make available all the information you will need to both apply to be a participant of the summit and the recipient of the award

About EarthTech Challenge

The challenge is aimed at achieving and creating an exponential impact on the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), also known as the Global Goals.

The SDGs are a call for historical and universal action to end poverty, resolve the climate crisis, protect biodiversity and ensure that all people enjoy peace and prosperity by 2030.

Each category covers one or more of the global objectives. The evaluation criteria will include the impact a presentation has on the Global Objectives. Teams can describe the impact that their idea or solution will have on the Global Objectives.

Poverty and inequality: more than one billion people still live in conditions of extreme poverty, many of them located in sub-Saharan Africa and South Asia. Poverty ensures that people cannot access basic services such as medical care or primary education, and makes everyday life a great struggle.

This category includes the following global objectives: # 1. Without poverty; # 4. Quality education; # 5. Gender equality; # 8. Decent work and economic growth, # 10. Reduced inequalities; #sixteen. Peace, justice and strong institutions

Food, water and health: hunger is the leading cause of death worldwide, while many people around the world still do not have reliable access to clean water, sanitation or basic health services.

This category includes the following global objectives: # 2. Zero Hunger; # 3 Good health and well-being; # 6. Clean water and sanitation

Climate and energy: As the world’s largest nations grow and industrialize, solutions are needed to ensure that the world’s energy is clean, reliable and leaves no one behind.

Our dependence on fossil fuels is unsustainable and harmful, while the world needs to keep global warming below 2 degrees Celsius to avoid the worst effects of climate change.

This category includes the following global objectives: # 7. Clean and affordable energy; # 13. Climate action

Sustainable futures: the population of our world is increasing, and to accommodate everyone, we need to build sustainable, intelligent and modern cities and communities.

We need to consume resources sustainably, reducing the impact on our natural resources and promoting sustainable industrialization.

This category includes the following global objectives: # 9. Industry, innovation and infrastructure; # 11. Sustainable cities and communities; # 12. Responsible consumption and production

Environment and biodiversity: the world’s oceans drive the global systems that make life on earth possible. Forests cover 30 percent of the Earth’s land, while plant life provides 80 percent of our diets. Caring for underwater life and life on earth is crucial to guarantee sustainable land, combat climate change and improve everyone’s standard of living.

This category includes the following global objectives: # 14. Underwater life; #fifteen. Life on earth.

Level/Field of study

The awards are available for young people from around the world between the ages of 13 and 29, who have creative ideas on solutions to global issues and wish to be part of the EarthTech Summit 2024.

Host Nationality

The program will EarthTech, a social enterprise based in Noosa on the Sunshine Coast, Australia and will hold in Makepeace Island in Noosa, the country home of Famous businessman, Richard Branson in Australia.

There are other Australian Scholarships available for International students in 2024.

You can utilize these scholarship opportunities to solve most of your academics problems. Check out other scholarships you can apply for in 2024 to study in Europe, Africa, Asia, America, etc.

Eligible Nationality

The award opportunity is open to international students.

Aside from these opportunities, there are other Australian scholarships available to international students to study abroad. You can check our scholarship by country to access all scholarships available.

Scholarship Number

Only Ten finalists will be selected for the award

Scholarship Benefits:

  • The winners of each category receive a trip with all expenses paid to the EarthTech Summit on Makepeace Island in Noosa, Richard Branson’s home in Australia (and other cash and product awards).
  • While on the island, the winning teams will work with experts and investors to bring their Makepeace Island solution to the world, representing millions of dollars of investment.
  • Finalists (the nominated team leader + representative) will be offered two (2) complimentary travel tickets, two (2) shared accommodations and 3 meals per person / per day for the duration of the ETC Summit at Makepeace Island in Noosa from 20th – 23rd February 2024.
  • Parents or legal guardians are required to accompany any winners under 18-years old. EarthTech will provide travel and accommodation for guardians.

Any out of pocket expenses incurred to participate in the Challenge and or Summit are at the Entrants discretion and solely the Entrants responsibility

Eligibility for EarthTech Challenge

  • The participant must have an idea that is in the process of developing or has developed a product or service based on new or innovative technology, or an innovative application of existing technology.
  • The idea, product, or service of the Participants has the potential to address one (1) of the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals in five (5) categories. It is not possible to join several categories in the same Entry, but separate entries will be accepted. Mentors can help you decide the best category for you if your idea solves multiple problems in the UN’s SDGs.
  • The Participant has no restrictions on future financing based on the funding received from other locations as of the date of submission of the Ticket.
  • The Participant is not affiliated with ETC, any partner or competition agency that helps with promotional activities or organization of the competition.
  • The participant must be between 13 and 29 years of age at the time of Entry.
  • Any participant between 13 and 17 years old must have a parent/guardian’s permission at the time of entry.
Judgment Criteria

The evaluation criteria will include the impact that a presentation has on the UN SDGs. Teams are welcome to describe the impact on the UN SDGs. The evaluation is weighted in three areas:

  • The public (51%)
  • Tech/Science Experts (24.5%) and
  • Business/Entrepreneur Experts (24.5%)

Only Ten finalists will be selected for the award

How to apply for EarthTech Challenge

Each participant must complete and submit a Registration Form that complies with these Official Rules and that accepts all EarthTech Terms and Conditions and Privacy Policy.

Registration allows access to online course content, mentors and experts.

Final presentations will be accepted between January 6 and 24, 2024.

Registration forms are available on the ETC website http: //www/ and must include the following information:

  • Entrant primary contact information; full name, email, phone number, address, state, date of birth and, if necessary, parent/guardian permission.
  • If applicable, the participant’s company information, including the type of entity, date of incorporation, location, and ABN.
  • If you are part of a team, all participant details, including full names and dates of birth, are required to link members.
  • You must nominate one (1) team leader and one (1) Participation representative. If such persons are not nominated, EarthTech reserves the right to do so on behalf of the team and without liability.
  • The participant must present in one category: poverty and inequality; Food, water, and health care; Climate and energy; Sustainable futures or environment and biodiversity

The mode of applying is online.

You can begin the application by clicking on Online Application and get more details by clicking the summit Link

Challenge Link
Summit Link

Application Deadline

The deadline for the offer is January 24, 2024

EarthTech Challenge 2024 | FAQs

The challenge starts on 16th December and concludes on 24th January. It is a six-week challenge, with weekly content being delivered each Monday. Pre-register now

This challenge involves, science, technology, communication, design and a video based delivery, therefore, we highly recommend creating a team. Working closely and collaborating with other people and different skill sets ensures all relevant areas are covered.

You are the best judge of the resources you have at your disposal to put together an entry into the The Earth tech Challenge. If you think you can cover it on your own, go for it!

This is an online challenge, designed to be inclusive of all Australian communities including regional or remote areas.

The EarthTech Challenge categories are informed by the Global Goals for Sustainable Development. The Challenge categories are: Poverty & Inequality; Food, Water & Heath Care; Climate & Energy; Sustainable Futures; and Environment & Biodiversity.

It is not possible to submit one entry across multiple categories. Our mentors can help decide the best category for you if your idea solves multiple problems across the Global Goals.


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