10 Most Conservative Christian Colleges in the World 2024

If you’re a conservative, you will definitely be more comfortable and happy at a college with many other conservatives.

Attending a conservative college makes you more likely to meet people who share your political and social views, which can help you make stronger connections within your campus community.

So, Christian colleges are often both politically and socially conservative. Many Christian colleges adhere to more traditional social views and rules that attract conservative Christian students and faculty.

That’s why in this article, we will discuss in detail some of the most conservative Christian colleges in the world.

After going through this read, you can decide the best conservative college for you. So? Enjoy your read.

The most conservative colleges in the world are mostly small, Christian-affiliated schools, although a few public schools appear near the top of the list.

Conservative colleges provide the much-needed counterbalance to the progressivism and liberalism that pervade so much of higher education.

For students raised with traditional moral values, who favor limited government, who adhere to free-market economic principles, entering the university is too often an alienating experience.

So, finding the right conservative Christian college that embraces their values can be challenging. But don’t worry; this article is for you.

What Does It Mean To Be Conservative?

According to Wikipedia, Conservatism is a political and social philosophy promoting traditional social institutions in the context of culture and civilization.

So, conservatives seek to preserve various institutions, such as religion, parliamentary government, and property rights, to emphasize social stability and continuity.

A conservative, therefore, is someone who adheres to a certain traditional practice or institution and holds those values to heart.

What are Conservative Colleges?

Conservative colleges are politically right-wing. The students tend to favor conservative positions like outlawing abortion, reducing the size of government, and protecting gun rights. Christian colleges are often more conservative.

Naturally, in conservative Christian colleges, several degrees are available, which more liberal colleges don’t offer. Most of those degrees from conservative colleges, both bachelor’s and master’s, can be attained in as little as one year of study.

Some of those degrees are in these fields of study: Christian ministry, Biblical studies, theology, pastoral counseling, worship studies, and Masters in divinity and worship, among others.

Many of these lead to a very, very lucrative profession. Furthermore, conservative colleges are relatively more strict and regimented than liberal colleges.

How long will it take me to attend a conservative school?

It takes an average of 4 years to complete a bachelor’s degree. Although, some courses take just one year to complete in Christian conservative schools.

Kindly check this: Top 10 Online Christian High Schools

What are the advantages of Conservative Christian College?

Being a student at a conservative Christian school is advantageous in many ways.

Firstly, you are more comfortable and happy at a college with many other conservative students who share similar values. Unlike at liberal colleges, students may be less accepting of conservatives and conservative beliefs.

Also, at conservative colleges, you’re more likely to meet people who share your political and social views, which can help you make stronger connections within your campus community.

Also, the faculty and administration are more likely to accept or believe in conservative values at a conservative Christian college.

As a conservative student, you may not prefer having your opinions evaluated by a professor who doesn’t align with your political beliefs.

Also, conservative colleges teach you the art of discipline.

Additionally, conservative Christian colleges often align with religious Christian values. While not all Christians identify as conservatives, the truth is that a large majority of Christians tend to lean toward the political right. 

So, it’s good to remember that not all conservative colleges are Christian. So, make sure you’re checking colleges’ religious affiliations before you apply.

Most Conservative Church Schools in 2024

If you consider yourself more conservative politically or religiously and are looking for a school that will fit your lifestyle and beliefs, here is the list of most conservative Christian colleges in the world.

#1. Thomas Aquinas College

Founders established Thomas Aquinas College when they believed many Catholic institutions had strayed from their loyalty to the teaching Church. In this belief, those founders decided that Thomas Aquinas College would strive for fidelity to the Magisterium and would only offer a single, integrated curriculum of liberal arts and sciences while pursuing truth and wisdom.

Although the college is devoted to a great Catholic education, it is open to all students. The college also believes that faith is a gift that, combined with tradition and wisdom, benefits all men.

Thomas Aquinas College has a close-knit community of students and teachers and a code of conduct for all those on campus. The school generally monitors students’ dress code.

In addition, there is a strict no opposite sex in residence halls rule, and a curfew is enforced. As a Christian college, TAC forbids the private possession or use of alcohol, illegal drugs, and narcotics on campus.

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#2. The National University of Singapore (NUS)

Founded in 1854 by Reverend Benjamin Wofford, this College is an independent, conservative college. Wofford College offers students 64 different majors, minors, and programs.  Students here enjoy small classes and personal interaction with a student to faculty ratio of 10:1.

The Halligan Center for Religious and Spiritual Life at Wofford is the coordinating home for the diverse religious observance on campus, home to Wofford’s expanding interfaith program, and a well-being resource for students, staff, and faculty.  

In the student body, there are over 27 different faiths and religious viewpoints. Wofford also offers several student organizations focused on worship and service to others.

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#3. University of Dallas

The University of Dallas was founded in 1956 as a private Catholic university, open to students of all faith. This conservative college offers students 30 different undergraduate majors, 30 master’s programs, 4 doctoral programs, and 10 graduate certificate programs.

UD provides a spirited community where academic, social, and spiritual life comes together. The University of Dallas is also dedicated to pursuing wisdom, truth, and virtue. Students here are educated while developing intellectual and moral virtues, preparing themselves for life and work, and becoming leaders who can act responsibly for their good and the good of others.

Although UD accepts students of all denominations, more than 75% of UD’s students are Catholic. The school fosters spiritual development to prepare all students for their calling as men and women of faith.

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#4. Texas A&M University

Texas A&M has a total enrollment of 64,600 as of Fall 2015. A&M offers students 139 different undergraduate degree programs and 268 graduate degree programs. Texas A&M also offers students the opportunity to learn and travel the world. About 4,385 students go to 103 countries each year.

Texas A&M believes its purpose as a university is to develop leaders of character dedicated to serving the greater good, and is defined by their six core values; excellence, integrity, leadership, loyalty, respect, and selfless service. Texas A&M believes excellence should set the bar, and that “excellence stems from a great sense of pride in who we are and what we believe in.”

Texas A&M also holds integrity above all. And the best thing about this conservative university is that it also encourages students to be points of light and help others through selfless service.

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#5. Hillsdale College

Founded in 1844, Hillsdale College is an independent conservative Christian college. Hillsdale does not accept federal or state taxpayer subsidies for any of its operations as an independent institution. Hillsdale believes in nurturing students for spiritual, mental, and personal growth.

Hilldale Collee requires each student to sign the honor code and commit himself or herself to participate fully and honorably. The Hillsdale Honor Code states that; A Hillsdale College student is honorable in conduct, honest in word and deed, dutiful in study and service, and respectful of the rights of others.

Hillsdale College’s motto “virtus tentamine gaudet” (strength rejoices in the challenge) inspires students and staff to be strong in virtue and welcome a challenge. In the challenge of self-government, Hillsdale asks its students to act worthy of the blessings of liberty at all times and in all places. This has made Hillsdale College become one of the most conservative Christian colleges.

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#6. Grove City College

Founded in 1876, Grove City College offers an arts education and a strong STEM program. Students have a choice between 50 different programs of study. GCC also requires students to complete humanities, social science, laboratory science, and foreign language coursework.

Grove City College believes in higher education for a higher purpose and has three essential pillars; a rich academic tradition, an amazing value, and a Christ-centered community. This university thrives on the beliefs of faith and freedom. They focus on a holistic experience for students and encourage them to pursue excellence in every area of their lives.

At Grove City College, faith and learning are connected, and they don’t shy away from the critical questions that religion raises. As a conservative Christian school, faith plays a central role in classes, activities, residence halls, and the chapel at Grove City College.

Finally, at Grove City College, it’s all about Christ-centered learning and a living experience defined by academic excellence and traditional American values.

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#7. Oklahoma Christian University

Oklahoma Christian University (OC) is a private Christian university in Oklahoma City, Oklahoma, US. It was founded in 1950 by members of the Churches of Christ.

Even as a conservative college, OC has over 2,250 students and a student-faculty ratio of 14:1. Here; there are over 68 student organizations.

They also offer 21 academic programs, 71 majors, and 8 graduate degree programs.

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#8. College of Ozarks

As a conservative school, the College of the Ozarks offers full-time students the option of working on campus to pay for part of their education. The remainder of their bills is subsidized by scholarships and donations from like-minded individuals, allowing students to graduate without debt.

With a student to faculty ratio of 14:1, they offer 28 undergraduate majors and nine pre-professional programs.

The College of the Ozarks requires six hours of theological instruction and four hours of patriotic education as a requirement for graduation.

The C of O’s vision is to develop citizens of Christ-like character who are well-educated, hard-working, and patriotic.

They also provide a sound education based in the liberal arts, promote a strong work ethic, develop good character and values. This fosters the Christian faith through integrating faith with learning; living; and service, encourages an understanding of American heritage, and cultivates an appreciation of the fine arts.

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#9.United States Military Academy

Founded in 1802, the United States Military Academy, known as West Point, provides a 47-month leader-development program built upon a moral-ethical foundation filled with academic rigor, military discipline, and physical challenges.

West Point stands for academic and physical excellence. They also produce tomorrow’s military, public and private-sector leaders.

West Point is dedicated to producing leaders of character who are prepared to provide selfless service. Life at West Point means you put service of the nation first and are prepared to be a standard-bearer.

The Academy also has an Office of Chaplains that provides broad-based religious support to West Point to facilitate the moral, spiritual, and ethical development of the Cadets. As a Christian University, West Point has over eight different chapels that offer a wide variety of worship.

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#10. Brigham Young University

Brigham Young University is a private Christian university. It is the largest religious university and the third-largest private university in the U.S. The University provides a spiritually strengthening education, intellectually enlarging, character building, and leading to lifelong learning and service.

As a conservative college, all students, regardless of religious affiliation, sign and agree to live and follow the Honor Code.

The Honor Code states that students: be honest; live a chaste and virtuous life; obey the law and all campus policies; use clean language; respect others; abstain from alcoholic beverages and substance abuse; participate regularly in church services; observe dress and grooming standards; and encourage others in their commitment to comply with the Honor Code.

All students should complete religious courses throughout their education, as a rule, at BYU. Course work also often requires students to serve in the local community.

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You can also read: Christian Colleges In Georgia


A high percentage of private Christian colleges are on our list of conservative Christian colleges. Most times, they could be military service academies.

Christian colleges are often both politically and socially conservative. Many Christian colleges adhere to more traditional social views and rules that attract conservative Christian students and faculty.

Finally, there are many factors to consider to determine if a conservative college is a good fit for you. But, one thing you should bear in mind is that a college’s political leaning often reflects the area where the college is located. 



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