UK International Tech Hub Network Go Global Africa 2024 for African Entrepreneurs

Currently, Africa is home to a rapidly growing technology sector. For this reason, International Tech Hub Network Go Global Africa is returning in 2024, after the success of the inaugural program of the entire network last year.

Go Global Africa aims to provide entrepreneurs in Kenya, Nigeria, and South Africa who have developed products ready for the market. And they intend to increase investment and the tools they need to grow their business worldwide.

Also, they plan to establish links with the thriving digital sector of the United Kingdom and pave the way for future economic associations.

Following the launch of Go Global Africa 2024 at the Africa Investment Summit on 20 January, applications are now open.

For this reason, the World Scholarship Forum is making every information you need to apply for this program readily available. Check your eligibility and find out how to apply below.

About International Tech Hub Network

Africa is home to a rapidly growing technology sector. Nigeria’s technology sector generates more than 10% of the country’s economic production and they expect the sector to create three million jobs and generate $88 billion for the local economy by 2024.

Kenya’s technology sector is growing rapidly and represents more than 11% of the country’s economic production, and they consider it is one of the most dynamic, and efficient economies in Africa.

Also, South Africa has attracted a record amount of technology investment from all African countries. In 2017, almost $168 million and World Economic Forum research classifies it as the best place to do business in Africa.

For this reason, the Department of Digital, Culture, Media, and Sports (DCMS) is creating an International Tech Hub Network centers (ITHN), as part of the British government’s digital access program.

Tech Hubs are teams of experts working with partner countries to stimulate local digital economies, develop high-end digital skills and forge innovative partnerships between local technology sectors and international companies.

The centers will be located in Kenya, South Africa, Nigeria, India, Brazil, and Indonesia, along with the existing United Kingdom-Israel technology center.

You can visit their website for more information.

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What is Go Global Africa 2024

Go Global Africa is part of the United Kingdom Government Digital Access Program for the Prosperity Fund.

While the Department of International Development is the sponsor. And it is in partnership with the Department of Foreign and Commonwealth Affairs and the Department of Digital Culture, Media, and sport to help boost the digital.

Go Global Africa 2024 (March-April) was the first Global Go that they launched in the International Tech Hub Network, followed by Go Global India (October-December)

Now in 2024, the International Tech Hub Network Go Global Africa is now returning. This is coming after the success of the inaugural program of the entire network last year.

Some of the most innovative startups working at FinTech, AgriTech, HealthTech, and Clean Energy in Kenya, Nigeria, and South Africa will get an invitation to join master classes in the country. They may also join the program in the United Kingdom.

While, the 15 most promising startups, determined by the launch events in the country, will arrive in the United Kingdom in March 2024.

Whereby they will benefit from a 5-day training program designed to improve business skills and abilities, establish bonds with prosperity from the United Kingdom.

As well as the technology sector and work with British experts to develop their business.

Currently, they advise that successful African startups should act as Go Global champions and share the skills they have acquired with other companies across the continent.

This will help spread digital skills, digital capabilities and increase entrepreneurship, creating jobs and prosperity.

The program will help companies in the host country connect with new UK companies in new markets.

Also, they stand to benefit from the experience of their rapidly growing technology ecosystem of £184 billion for each other’s economic year.

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What are the Benefits of the Go Global Africa 2024

The truth is that most people do ask what exactly they stand to gain with Go Global Africa 2024. Well, it’s good to know that you stand to gain a lot of things from this technology program.

Though some of the worth might not be physical cash, they are definitely worth more than rubies.

For this reason, International Tech Hub Network is giving you a great benefit for attending this program. And they include:

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  • Flights,
  • accommodation and
  • meals for both the in-country masterclass and the UK program will be covered by the International Tech Hub Network.

Most importantly, the network will handle and pay for your visa, although it is the responsibility of the participant to organize the application with sufficient time.

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Go Global Africa 2024 Eligibility

Applications are open to new technology companies in Kenya, Nigeria, and South Africa that meet ALL of the following criteria:

.ugb-10455f0 li{margin-bottom:5px !important}.ugb-10455f0 li::before{background-image:url(‘’)}.ugb-10455f0 li ul{margin-bottom:5px !important}.ugb-10455f0.ugb-icon-list ul{columns:1}
  • Must work in one of the following four sectors: AgriTech, FinTech, HealthTech or Clean Energy
  • Post-MVP stage, fully operational in the market
  • Can demonstrate a clear business model with evidence of customer traction
  • Looking to raise your first round of financing
  • Can demonstrate a clear potential for social impact
  • You can demonstrate your commitment to strengthening the local ecosystem by transmitting lessons to other startups
  • Ambition to develop internationally in the future.

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How Do I Apply the Go Global Africa 2024

In case you are looking for the best way to apply for this program, then you are in the right place. Below are the details you need to know when applying for the Go Global Africa 2024.

1. Record a video that explains your product and your value proposition, and how you will use this opportunity for the benefit of your startup and the community in general

2. Upload this video on YouTube and include the link to your video when completing the form below. The video must:

.ugb-6681806 li{margin-bottom:3px !important}.ugb-6681806 li::before{background-image:url(‘’)}.ugb-6681806 li ul{margin-bottom:3px !important}.ugb-6681806.ugb-icon-list ul{columns:1}
  • not exceed 60 seconds
  • be directed towards the camera and not commented
  • show the representative that he will travel to the UK if he succeeds
  • be hosted on YouTube (we cannot accept any other format or link to shared folders)

NOTE: Your submission must meet the above criteria and complete all the sections required below to be considered.NOTE: Your submission must meet the above criteria and complete all the sections required below to be considered.

If you have any questions about the application process please contact (with a subject header – GGA20 application query):

South Africa:

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Program Deadline the Go Global Africa 2024

03 FEB

Applications close 3 February at 5 pm (GMT)

07 FEB

Shortlisted Participants Notification

Pitch Finals

03 FEB

South Africa Pitch Final

26 FEB

Nigeria Pitch Final

28 FEB

Kenya Pitch Final

In-country Masterclass Series

04-06 MARCH

South Africa

10-12 MARCH


17-19 MARCH


23-27 MARCH


Go Global Africa FAQs

Go Global Africa is part of the United Kingdom Government Digital Access Program for the Prosperity Fund.

Applications close 3 February at 5 pm (GMT)

In Conclusion

Following the launch of Go Global Africa 2024 at the Africa Investment Summit on 20 January, applications are now open.

For this reason, the World Scholarship Forum is making every information you need to apply for this program readily available.

Check your eligibility and find out how to apply from the above information. For more information, click on the link below

.ugb-114a0b4 .ugb-button1{background-color:#a36820}.ugb-114a0b4 .ugb-button1 .ugb-button–inner,.ugb-114a0b4 .ugb-button1 svg:not(.ugb-custom-icon){color:#ffffff !important}


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