$1,000 De Novo Scholarship Program 

Basically, De Novo Scholarship Program 2024 is one of the ScholarshipPoint scholarships provided to help their members get the educational resources they need to plan and pay for college. The easiest way to increase your chances of winning this scholarship is by earning points. And then, spend those points on scholarship drawings

Interestingly, when you participate in the ScholarshipPoints.com community as a high school or college student you can earn points and enter scholarship drawings through their daily internet activities. Also, the scholarship is worth $1,000.

However, we have put down in this post all the important information about the $1,000 Ascend Scholarship and how you can apply. Quickly scroll the table of content below to get an overview of all we have wrapped up in this post just to help you apply.

About De Novo Scholarship Sponsor: ScholarshipPoints

ScholarshipPoints is a membership program designed specifically for students. Basically, they give students the opportunity to earn points by completing activities, such as taking surveys, reading blog posts, and checking out their preferred partners. Each point is a potential entry in a scholarship drawing. Members “spend” their points to enter drawings.

Secondly, it gives students and their families the educational resources they need to plan and pay for college. They get paid for connecting students with our partners, and that money funds the scholarships.

Hence, the ScholarshipPoints program was created in 2006 to help students win scholarships without the hassle of filling out paper applications and writing dozens of essays.

Prior to this time, over $1,000,000 has been awarded to students through the ScholarshipPoints program by Edvisors company which is the owner of the program.

You can also check out $26,500 Commerce Achievement Scholarship at Melbourne University

Levels/Field of Study

This particular ScholarshipPoints program is open for students who wants to make their educational goals a reality.

What is the De Novo Scholarship 2024 Worth?

This Scholarship is worth $1,000. And also, the company awards only one (1) scholarship annually.

What are the Eligible Criteria?

To be eligible to win this scholarship in 2024, you must meet up the following criteria

  • Be at least 13 years old and above.
  • Have enrolled or will enroll in a college or university in the U.S.
  • Have a legal resident of the U.S. or Puerto Rico.

If you want to know the secret to getting your name on the Winners’ Wall, Follow these four recommendations:

  1. Don’t let yourself get lazy about completing activities. The more activities you do, the more points you’ll earn. Then spend those points on scholarship drawings. Every point is another chance to win!
  2. Keep an eye on your inbox. You don’t want to miss any opportunities to earn more points, so be on the lookout for our emails.
  3. Follow our social media accounts. We share new bonus codes every week — that’s an easy way to rack up more points!

$1,000 De Novo Scholarship Program 2024 is provided by the Scholarship Point membership program. Basically, the Program is opened to a resident of the U.S. or Puerto Rico Students.

You can also check out this $10,000 ScholarshipPoints Scholarship Program 2024 | Apply

How Do I Apply For The De Novo Scholarship Program?

Application for this Scholarship point program is done online.

Process of Selection

In the selection process, a computer program is used to create a numbered entry for each point spent on a given scholarship. However, if you spent five points on a scholarship, you get five entries.

Note, on the day of the drawing, the computer program picks a winner at random. The more entries you have, the more chances you have to win. Since the drawings are conducted at random, it is possible to win with only a single entry. And it also possible to win multiple times.

For more information on how to join if you are not yet a member, click the button below. Note, this scholarship is only open to members of ScholarshipPoints.


$1,000 De Novo Program 2024 Deadline

Enter to win this 2024 drawing before midnight Pacific on January 31. The winner will be announced on February 4, 2024.

Read the Official Rules for this drawing.

Important Information about your Account

  1. Your username is the email address you registered your account with. If you forgot the email address, contact us at members@scholarshippoints.com.
  2. If you forget your password, click on the following link, enter your email address, and we will send you instructions for resetting your password: I forgot my password.
  3. Finally, if you no longer wish to be a member of the program, whether it is because you graduated or for another reason, you can deactivate your account in the Edit My Profile section.


What is the age requirement to join ScholarshipPoints?

You can join the ScholarshipPoints program if you are at least 13 years old if you are enrolled or will enroll in a college or university in the U.S., and if you are a legal resident of the U.S. or Puerto Rico.

Must I be a US citizen to participate in the ScholarshipPoints program?

In order to participate in the ScholarshipPoints program, you must be a U.S. citizen or permanent resident attending a school in the United States.

What should I do if I forget my login details?

Your username is the email address you registered your account with. If you forgot the email address, contact us at members@scholarshippoints.com.



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