The Al Jazeera Documentary Competition for Short Films

Documentaries tell stories of events you wouldn’t easily encounter at any time. Moreso, it takes a good budget and hard work to put a good documentary together.

The Al Jazeera Documentary Competition for Short Films 2024 exists for young people in the Arab world. To 2help them create amazing documentaries.

In our world today, many people struggled to share their story with the world. Because they are either impeded by lack of a forum or a technological means of sharing.

You walk through some localities and hear amazing stories of how individuals used local materials to build technological machines.

A young boy in Western Africa once built a bulldozer out of carton paper. Furthermore, he engineered the bulldozer to work electronically using a remote control system.

I was truly amazed at his genius-level but sadly enough, no one recognized him for his efforts.

So, in order to stop this lack of recognition, Al Jazeera Documentary Competition for Short Films 2024 will enable individuals to possess the funds to run great documentaries.

About the Al Jazeera Documentary Competition for Short Films 2024

The Middle East has continually faced decades of strife, hunger, and killings. Therefore, someone can easily write them off to be a war zone.

Despite all these conditions surrounding them, some individuals have taken initiative to become exceptional.

They have not been discouraged by their predicaments but have been more focused on providing solutions to real-world problems.

The total aim of the competition is to discover and embrace the talent resident in these young individuals.

In truth, they see the youths as the building blocks for the future and they immediately want to capture them.

Hence, the Al Jazeera Documentary Competition for Short Films 2024 is an opportunity for these young people to be recognized.

Eligibility Requirements

To be eligible for the Al Jazeera Documentary Competition for Short Films 2024, you need to fulfill certain requirements which include;

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  • Be between 16-26 years
  • Possess a film with a duration between 3-7 minutes
  • Present your film in HD(High Definition)
  • Present your film in Arabic

Application Process

To apply for this competition, you need to pick up the application form online. So, you can kickstart your application process by simply clicking the button below.

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Application Deadline

The deadline for the Al Jazeera Documentary Competition for Short Films 2024 is February 15, 2024. Therefore, hurry and apply immediately for this program.


Young Arabians between ages 16-26 can enroll in the Al Jazeera Documentary Competition.

The winner of this competition gets $5,000.

The application deadline for the Al Jazeera Documentary Competition for Short Films 2024 is February 15, 2024.


The benefits of this competition are too many to mention. From economic growth to decreased poverty rates etc, the list is endless.

Additionally, it gives Arabians a fair chance to show how far they have developed in all areas.

The prospect of young people front lining great innovations is also an amazing feeling too. Because it will definitely promote an industrious attitude among young people.


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