Ron Moelis Social Entrepreneurship Fellowship for Undergraduates | 2024

Are you an undergraduate student with a creative ability to solve societal problems? Can you think outside the box to get solutions to some real-life issues? Well, an opportunity to explore your creativity is right here. So, maximize the benefits of the Ron Moelis social entrepreneurship fellowship for undergraduates in 2024.

This article is both informative and directive. Hence, you will find answers to all your questions as regards this fellowship alongside a guide to apply rightly and become a beneficiary. To see the highlight of the details you will garner from this article, quickly glance through the table of content.

Social innovation deals with using creative ways to solve difficult societal problems. These problems could be environmental decay, urban poverty, racism or gender problems.

It also offers a way to re-think solutions to some of the most pressing issues facing many communities.

In fact, the Ron Moelis fellowship for undergraduate students in 2024 cannot be overemphasized because social innovation requires creative ways to solve difficult problems.

About the Ron Moelis Social Entrepreneurship Fellowship for Undergraduates in 2024

The Moelis family which funds this fellowship program supports groups of fellows as they go through a versatile learning experience that focuses on social innovation.

Ron Moelis fellowship program combines intensive teaching and a series of reflective workshops with social innovation experts, industry leaders, and scholars.

The Ron Moelis Social Entrepreneurship Fellowship at John Jay College brings together the best students of social justice with the most socially responsible and innovative companies in New York City, like Etsy, Echoing Green, and the Center for Social Innovation.

This is to enable fellows and partners to learn from each other on how to make the city develop well with a purpose.

Previously, students usually come from a variety of majors including Public Administration, Economics, Criminal Justice Management, Computer Science, Political Science, and English.

Fellows complete a course (3-credits) with several experiential projects that have a link to partner organizations and companies. This is to ensure that fellows meet the learning objectives, following admission to the program in the spring semester.

In the fall semester, the hybrid course will run once a week. It will take at least 2.5 hours through on-campus and off-campus time spent with the partner organizations, and online collaboration. (cymbalta) Although, the day has not been determined.

Each student that completes the Ron Moelis Social Entrepreneurship fellowship will get the sum of $3,000 stipend.

Additionally, the student will get free textbooks as well. These gifts are to recognize the fellow’s high qualifications, time, and efforts which the person will invest in the program.

What is the fellowship worth?

Students that complete the Ron Moelis Entrepreneurship Fellowship will be awarded a $3,000 stipend. They will also get free textbooks as well.

Read also: Minerva Scholarship Fund for International Students at Leiden University, Netherlands

Eligibility Requirements- Who Should Apply for the Ron Moelis Fellowship 2024?

The requirements for the Ron Moelis Social Entrepreneurship Fellowship in 2024 include:

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  • The undergraduate student must possess a minimum GPA of 3.25.
  • The student must be willing to enroll as an undergraduate student at John Jay College in the fall of 2024.
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Level/Field of Study

The Ron Moelis Social Entrepreneurship fellowship is for young undergraduates that can solve critical social problems through creative thinking and problem-solving.

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Host Nationality

The Ron Moelis Social Entrepreneurship fellowship holds at John Jay College of Criminal Justice in New York City, United States.

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Eligible Nationality

Ron Moelis fellowship program is open to any undergraduate student from any part of the world.

Read and apply: Ron Brown Scholarship: Requirements, Application & Deadline 2024

How can I apply for the Ron Moelis Fellowship?

The application will be online. Basically, to apply, you will have to:

  • Upload your resume
  • Upload a copy of your unofficial transcript
  • Complete your application by writing an essay of about 750 words to describe your interest in social innovation and give an instance of a serious social problem you solved around you through creative thinking and problem-solving.

You can apply by clicking on the button below.

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Read and apply: FAFSA Scholarship- How To Apply 2024

When is the Deadline for the Ron Moelis Social Entrepreneurship Fellowship for Undergraduates 2024?

The deadline for the Ron Moelis entrepreneurship fellowship in 2024 is on February 28, 2024. We encourage you to apply immediately because the deadline is just around the corner. 


Social innovation is not actually new, however, it seems to be entering a new phase. Hence, this new phase is increasingly offering solutions not just to localized problems but to more systemic and structural issues.

Therefore, the goal of the Ron Moelis social entrepreneurship fellowship is to bring together some of the best students of social justice to solve some of the very challenging social problems prevalent in society through critical thinking. 

Frequently Asked Questions

The sponsor of this social entrepreneurship fellowship program is Ron Moelis.

Fellows of this program will be awarded a $3,000 stipend plus free textbooks.

The deadline for applying to this fellowship is on the 28th of February, 2024.


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