7 Ways to Pass REDEEMERS Post Utme

The Redeemers University of Technology offers admission to qualified candidates after thorough screening all in a bid to select the best brains. To be among the selected few, you must prepare well. This post will serve as a guide for all prospective Redeemers students on how to pass the Redeemers post utme.

Redeemers University is a private university in Ede, Osun, off Gbongan-Oshogbo Road, Osun State, Nigeria. The university is owned by the Redeemed Christian Church of God.

Redeemers University JAMB score requirement is 180. What this entails is that you have to score 180 and above to be qualified to apply for the Redeemers Post UTME. I strongly know you wouldn’t want to roll a stone up to the mountain only for you to let it slip.

Therefore, you have to avail yourself of the necessary Information guide like; Why Do Universities In Nigeria Write Post UTME? Redeemers Post UTME past questions, Redeemers cut-off marks, and a whole lot more. Click here to get Redeemers Past Questions.

Here is an overview of what to expect in this article.

Why Do Universities In Nigeria Write Post UTME?

National Universities Commission (NUC) adopted the Post UTME style in order to reduce the number of students to be admitted each year as universities in Nigeria can’t admit all the candidates that scored 180 and above.

So, in order to be among the successful applicants to be admitted, it’s important you prepare well for the upcoming Post UTME.

One of the ways of preparing well is through getting the university’s past questions and reading them too. Click here to get REDEEMERS Past Questions and Answers.

What is Redeemers University JAMB Cut off Mark?

The official JAMB and Post-UTME cut off mark for  Redeemer’s University is 180. The Joints Admission and Matriculation Board (JAMB) had given a benchmark of 180 and above for candidates applying for Universities, Polytechnics, Colleges of Education. For this reason,  Redeemer’s University has followed suit to place their cut off mark at 180.

While you’re getting braced for Redeemers Post UTME, seize this opportunity to apply for undergraduate scholarships for Nigerian students and stand an opportunity to win an undergraduate scholarship as a potential year 1 student.

Redeemers Post UTME Admission/Screening Requirements

For you to be eligible to apply for Redeemers Post UTME screening exercise, you must possess the following;

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  • Intending candidates must have sat for JAMB or obtained the UTME Direct Entry Form where applicable.
  • Candidates applying for admission into any undergraduate program must possess a minimum of five (5) O’ Level Credit passes at one or two sittings in SSCE/ GCE/ NECO/NABTEB or equivalents which must include Credit passes in English Language and Mathematics, and other subjects relevant to the proposed course of study.
  • Candidates awaiting results can also apply, provided there is the assurance that such results will be available in the same year of application.
  • Interested candidates are to PAY the application fee and APPLY for admission ONLINE.

Redeemers Departmental Cut off Mark For All Courses 2024 Academic Session

Redeemers University, RUN Post UTME screening date has not been announced yet. However, candidates who have scored a minimum of 180 in the UTME examination are eligible to apply for admission into any of their choice courses.

List Of Courses Offered In Redeemers University Of Technology

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  • Accounting
  • Actuarial Science
  • Banking and Finance
  • Biochemistry
  • Business Administration
  • Communication and Media Studies
  • Computer Science
  • Economics
  • English & Professional Communication
  • History & International Studies
  • Industrial Chemistry
  • Industrial Mathematics
  • Insurance
  • LAW
  • Management
  • Marketing
  • Mass Communication
  • Microbiology
  • Performing Arts (Theatre Arts/Film Studies)
  • Physics with Electronics
  • Political Science
  • Psychology
  • Social Work
  • Sociology
  • Statistics
  • Tourism Studies
  • Transport Management

When is Redeemers 2024 Post UTME Starting?

Redeemers University Post-Utme/admission screening application has not commenced. Prospective students are advised not to pay money into any individual’s account. World Scholarship Forum will do well to inform you when the admission form is out.

This situation provides enough time to purchase an updated version of previous Redeemers Past Questions and Answers at an affordable price. This will be your ideal prep study guide. Click here to get it now.

How To Apply For Redeemers 2024 Post-UTME Screening Exercise

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  • Go to the school portal by clicking here
  • When the page loads up, you will be required to create a profile before making a payment with your ATM card or visit any of the E-Tranzact partner banks to pay the sum of Seven Thousand, Five Hundred Naira (N7,500.00) only for the Redeemer’s University Post UTME using the eTransact platform.
  • Each candidate is expected to provide a valid JAMB number and other personal details at the bank and obtain a receipt containing your JAMB Registration Number and a confirmation order number.
  • Re-visit adms.run.edu.ng to proceed to the completion of the application properly.

How Do I Get the Redeemers Past UTME Past Questions?

Redeemers Post UTME study guide that gives you an insight into how their questions are structured and the pattern the University follows.

Also, it gives you leverage as you already know the type of questions to expect, how to tackle them during the exam day, and finally score high when the result is out. You’ll definitely want to grab a copy now. You can get the updated Redeemers Post UTME past questions from us at the rate of One thousand naira.

This will save you the stress of going to school to get the hardcopy. It’s better you take advantage of this opportunity online and be ahead of others. CLICK HERE TO GET REDEEMERS POST UTME PAST QUESTIONS

7 Easy Ways To Pass Redeemers University Post-UTME

Often times, students fail to make the admission list as a result of failure to pass Post UTME after a great JAMB score.

The obvious truth is that when you prepare for an exam or any endeavor, you’ll definitely excel at it. Therefore, you’re urged to adhere to these tips as it will definitely lead to success.

1. Buy Redeemers Post UTME Study Guide

For you to surpass the Redeemers cut off mark, you have to prepare very well using the school’s past question and answers guide. The Past Question will give you an insight into how their questions are structured and the pattern the University follows.

Also, it gives you leverage as you already know the type of questions to expect, how to tackle them during the exam day, and finally score high when the result is out. It will also interest you to know that Redeemers University normally repeats questions. 

You can get REDEEMERS Post UTME past questions from us at the rate of One thousand naira. Take advantage of this opportunity online and be ahead of others.

Click here to get an updated REDEEMERS Past Questions and Answers at an affordable rate.

2. Have Access to Relevant Information

In times like this, you need to have an adequate and reliable information channel where you are updated with reliable and timely information. You can count on us for that!

When you have access to relevant information, you’ll be aware of when the sale of PUtme forms, how to apply for REDEEMERS Post UTME, exam venue, date and time of the exam, how to get the updated past questions manual, and a whole lot more.

You will be added to our exclusive WhatsApp channel where updates concerning REDEEMERS Post UTME and how to secure your dream admission into the university are shared when you purchase the Past Questions and Answers.

3. Join Our Exclusive WhatsApp Group

To help you prepare better for the University Post UTME exam and be a step ahead of other applicants, we have created a WhatsApp group for students about to write the Redeemers Post UTME.

Benefits of the WhatsApp Group

You’ll get the following benefits when you join the WhatsApp group:

  • You will get answers to questions regarding how to apply for REDEEMERS University Post UTME exam date, venue, timing, and direction.
  • Accurate answers to questions regarding the school, your prospective faculty, department, and their code of conduct.
  • Accommodation assistance from members of the group and students of the school a day before the post-UTME.
  • Essential hacks on scoring high in the Post UTME.
  • Discover and make friends with applicants studying your course.
  • Meet-up and interact face-to-face with friends you made from the group.
  • Full guide on the next step after getting admission.

How to Join REDEEMERS WhatsApp Group

Purchase REDEEMERS UNIVERSITY Post UTME past question NOW and get the invite to join the exclusive WhatsApp group. Limited space is available.

4. Go To the Exam Hall with the Necessary Documents and Materials

Carefully go through the listed exam requirements and make sure you go to the exam venue with them. This will make you relaxed as you won’t have a course to panic. NOTE: Phones and bags aren’t allowed into the exam hall.

5. Confirm Your Exam Venue and Time

We’ve heard several cases of candidates who miss their exams as a result of misinformation or conflict of information. Most times, this is a result of not getting the right information on time.

Therefore, you are always urged to keep on confirming your exam dates, venue, and time until you’re done with the exam. Don’t forget to ask relevant questions when you’re confused. You can get updates and confirmations from our WhatsApp channel.

6. Be At The School A Day Before The Exam

What this entails is that in order to avoid stories that touch, you have to try as much as possible to be at the school a day before the exam and also get to the exam venue an hour before the exam time.

What this means is if you have to travel for the Post UTME, You’re advised to leave a day before to the school. In a situation whereby, you are not familiar with REDEEMERS University, you can always get guidelines from us through our Exclusive WhatsApp Channel.

7. Be Confident and Positive

Nothing beats a positive mindset. When you do your best as a student a positive mindset is expected of you. Once you get into the exam hall which is mostly CBT, be confident in yourself, and believe in the efforts you have made before the ‘D day’. That’s why it’s always advised to prepare for Post UTME with the university’s Past Questions and Answers. Click here to get REDEEMERS Past Questions

Lastly, BE CONSCIOUS OF YOUR TIME as you have to merge speed with accuracy. Cheers!


Redeemers University Post-Utme/admission screening application has not commenced. Prospective students are advised not to pay money into any individual’s account. 

AS we all know, there are 60 minutes in 1 hour, so you have to optimize it well, so as to answer the 100 questions correctly. As we all know, the post UTME examination is also called an aptitude test. An aptitude test is meant to test your common reasoning. 

Post-UTME is short for Post Unified Tertiary Matriculation Examination. In other words, it is post JAMB or the exam written by JAMB candidates just after the UTME before admission.

The Post UTME pattern is almost similar in many institutions. It is also similar to JAMB questions. If you have studied well for your JAMB exam, writing Post UTME will not be difficult. It is advisable to go through past exam questions for an exam you are writing for the first time.

Know Your Aspiring School Post UTME/Screening Method of Post UTME and Setting Questions
Revise your School Post UTME Past Questions
Read your Textbooks, Notebooks, and Listen to News
Don’t Procrastinate, Start Reading Now!


In short, it’s time to prepare now. You have everything you need to ensure your dreams are accepted at REDEEMERS University. Don’t forget to leave comments, we are here to guide you. good luck !!


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