10 Free Customer Service Training With Certificate 2024

What distinguishes brands is the quality of their customer service. The best way to be proficient in high-level customer service is by undergoing free customer service training with a certificate to prove it.

Aside from the free customer service training, you can also get a certificate after the training. This means, at this point, online courses are the best choice for you.

The skills you will make your brand a priceless asset in the eyes of most businesses.

More so, you will learn how to build top-notch customer service skills. Today, take this free online course to improve your communication abilities and ace any customer-facing role.

This table of contents will provide easy navigation through the information you need to obtain information on free customer service training with Certificate 2024.

Why Choose Free Online Courses?

The current challenges facing traditional colleges and universities, including higher tuition, budget cuts, and course shortages, cause many students to search for alternatives.

With nearly three million students enrolled in fully online programs and six million taking at least one online course as part of their degree, online education has become one of the most popular higher education alternatives.

With almost three million students enrolled in fully online programs and six million taking at least one online course as part of their degree, online education has become one of the most popular higher education alternatives.

Continuously improving the reputation of online learning helped fuel its expansion, as initial skepticism faltered in the face of evidence that online learning can be as effective as face-to-face education.


This means that students, from working professionals to recent high school graduates, find many reasons to take all or some courses online.

Here is a list of why you should choose free online courses:

  • Variety of programs and courses
  • Lower total costs
  • The more comfortable learning environment
  • Convenience and flexibility
  • More interaction and greater ability to concentrate
  • Career advancement
  • Continue in your profession
  • Avoid commuting
  • Improve your technical skills
  • Transfer credits

In addition, online courses also come with technical aspects that traditional classes may not include, such as software and LMS options.

By this estimation, online students not only encounter all mandatory coursework but also gain experience with new technology as one of the advantages of online classes.

How To Take An Online Course

Here are tips to help set you up for success when taking an online course:

1. Have a clear motivation in mind

Identify why you are taking the online class. The first step to success is starting by identifying the reasons for taking the course. Think about what you want to achieve and the successful outcome, whether it’s learning a new skill, advancing your career, or an experience of learning something new.

Students take courses to improve their lives, be it to advance their careers, to help them find a job, pursue a higher education course, or just for personal enrichment.

2. Set small, manageable goals

Set small goals throughout the course, so there is always something to work for. By dividing a large project into smaller, more manageable pieces of work, completing each part often becomes easier and moving on to the next. You can also set goals related to when you took an online course.

Many courses are at your own pace, so you can complete assignments and go through modules at the speed that suits you, so you can define goals that fit your schedule and life.

3. Sign up with a friend

A useful motivational tool is to sign up for an online course with a friend to help hold you accountable and to stay committed. Not only can you encourage each other to stay focused and finish the course together, but you can also act as a helpful resource to each other when studying or discussing course content.

Depending on location, you can even hold “study groups,” either online or in-person.

4. Take your learning on the go

It is advisable that learners learn anytime and anywhere. Even though the course content lives entirely online, completing coursework in various locations can be helpful.

Moving from place to place reduces your chances of feeling bored and can help keep you feeling energized. A change of scenery from your home or the library to a coffee shop or a park can make a big difference to your motivation levels and help to keep you on track to completing the online course.

5. Have some skin in the game

Share your journey by taking online courses with family and friends in person or on social media. By involving them in your endeavor, you’re more likely to feel motivated to make progress, so you can share updates and answer their questions about learning online.

Even paying for certification and putting a “financial” side to the game is the driver in itself, as there is now a financial incentive to help you cross the finish line.

Universities That Offer Free Online Courses

The schools below are highly regarded as higher education institutions and offer many free online courses.

These courses generally allow students to access subjects at any time, allowing them to speed up their studies.

These materials are generally offered through OpenCourseWare University projects or various open platforms for online course providers.

Many of these free courses do not offer credit, but in some cases, students can pay a small fee to obtain credit in the form of a diploma or certificate of completion.

However, interested students want to obtain a degree and consider choosing a certificate or diploma to confirm transferability and acceptance towards an academic degree.

Here is the list of the Universities that offer free Online Courses:

  • Carnegie Mellon University
  • Massachusetts Institute of Technology
  • University of California – Berkeley
  • The University of California – Irvine
  • University of Massachusetts – Boston
  • University of Michigan
  • The University of Notre Dame
  • Utah State University
  • Yale University

List Of The Free Online Courses That Offer Certification

Whether you are looking for a master’s degree program, computer science lessons, K-12 curriculum, or a GED study program, this list gives you a look at 25 websites that offer free online courses.

From databases that organize more than a million students at 16 universities to a small library of documents for those interested in history, free online learning opportunities continue to expand as the Internet becomes a crucial component of education.

Here is the list of the Free Online Courses:

  • Coursera
  • Khan Academy
  • Khan Academy
  • Udemy 
  • Academic Earth
  • edX
  • Alison
  • iTunesU Free Courses
  • Stanford Online
  • Harvard Extension
  • Open Yale Courses
  • UC Berkeley Class Central
  • MIT OpenCourseWare
  • Carnegie Mellon Open Learning Initiative
  • Codecademy
  • Code
  • University of London Podcasts
  • University of Oxford Podcasts
  • BBC Podcasts
  • TED-Ed
  • LessonPaths
  • Memrise
  • National Geographic Kids
  • Fun Brain
  • Whyville

10 Free Customer service training with Certificate 2024

Customer service and support training programs come in a variety of formats. Some can be extremely extensive and provide in-depth coverage of a topic, while others discuss general knowledge of customer service fundamentals.

For our list, we looked for diverse options that should be helpful for any customer service team.

Here is the list of the 10 free customer service training with Certificate 2022.

  • Customer Service Training
  •  Support Professional Training
  •  HubSpot Academy
  • Culture of Services: New Perspective on Customer Relations
  • Call Center Customer Service
  • Customer Service Advantage
  • Customer Service Refresher Training
  • Communication
  • A+ Customer Care
  • 7 Essentials to Excellent Customer Service

1. Customer Service Training by Alison 

Price: Free

The Allison Customer Service Training program is designed for employees at any stage of their customer service career. Learn the basics of customer service with a 1 to 2-hour online course.

The training aims to teach reps how to deal with difficult customer interactions and understand why they occur in the first place.


2. Support Professional Training by Service Strategies

This support training provided by service strategies helps technical support representatives provide quality customer service.

It focuses on teaching them effective communication techniques by providing a technical solution.

Sometimes it can be difficult to explain these responses to clients, so it is important to know how to communicate these solutions using the customer’s language.


3. HubSpot Academy

HubSpot Academy offers a few different courses that provide useful customer service lessons.

The most notable one is the new Inbound Certification course which includes the most recent updates to the Inbound Methodology.

Another relative course for customer service reps is the Delight” case study led by Nitesh Banta, Founder and CEO of B12.

This course breaks down B12’s customer service strategy and how it keeps customers happy from day one.

Even customer success managers looking for training can look at the “Customer Success & Account Health Check” course that covers the steps to nurturing and delighting customers over time.

A “Managing Your Sales to Customer Success Handoff” course also helps Sales and Customer Success teams work better together.


4. Culture of Services: New Perspective on Customer Relations by edX

edX’s customer relations training program uses videos of real-life service interactions to teach attendants free customer service skills.

The videos are taken from businesses that are in the retail, food service, and hospitality industries.

Using these recordings as a visual aid, the course teaches viewers how to properly analyze customer interactions and critique the services in their own businesses.

This training program is an eight-week course that requires an estimated 2-3 hours to complete.

Upon passing the course, users can purchase a certificate confirming their course completion status.


5. Call Center Customer Service by Universal Class

Universal Class is a website that provides accredited courses on just about anything you can think of, including customer service.

While it offers a few customer service courses on its website, one of its most notable is the “Call Center Customer Service” course.

This course covers the different responsibilities of a customer service representative and the skills needed to succeed when working in a call center.

It also discusses common call center etiquette and the roadblocks a service or support rep can expect to experience in a customer service position.

The course is taken online throughout six months and concludes with a cumulative final exam.


6. Customer Service Advantage by Bonfire Training

Bonfire offers group training that uniquely allocates the development experience to everyone. Its Customer Service Advantage course helps customer service teams develop an action plan for addressing tricky customer interactions.

This training aims to motivate reps to find effective solutions rather than provide explanations for an apology.

Bonfire’s courses are constantly updated and can be attended over several mediums.

The first option is in-person training, where Bonfire sends a representative to the company to teach the lesson. 


7. Customer Service Refresher Training by Business Training Works

Customer service roles are often stressful, and it is common for experienced customer service representatives to be exhausted over time.

Business Training Works, provided by Business Training Works, aims to stimulate exhausted customer service and support workers.

It does this by explaining how customer service has changed over time and how customer expectations have evolved.

8. Communication by SkillPath

SkillPath’s Communication courses provide valuable lessons about communication skills imperative to customer service.

Its courses teach things like active listening, negotiation, and technical writing. It also covers important business skills such as professional presentations and “developing a professional presence.”

Learning about these skills is great for employees who may lack professional experience. Skill Path’s courses are offered online and on-site at varying prices and duration.


9. A+ Customer Care by WorkLifeBalance

This training program is designed to help reps identify customer needs and solve service problems in a timely manner.

It is based on five customer-centric steps to improve internal and external customer service skills.

This makes it an excellent option for training in-house and customer-oriented support teams.

WorkLifeBalance offers on-site and online courses. It also provides options to register for the courses individually or as a supported group.


10. 7 Essentials to Excellent Customer Service by GoSkills

GoSkills offers a variety of online career development programs. This one covers the fundamentals of providing excellent customer service and is great for people who don’t have much experience in the customer service field. 

This course is 90 minutes long and has 22 practice tutorials. It reviews concepts like creating positive interactions and engaging with customers by focusing on verbal and nonverbal cues.

At the end of the program, participants are given a certification for completing the course. 


Benefits Of An Online Certificate

Online certifications are more than just a badge of honor. They allow your organization to monitor employee progress and retain top talent.

Despite these benefits, you may wonder if online training certificates are worth the time and resources.

Here are notable benefits of an Online Certificate:

1. Uphold Company Standards

Employees must meet certain criteria to earn training certificates online. The organization sets these standards and builds on the desired results and targets.

Therefore, online training certificates can help you maintain company standards in all fields. For example, employees should be able to demonstrate their knowledge of compliance in the real context of obtaining their training certificates online.

Or to complete a series of task simulations to prove proficiency. As such, you can be sure these people will accurately reflect your brand image.

2. Provide Proof of Competency in the Event of an Audit

Audits can be cumbersome and time-consuming. Sometimes, it can be expensive if the auditor detects violations or inconsistencies in their documents.

Fortunately, online training certification programs allow you to provide evidence of employee competence.

For example, its employees completed an online health and safety training course and passed the final test.

Online free customer service training certificates also allow you to reduce the risk of violations, as employees have all the resources they need to comply with the policies.

3. Track Employee Performance More Effectively

Online training certificates allow you to divide the online training program into individual components.

Therefore, you can track employee performance more effectively by analyzing training milestones.

For example, you know that an employee can use the POS system if they pass the relevant online training certification course.

Therefore, they should be able to complete the sales transaction. However, they still have to complete a negotiation skills certificate course.

You can intervene as necessary to ensure they stay on the right track and not leave them behind. In fact, many LMS systems allow you to monitor certificates with detailed reports.

4. Improve Employee Motivation

Employees are motivated to learn if they know the organization cares about their professional development.

Online free customer service training certification courses require time and resources, but your staff will appreciate the opportunity to expand their skills.

Furthermore, online training certificates allow them to monitor their progress and proficiency.

They can tackle topics at a time instead of trying to absorb large quantities of information. There are a variety of secondary benefits associated with this.

Firstly, you retain your top talent rather than training less experienced replacements. Then there’s the matter of greater employee satisfaction, which translates into greater workplace productivity.

5. Focus On Areas For Improvement

Employees can identify areas for improvement and use the online training materials to bridge the gaps.

If they cannot earn their online training certificate, employees can seek out additional resources to pass the second time around.

They don’t have to worry about keeping up with their peers, as they can focus on each online training certification course individually and at their own pace.

You can even create a pre-assessment to help employees pinpoint their strengths and weaknesses.

Then provide a list of recommended online training certification courses. Or conduct surveys to get employees’ input regarding their gaps.

6. Allow Employees To Upskill On Their Own Time

Self-starters often seize every opportunity to improve their professional knowledge and master new skill sets.

Online free customer service training certification courses enable them to upskill on their own time to achieve their personal goals.

For instance, if they are trying to land that big promotion or improve their on-the-job performance before the next evaluation.

Once again, you can help guide their efforts by conducting pre-assessments.

Proactive employees may not even be aware of gaps that exist, and a pre-diagnostic test reveals skills they need to work on to achieve their potential.

You might even consider self-guided training contracts that outline milestones and goals for employees who lack motivation.

7. Provide A-La-Carte Online Training Experience

Online certification courses contain everything an employee needs to know. It is a complete educational unit covering all major findings.

As such, online training certificates are ideal independent resources. The employee does not have to complete an entire branch of the online training program.

Instead, they can access online training certification units that meet their goals and objectives.

In addition, managers can recommend specific training certificates online related to annual evaluations.

For example, compliance certification courses for those not following company policy.

8. Enhances the Credibility of your Organization

Online free customer service training certifications are a sign of achievement and mastery. They show that your employees are competent and have a commitment to excellence.

This reflects positively on your organization as a whole and enhances your credibility. People know that you value employee development.

You’re going the extra mile to ensure every team member meets your standards and has the required resources.

Online free customer service training certifications also serve another important purpose: building customer loyalty.

Ultimately, customers and clients benefit from well-trained employees, as well. They receive a higher quality of service and are offered products that target their need rather than dealing with staff who are merely going through the motions.

FAQs On Customer Service Training With Certificate

What is the best training for customer service?

Best Customer Service and Support Training Programs
HubSpot Academy
Customer Service Training by Alison
Support Professional Training by Service Strategies
Culture of Services: Paradox of Customer Relations by edX

Can customer service be taught?

Customer service skills can be taught and a customer-centric ethic and mindset can also be taught.

What is a 5 star customer service?

Five-star customer service means never having to repeat yourself, and having all of the information your customer service team requires at their fingertips.


Good customer service skills are essential for any business, and learning the tricks and techniques of good customer service can be hugely beneficial for the personal and professional lives of anyone. 

However, free customer service training can also help individuals achieve their academic and career dreams at no cost and without going to take lectures on campus.

You can take advantage of these opportunities to develop yourself for free.


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