How to Get a Diploma in Petroleum Engineering Fast | 2024

If you have passed your 10th standard and you want to pursue a petroleum engineering course, then this article will be of help to you. Here, we gave an in-depth analysis of the Diploma in Petroleum Engineering and the best colleges you can attend. This diploma program is what you need for your career.

So just in case, you are asking What is the Diploma in Petroleum Engineering course all about? What is it like to pursue this course? What is the course content like?

Will I get a good job after completing this course? In this article, you will find all the answers to these questions about Diploma in Petroleum engineering course.

Also, we made sure to explain the following details about the course; eligibility criteria, Admission process, Syllabus, and course duration, as well as your career prospects. Through this article, you will be able to understand the ins and outs of the oil industry, both technical and non-technical.

All You Need To Know About Diploma in Petroleum Engineering

What is a Diploma in Petroleum Engineering Degree?

A Diploma in Petroleum Engineering is a 3-year diploma level course in the field of petroleum engineering. In fact, the Diploma in Petroleum Engineering degree is a certified course.

This is because, at the end of the course, the selected applicants will obtain a diploma certificate from the corresponding certification body or organization.

Hence, if you want to develop a decent career in the oil and energy industry, this program will come in handy.

Also, if you want to achieve the academic success of a degree in just one or two years and want to specialize in a field of your choice, a diploma program may be for you.

Diploma programs generally take 2-3 years and provide students with the opportunity to learn about a subject and prepare for professional work.

These types of programs can provide students with the opportunity to take courses in chemistry, energy, business, advanced science, geology, technology, and development.

Once students are well-grounded in the material, they can choose to specialize in a specific subject. Such as marketing and business in fuel, composition and petroleum sciences, or even a specific type of petroleum engineering.

Students who complete their advanced degree will undoubtedly gain leadership, teamwork, self-motivation, organization, and planning skills. Some other benefits of diploma training may include building professional relationships and improving personal communication skills.

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How Do I Get a Diploma in Petroleum Engineering?

Basically, the diploma in petroleum engineering revolves around the field of petroleum engineering and its related fields.

Petroleum engineering deals with the exploration, extraction, production, processing, transportation, and storage of crude oil or natural gas.

In India, you can find different types of petroleum engineering courses. Meanwhile, these programs can be classified into different types according to academic level and course format.

Truly, Diploma in Petroleum Engineering is a good course. But I must also add that there are many more advanced courses in petroleum engineering in India. B.Tech. in Petroleum Engineering is a much better degree than a Diploma in Petroleum Engineering.

Now let’s show you how you can get this degree with ease!

The next topic is essential for you to follow because it is one of the most important aspects of getting a Diploma in Petroleum Engineering.

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Diploma in Petroleum Engineering Eligibility

The eligibility for which 10 + 2 is qualified is by having more than 33% points in each subject. Given the admission procedure for this course, a student is required to have completed the 10th standard with science.

Upon completion of high school, students aspiring to obtain a Diploma in Petroleum Engineering must meet the eligibility criteria listed below:

  1. Obtain a minimum of 55% marks in Class 10th Examinations in the core subjects- Science, Maths, and English.
  2. Clear the varied Entrance tests held by different institutions for studying the course.

However, admission to the main universities that offer this course is through certain national and private exams.

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Diploma in Petroleum Engineering Admission Process

As mentioned above, admission into any school is strictly by merit.

Students must have passed their 10th exam, students who have completed their 12th exam can also take this course since they should have passed a total of 60% in subjects such as physics, chemistry, and mathematics

To successfully make it or gain admission, it is better to take the JEE Mains exam, which is taken annually by the CBSE. This will give the student more exposure to the different institutes that offer this course. Apart from this, there are some colleges or universities that take their own entrance exams and students who qualify can take this course.

For example, the University of Petroleum and Energy Studies (UPES), is known for taking the UPSEAT exam.

However, it is the candidate’s choice that allows him to choose among the institutes. Even though a large number of students each year are ready to compete for the limited places that are available for the Diploma in Petroleum Engineering.

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What are the Syllabus and Courses like for a Diploma in Petroleum Engineering?

It is quite evident that the Diloma in Petroleum Engineering aims to give students practical exposure to the field. As they need to be prepared in this way so that they can perform at their best.

Operations like drilling, computer applications, economic analysis, or even field research and exploration require the brains of efficient engineers. What is much better than to contribute a lot to a field that develops every day?

The following list shows an overview of the curriculum taught to students taking this course:

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  • Chemistry of Oil and gas
  • Reservoir properties
  • Permeability and saturation
  • Paraffins and Asphaltenes
  • Well productivity engineering
  • Production from two-phase reservoirs
  • Gas reservoir production
  • Flow performance
  • Artificial Left
  • Emulsions
  • Water Injections and Disposals
  • Design and Testing of Flowlines

The list below is the subject basic course syllabus of Diploma in Petroleum Engineering. It may vary from state to universities, however, the core subjects remain unchanged.

First SemesterSecond Semester
English- 1English- 2
Applied Mathematics- 1Applied Mathematics- 2
Engineering ChemistryApplied Mathematics- 3
Engineering MechanicsEngineering Physics
Computer ProgrammingElements of Mechanical Engineering
Environmental StudiesEngineering Drawing
Third SemesterFourth Semester
Complex VariablesProbability & Statistics
Basic Electrical & Electronics EngineeringMomentum Transfer
General GeologyPetroleum Geology
Surveying & Offshore StructuresThermodynamics for Petroleum Engineers
Chemical Process CalculationsProcess Heat Transfer
Materials Science & EngineeringPetroleum Exploration
Fifth SemesterSixth Semester
Management ScienceWell Completions, Testing & Servicing
Process Dynamics & ControlPetroleum Production Engineering
Process InstrumentationPetroleum Reservoir Engineering-I
Well Logging & Formation EvaluationPetroleum Refinery & Petrochemical Engineering
Drilling TechnologyOpen Electives

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How Long Does it Take to Get a Diploma in Petroleum Engineering?

The oil industry is developing every day and needs efficient professionals capable of changing the entire dimension of this field.

At this time, the need for petroleum engineers is high because it is difficult to work in this crude environment, and candidates must be trained for this purpose.

Hence, this course will allow them to design and plan new strategies to facilitate extraction. As well as soil water and offshore oil, test production quantity and quality, and more.

However, it takes up to 3 years to complete a Diploma in Petroleum Engineering.

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Which Colleges and Universities are Offering Diploma in Petroleum Engineering?

Begin your undergraduate career by finding a school that meets your geographic, financial, and educational needs. To find the right school for you, search for your program below and contact the admissions office of the school of your choice directly by filling out the contact form.

The following colleges and universities are offering a Diploma in petroleum engineering are:

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  • DPC Polytechnic College, Tamil Nadu
  • Sri Rajiv Gandhi Polytechnic College, Tamil Nadu
  • Nandha Polytechnic College, Tamil Nadu
  • CPCL Velalar Polytechnic College, Tamil Nadu
  • NIMS Engineering and Technology School, Jaipur
  • VELS Institute of Science, Technology and Advanced Studies, Chennai

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Diploma in Petroleum Engineering Career Prospects

You might be wondering why this degree is so popular with students in India. This is because the course meets the needs of the petroleum engineering sector.

And skilled petroleum engineering professionals are in high demand these days. They are hired by refineries, oil and gas companies, energy companies, etc.

There are a lot of career options for which a Diploma in petroleum engineering degree holders may be eligible for. Including a chemical engineer, a scientific analyst, an oil specialist, an energy technician, or a related position.

This is because, at the course of the program student will master the theory and science of oil drilling, acquisition, and refining. Many different disciplines may be interested in hiring you as a field manager, operator, scientist, or engineer.

However, one can apply for various job profiles such as Field Operator, Petroleum Geologist, Process Operator, Program Management Expert, Gas Service Technician and much more.

He or she can also expect an average salary of INR 6 Lacs or even more after reaching a certain level of experience in this field. However, the chances of higher wages become positive if a person works abroad because, in this scenario, job profiles are in high demand.

After successfully completing the degree, petroleum engineers can apply in the following job fields:

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  • McKinsey & Company – Mumbai
  • Colleges and universities
  • Talific Consulting Services Pvt. Limited. – whistle
  • GD Research Center Pvt. Limited. – Hyderabad
  • Talific Consulting Services Pvt. Limited. – Ahmadnagar
  • Gujarat State Petroleum Corporation Limited – Gandhinagar
  • SM AKER Management Services Pvt. Limited. – Mumbai

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Fee Structure for Diploma in Petroleum Engineering in India

Tuition fees for Diploma in petroleum Engineering depend upon the following factors. Such as the type of college (Government or Private Colleges), scholarship status of the student, rating of the college, etc.

Before settling into a school to graduate, you’ll need to consult with a financial aid advisor or student loan officer to help you determine how to pay for your degree.

Since costs vary widely from school to school, there is no average estimated cost of a diploma in petroleum engineering degree.

However, from our resources, the average course fees for this course are between INR 40,000 per year.

Here is an overview of the top universities and colleges in India with their Diploma in Petroleum Engineering Course fee:

Name of the InstituteLocationAverage Course Fee (in INR)
DPC Polytechnic CollegeSalem, Tamil NaduINR 15,000
Sri Rajiv Gandhi Polytechnic CollegeErode, Tamil NaduINR 20,000
Nandha Polytechnic CollegeErode, Tamil NaduINR 21,700
CPCL Velalar Polytechnic CollegeErode, Tamil NaduINR 21,000
NIMS Engineering and Technology SchoolJaipur, RajasthanINR 66,800
VELS Institute of Science, Technology and Advanced StudiesChennai, Tamil NaduINR 1,34,925
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Diploma in Petroleum Engineering FAQs

A Diploma in Petroleum Engineering is a 3-year diploma level course in the field of petroleum engineering. In fact, the Diploma in Petroleum Engineering degree is a certified course. This is because, at the end of the course, the selected applicants will obtain a diploma certificate from the corresponding certification body or organization.

The eligibility for which 10 + 2 is qualified is by having more than 33% points in each subject. Given the admission procedure for this course, a student is required to have completed the 10th standard with science.

The following colleges and universities are offering a Diploma in petroleum engineering are:

1. DPC Polytechnic College, Tamil Nadu
2. Sri Rajiv Gandhi Polytechnic College, Tamil Nadu
3. Nandha Polytechnic College, Tamil Nadu
4. CPCL Velalar Polytechnic College, Tamil Nadu
5. NIMS Engineering and Technology School, Jaipur
6. VELS Institute of Science, Technology and Advanced Studies, Chennai

Basically, it takes up to 3 years to complete a Diploma in Petroleum Engineering.


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