Chevening Scholarship for Pakistan Students 2024 | UK

As a Pakistani student confident in your ability to further my education in the UK but financially unstable. Not to worry, there are Chevening scholarships for Pakistani students in the U.K.

Chevening scholarship is one of the U.K government scholarships. It’s specifically for Pakistani students with high intellectual ability and a strong educational background as well.

The scholarship is a one(1) year post-graduate study that will develop you professionally and academically. Also, the scholarship is fully-funded, so you won’t pay for anything.

There are more benefits you will get and things you need to know about this scholarship if you are awarded the scholarship.

So, relax and keep reading to know more about the scholarship and how to go about it.

Before we continue, let’s go through the table of content below to get an overview of what the article entails.

About Chevening Scholarship

Chevening is the UK Government’s global scholarship program that offers future leaders the unique opportunity to study in the UK.

It is funded by the Foreign and Commonwealth Office (FCO) and partner organizations, Chevening offers two types of awards – Chevening Scholarships and Chevening Fellowships – the recipients of which are personally selected by the British embassies and high commissions throughout the world.

Furthermore, these scholarships are given to outstanding professionals from all over the world to pursue a one-year master’s degree in any subject at any UK university.

The Chevening scholarship is fully funded, leaving you free to focus on achieving your academic goals and enjoying the experience of a lifetime.

So, if you have the ambition, leadership qualities, and a strong background, you can apply for this scholarship.

Level/Field of Study

This scholarship is for Pakistani students pursuing their Master’s studies in the U.K.

Host Nationality

The Chevening Scholarship is hosted by the United Kingdom (U.K.) Government.

If you are an international student and you wish to study in the UK, this is your Complete Guide to Getting A UK Tier 4 Student Visa For International Students.

What Are The Subject Available For The Chevening Scholarship?

Here are the following subjects available for this scholarship:

  • Media Communications and Journalism Investigative Journalism
  • Professional Media Practices  Film and Television Research and Production 
  • Diversity and the Media  Media and Development 
  • Radio Production  Financial Journalism 
  • Development and Rights of Human Rights
  • Citizenship and Human Rights  Social Research 
  • Gender Studies  Gender, Sexuality, and Society 
  • Gender Analysis in Development  
  • Public Administration  Leading Public Service Change and Organisational Development
  • Policy into Practice  Policy Research and Evaluation
  • Financial Economics  International Finance
  • Public Economics  Local and Regional Economic Development 
  • Economic Policy and International Business  Development Economics 
  • Environmental and Natural Resource Economics  Energy Management  
  • International Business  
  • Conflict Resolution  International Security
  • Terrorism, Security and Policing  Organised Crime, Terrorism and Security 
  • Peace and Development  

For those applying for Economics

Those applying for Economics must have a Master’s degree in Security and Conflict Resolution.

Eligibility Nationality For Chevening Scholarship

The Chevening Scholarship is awarded to Pakistani nationals of high intellectual ability who will play a formative role in Pakistan’s development.

The Chevening Scholarship Benefits

Here are the benefits you will get if you are among the selected candidate. The scholarship takes care of the following expenses;

  • Tuition fees for most courses (up to £12,000)
  • a monthly stipend
  • travel costs to and from the UK
  • an arrival allowance
  • a homeward departure allowance
  • the cost of one visa application
  • a travel grant to attend Chevening events in the UK

Eligibility Requirement For The Chevening Scholarship For Pakistan Students

To be eligible for this scholarship, you need to meet up the following criteria listed below.

  • If you are selected for the Chevening scholarship, you must have good English (written & spoken) and IELTS will be required.
  • You must be ambitious, driven Pakistani nationals with leadership skills that are committed to the betterment of our society.
  • Must have a Master’s degree or a four-year Bachelor’s degree from any recognized university in Pakistan or the equivalent from an overseas institution.
  • You must have a minimum of 3 years of work experience. And you should be a Pakistani citizen. Dual nationals are not eligible.
  • Also, you must not have received in the past three years of any British government-funded academic award.
  • You should apply online in the subject areas mentioned above. Applications for any other subjects will not be considered.

Documents Required

All Chevening applicants must submit their education documents, references, and one unconditional UK university offer.

How To Apply

We recommend you review the following pages to help you prepare your application:

So, for information about the application and selection process, visit the application timeline and frequently asked questions.


The Chevening Scholarship Application Process Deadline

Applications for 2024/2024 Chevening Scholarships are now open until 12:00 (midday) GMT on 3 November 2024.


Chevening scholarship is one of the U.K government scholarships. It’s specifically for Pakistani students with high intellectual ability and a strong educational background. So, I encourage you to grab this opportunity by applying for this scholarship.


Who receives the Chevening Scholarship?

It awarded the Chevening Scholarship to Pakistani nationals of high intellectual ability who will play a formative role in Pakistan’s development.

WHat are the scholarship benefit?

 Tuition fees for most courses (up to £12,000)
– A monthly stipend
– Travel costs to and from the UK
– An arrival allowance
– A homeward departure allowance
– The cost of one visa application
– A travel grant to attend Chevening events in the UK.

When is the application deadline?

Applications for 2024 Chevening Scholarships are now open until 12:00 (midday) GMT on 3 November 2024.



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