How To Prepare For IELTS  | Study Guide, Practice Test, Exam Dates, & Venue

You must pass the IELTS test to qualify as an international student in any English-speaking country.

One of the certain steps you must take to pass the test is to prepare for the IELTS test.

Preparation for the IELTS exam gives you prior knowledge of what to expect on the deal day and improves your performance.

To do this without hitches, get some study materials, improve your approach in all possible aspects of the test, and read through this article to get some helpful tips.

For a deeper understanding, glance through the table below to see the topics discussed in this article.

Overview of IELTS

The International English Language Testing System (IELTS) measures the language capability of individuals who intend to work or study in a place where English is a major language and is known as a means of communication.

It utilizes a nine-band scale to plainly distinguish levels of capability from non-user (band score 1) through to master (band score 9).

IELTS is accessible in Academic: for those applying for a higher education or professional enlistment, and General Training for that migrating to Australia, Canada, and the UK or applying for auxiliary instruction, training, and work.

Either way, they provide an exact evaluation of the four language skills: reading, writing, listening, and speaking.

IELTS is available in more than 1,600 locations worldwide and more than 50 locations in the US.

One would ask, how can I prepare for the IELTS test?

How to Prepare for the IELTS Test

You should follow a procedure in the list below to adequately prepare for the IELTS test.

  • Comprehend the test format
  • Know how the test is marked
  • Surround yourself with English
  • Make an arrangement
  • Join a preparatory course
  • Practice with test questions
  • Perfect your IELTS skills
  • Check your improvement
  • Register for the test

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Is It Hard to Prepare for IELTS?

Basically, your desire for success in any exam demands that you put in your best.

If you consider the cost, the pressure to get it right the first time will make it look like it is so difficult to prepare for the IELTS test.

While preparing for the IELTS exam, there are three major things you can work on and they are:

General Level of English

One step at a time is the mantra here if you want to have all it takes to pass the test.

It is not enough to have a simple study neither is it enough to do some practice tests when it is obvious that your proficiency level in English isn’t high.

This is the most difficult part of your preparation journey. Therefore, six months on average is recommended to help improve your level of English using the 0.5 – 1 band score.

Perfect Your Test Skills

Each of the parts to the IELTS test has varying possible questions with a particular skill you need to gain.

The reading and listening tests comprise different types of questions and, as such, demand a different approach and skillsets.

So, what makes up for the preparation is how much time you invested in making perfect those skills.

This and the former combined give you a reasonable outcome.

Know how the Test is Marked

The most effective way to do great on the IELTS test is to have prior knowledge of what the examiners expect from you and make sure that it’s exactly what you do.

Step-by-Step Process to IELTS Preparation

Aside from the basic things you need to do to improve yourself, there are other things you should put in place to make your preparation process successful.

They are as follows:

  • Set realistic goals
  • Understand the marking criteria
  • Understand the different question types
  • Perfect your IELTS skills
  • Improve your vocabulary
  • Practice English every day
  • Take practice tests
  • Evaluate your speaking and writing skill.

Are there Practice Tests that I Can Take to Prepare for the IELTS Test?

Of course, you can take various practice tests to equip yourself.

These practice tests avail you the opportunity to be familiar with the test format, have a first-hand experience on the type of questions you will meet, test yourself under timed-conditions, and analyse your answers and compare them with model answers.

Interestingly, most of these practice tests are free and you can easily download them through the links below.

IELTS Academic Practice Tests

IELTS General Practice Tests

British Council Free Online Course For Understanding IELTS

How Do I Register for the IELTS Test?

You do not need to be tense about the registration process. It is easy and quick. Also, you can either register for the test online or in person.

So, the following are the steps you have to take to complete the registration.

Step 1

  • Complete the application form with full details of acceptable identification for the registration and test day.

Step 2

  • Pay the sum of N 75,000

Step 3

  • Send the application confirmation auto-email, acceptable ID card and proof of payment to

It is important to note that deficient applications will be on hold for 48 hours. In cases where the applicant fails to complete the application, there would be a need to start afresh.

Online Registration

  • Complete the online form through the IELTS official registration platform. You can visit this link.
  • Make payment via online transfer or cash to
    Account Name: MOD IELTS
    Account Number: 0122923667
    Bank Name: Wema Bank
  • Send proof of payment to (ensure you indicate the name of the applicant for which the payment is being made in the mail)
  • You will receive a confirmation e-mail. Wait for 48 hours for confirmation.

What are the Official Exam Dates for IELTS 2024?

There are varying dates for the IELTS test for the remaining months of 2024. See some dates to choose the one that suits you best.

  • Saturday, 7 October 2024, Academic and General Training
  • Thursday, 12 October 2024, Academic only
  • Saturday, 21 October 2024, Academic only
  • Saturday, 28 October 2024, Academic and General Training
  • Saturday, 4 November 2024, Academic only
  • Thursday, 9 November 2024, Academic and General Training
  • Saturday, 18 November 2024, Academic only
  • Saturday, 25 November 2024, Academic and General Training
  • Saturday, 2 December 2024, Academic and General Training
  • Thursday, 7 December 2024, Academic only
  • Saturday, 9 December 2024, Academic only
  • Saturday, 16 December 2024, Academic and General Training

How Do I Choose a Test Centre Close to Me?

This is one of the most important questions to find answers to before proceeding to register for the IELTS exam.

So, with over 1,600 IELTS test centers in more than 140 countries, it is possible to find one nearest to you through this link.

Frequently Asked Questions

How do I prepare for IELTS?

You can prepare for your IELTS test using the following:
1. Comprehend the test format
2. Know how the test is marked
3. Familiarise yourself with the English language.
4. Make an arrangement
5. Improve your vocabulary
6. Practice English every day
7. Take practice tests
8. Evaluate your speaking and writing skills.

How much time do I need to allocate to preparing for the IELTS test?

You should spend 6-8 weeks preparing for the exam.

What are the required documents for the IELTS exam?

The document you need to register for the IELTS test is your valid passport. The same as the one you used for registration.


I hope this piece of information serves you the purpose for which you want it.
Best wishes!


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