LLB Senior Status International Awards In UK

If insufficient finance has limited your dreams of getting a law degree, then consider the LLB Senior Status International Awards In UK. The award is targeted at new international students, enrolling in the graduate entry accelerated program. However, the students must be willing and able to pay some part of the tuition fee.

The LLB Senior Status International award is awarded to new students paying full international tuition fees, enrolling in the graduate-entry LLB (Senior Status) accelerated law degree at Queen’s University Belfast in their first year of full-time study.

Founded in 1845, Queen’s University Belfast is dedicated to welcoming students from all over the world and helping them achieve their ambitions. This provides a world-class education as well as prepares students in a global community for leadership and citizenship.

This article seeks to inform you about the LLB Senior Status International Award in the UK.

Also, the article will help you understand the requirements you must meet before applying for this award. It will also talk about what one eligible for the award and the benefits they stand to get.

Meanwhile, before delving into the article properly, you should take a look at our table of content for an overview of this piece.


An LLB, or Bachelor of Laws, is the professional law degree awarded after completing undergraduate education. In most countries, holding an LLB with additional accreditation allows for the practice of law.

However, most people find it difficult to complete an LLB education because of financial constraints. Nevertheless, LLB senior Status International Awards In UK gives everyone who is interested in acquiring a law degree a chance with its grant.

This is basically why we are bringing this article to you. So you’d understand all that is involved to get selected as an awardee. However, before we get to the “meat of the matter”, you should see why Queen’s University Belfast is a good choice. A good choice for international students looking to earn a law degree in a prestigious school.

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Why Queen’s University Belfast?

Why study at Queen’s University Belfast? Queen’s is one of the United Kingdom’s well-known universities and is ranked 22nd worldwide for foreign outlook.

Their mission is to equip leaders through education and research. Additionally, they seek to transform local and global business and society.

Additionally, it is the 8th University In the UK for research intensity. And it has a  global reputation for excellence.

Life at Queen’s is friendly, affordable, and safe. Start your student journey in Belfast, the vibrant capital city of Northern Ireland.

Brief Description

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  • University or Organization: Queen’s University Belfast
  • Department: Law
  • Course Level: Graduate
  • Award: £4000
  • Access Mode: Online
  • Number of Awards: Not Known
  • Nationality: International
  • The award can be taken in the UK


Eligible Countries: All nationalities.

Acceptable Course or Subjects: Graduate program in LLB (Senior Status)

Admissible Criteria: To be eligible, applicants must have to meet the following eligibility criteria:

.ugb-6098869 li::before{background-image:url(‘’)}.ugb-6098869.ugb-icon-list ul{columns:1}
  • Students must hold an offer for a place on a full-time graduate-entry LLB (Senior Status). Additionally,…
  • It must be under the accelerated law degree program at the Queen’s University Belfast campus. It starts in the academic year 2024.
  • And before the commencement of the study, candidates must have met all the required conditions. Conditions such as any academic and language conditions attached to their offer as stated in their offer letter.
  • They must be classified as international fee-paying students paying the international tuition fee rate to be considered for this discount. Students paying NI/GB/EU fees are not eligible for the LLB Senior Status International Scholars.

How Do I Apply?

  • How to Apply: In order to apply for the opportunity, applicants must take admission to a graduate degree program at Queen’s University Belfast. There is no separate application required for this award.
  • Supporting Documents: You must submit a video as detailed on the application form within the deadline.
  • Admission Requirements: For taking admission, students must have to check the entry requirements of their chosen program.
  • Language Requirement: If English is not your first language, you should provide evidence of English language ability: IELTS, TOEFL, or other acceptable proof. Please see the English Language Requirements section for more details.

When Is The Deadline For Application ?

The application deadline is May 10, 2024.

What Field of Study/Level Is The Award Available For

The LLB Senior Status international students award is for Law students willing to pursue a graduate program.


The program will provide 50% of the cost of tuition fees and is awarded each year. For up to a maximum of two years and is deducted annually from gross tuition fees upon enrolment.

Terms And Conditions

To be eligible for the LLB Senior Status International Awards In the UK, here are some terms and conditions that apply:

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  • Any LLB Senior Status International Scholarship awarded is for entry to Queen’s University Belfast in the autumn semester of the academic year 2024-23 entry.
  • If you wish to defer your entry to the University your scholarship will not be transferred. However, you will be automatically assessed if you chose to defer your entry until 2024-24.
  • Students must be self-funded.
  • Where Queen’s University Belfast has agreed to discounted tuition fees with partner institutions, those students should contact the International Office by email at internationalscholarships@qub.ac.uk to confirm their eligibility.
  • If you are in receipt of funding (either tuition fees or tuition fees and living costs) from an external sponsorship body such as the Government, a charity, or a private organization you will not be eligible for the LLB Senior Status International Scholarship. This excludes students in receipt of educational loans.
  • Students must request authorization from the International Office before making any changes to their program of study. Where changes are made without authorization being granted, the scholarship may be withdrawn and students may be required to repay the scholarship in full.

More Terms And Conditions

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  • In the event that a student has received scholarship offers for a number of different programs at Queen’s University Belfast, they will only be able to redeem one scholarship award. This will be the scholarship award for the course onto which they enroll in the 2024-23 academic year.
  • Applicants may apply and/or be considered for more than one award administered by Queen’s University Belfast. However, if successful would receive only the highest value award with the lower value award canceled or allocated to another applicant, with the exception of the Early Bird Reward or INTO Progression Scholarship where applicable.
  • LLB Senior Status International Scholarships cannot be used in conjunction with any other University scholarship. Where eligible students can use their scholarship in conjunction with the Early-Bird Reward.
  • The University is unable to consider requests for increased and/or further funding. The amount of scholarship offered is non-negotiable.
  • The University reserves the right to vary all or any scholarship awards, discounts, and regulations at its sole discretion.
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The LLB Senior Status International Awards In the UK provides an opportunity for economically disadvantaged students all over the world to get a shot at a law degree. The award is open for all students willing to study at the Queen’s University Belfast. And promises to help provide discounts to students willing to pay a significant amount of their fees.

So if you’re looking for such an opportunity, the article above provides the perfect guide.


REF 2014 / Times Higher Education



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