Top 10 Careers In Computer Science That Are Marketable 

Studying computer science is not the end of it all. That is not the golden ticket that buys you meals for the rest of your life.

With projections showing the world’s direction, it will be wrong for a computer science student not to have a marketable career.

This article discusses the top 10 careers in computer science that are marketable and any other things you should know.

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If this is you as a fresher still trying to know what to do, the first step to getting it right is to search for where the future is headed and tilt in the direction that is both profitable and offers the greatest return for your time.

Since time is money, it will be most unfortunate for you to invest a large portion of your career in something that does not reward you for all the time you put in.

So, if this is you reading this article after investing many years of your life in a career that leaves you unfulfilled, then you should honestly read on.

The best time to learn something new was yesterday; the next best time was now.

What is computer science?

Computer science studies algorithmic processes, computational machines, and computation itself.

As a discipline, computer science spans a range of topics, from theoretical studies of algorithms, computation, and information to the practical issues of implementing computational systems in hardware and software.

Although knowing how to program is essential to studying computer science, it is only one field element.

Computer scientists design and analyze algorithms to solve programs and study the performance of computer hardware and software.

The problems that computer scientists encounter range from the abstract, which is determining what problems can be solved with computers and the complexity of the algorithms that solve them, to the tangible, which is designing applications that perform well on handheld devices that are easy to use, and that uphold security measures.

How do you get a computer science degree?

If you aspire to get a degree in computer science, it is essential to know that degrees require you to undergo some training before you start implementing the things you have learnt. The traditional way to get a computer science degree is to go to school for it.

Some universities, colleges, and other institutions have computer science programs tailored specifically for people who would like to know from the ground up what computer science is all about.

There is a lot to learn in computer science, and we are beginning a new era where organizations, asides from educational facilities, can issue professional certificates to candidates.

What can you do with a computer science degree?

You can start a career working with experts at the leading edge of business-to-business data services.

There are opportunities within brands that span multiple industries, such as travel and aviation, precision agriculture, petrochemical data, and financial services.

You will be able to become a valued contributor, learn to solve complex data problems, and embed yourself within a team.

In an age where innovation is celebrated, a computer science degree should not be wasted when it is in demand.

Jobs for Computer Science Majors

There are lots of jobs that people with a computer science degree can go into. These can be regular jobs as full-time staff of companies like Facebook, Google, Telcos, or some other startups or as freelancers working on contracts under specified agreements.

There is a very long list of things that computer science majors can do. Limitations on what computer science can do are broken every year, so it is up to you as a computer science major to decide what you want to do and immerse yourself in it.

Top 10 Careers In Computer Science in 2024

10 – Technical Support Engineer

Technical Support Engineers are the set of people who solve technical issues. As a technical support engineer, you are the first port of call whenever your clients or customers get themselves and their devices into a fix.

Mostly, these issues are the types they cannot readily fix independently, hence you. Breaking this further would mean explaining the different ways that tech support work.

Technical support works mostly in two ways and depends on whether your process is a Business to the Business operation or a Business to customer one.

With Technical support, there are the engineers who receive the complaints of customers and their inability to find their way around hardware and software issues.

This implies that the first group of Technical Support Engineers does troubleshooting, which will be in short supply with the number of websites and apps that are popping up worldwide now.

They help with passwords and “how to do it” for their clients who call in. When such a team receives a problem they can’t handle, solving beyond their scope, they raise a ticket and forward it to the next level technical support team.

The next set of Technical Support engineers is the ones who understand the code and can provide workarounds to certain issues.

This set of engineers could be developers or not, but they need developers to get things working fine. This set of engineers makes an average of $73,000 per year.

9 – Systems Analyst

As the name implies, this set of scientists analyzes systems. At the same time, the term can mean different things to different types of people and organizations.

The systems analyst is the person who, rather than building any systems, attempts to reveal and fix specific problems.

As systems analysts, we usually talk to managers of various companies to determine the role IT plays in their organization or business.

We then find cost-effective ways to add new equipment (or better ways of workflow) to the existing network.

We design and develop new computer networks by researching, and creating cost analysis, then implement and configure hardware & software on the network.

This set of engineers makes an average of $80,000 per year.

8 – UX/UI Designer

UX/UI designers are the creators who are responsible for the digital experiences that make up our day-to-day lives; the people who make sure that these products not only look great, but that they’re also intuitive, accessible, and inclusive.

According to a recent LinkedIn report, user interface designer is among the top ten jobs with the fastest-growing demand, showing a 74% month-over-month increase in job postings.

This is undoubtedly due to the increasing demand for high-quality digital products and experiences, a trend we expect to see continuing through 2024.

This career is very marketable as the world continues to experience shifts in a working culture where remote work is becoming the order of the day.

The ability of UX/UI designers to work remotely will serve as a huge advantage when it comes to applying for remote jobs.

This set of IT professionals makes an average of $90,200 per year.

7 – Software Developers

Behind all sorts of computer programs is a software developer. They make programs, apps, and systems all things in-between.

According to the U.S. Department of Labor (DOL), developers in this sector are responsible for designing computer or mobile applications.

The nature of their work is largely focused on creating for consumers. This involves understanding user needs, developing software solutions, monitoring performance, and modifying programs.

The need for software developers is expected to grow even faster, and there are many factors why this is so.

Those factors can include threats to computer security that may require investment or the loss of already invested funds, better management of health care, and competition over who gets to build the next social app first.

This set of IT professionals makes an average of $86,000 per year.

6 – Network Security Engineers

Regarding networks and internet security breaches, these engineers are a company’s first line of defense against unauthorized access from outside sources and potential security threats and cyber-attacks.

Network security engineers are responsible for provisioning, configuring, configuring, and administering many different network and security-related hardware and software.

These include firewalls, routers, switches, network-monitoring tools, and virtual private networks (VPNs).

As today’s world becomes increasingly more dependent on the Internet and mobile computing to accomplish so many of our everyday tasks, the issue of security becomes more urgent.

As a result, this boosts the demand for more Cyber Security engineers. This set of engineers makes an average of $115,197 per year.

5 – Software Engineer

Software engineers are computer science professionals who use knowledge of engineering principles and programming languages to build software products, develop computer games, and run network control systems.

Software engineers have extensive knowledge of programming languages, software development, and computer operating systems, and they apply engineering principles to software creation.

By applying these engineering principles to every stage of the development process, from requirements analysis to the software process, they can create customized systems for individual clients.

When working with a client, a software engineer will typically analyze the client’s needs, then design, test, and develop the computer software to meet those needs.

They are experts in computing systems, software structure, and recognizing the limitations of the existing hardware. This set of engineers makes an average of $106,500 per year.

4 – Mobile developer

A mobile developer creates software for mobile devices and technology. Whether for an Android, Apple or Windows platform, a mobile developer must learn the software development environment and programming languages for their chosen platform.

Mobile developers are the IT professionals responsible for designing, building, and maintaining mobile applications.

Depending on their platform specialization (and how employers refer to them), they may consider themselves Android developers, iOs developers, app developers, or mobile app developers.

Mobile application development is similar in many ways to traditional software development. Still, app developers have to think about many more hardware specifications and configurations because their products need to work the same way on devices that can be very different.

This set of IT professionals make an average of $115,820 per year.

3 – Data Scientist

Data scientists are analytical experts who utilize their technology and social science skills to find trends and manage data.

They use industry knowledge, contextual understanding, and skepticism of existing assumptions to uncover solutions to business challenges.

A data scientist is someone who knows how to extract meaning from data and interpret the same, which requires both tools and methods from statistics and machine learning, as well as being human.

Data scientists spend much time collecting, cleaning, and munging data because data never comes refined.

This process requires persistence, statistics, and software engineering skills. Skills are also necessary for understanding data biases and debugging logging output from code.

The data scientist’s work is to discover patterns in this data and build models and algorithms around what has been observed.

This set of IT experts makes an average of $122,000 every annum.

2 – Development Operations Engineer

Development operations engineers have in-depth knowledge of operational issues and technology and are tasked with studying and observing functioning systems and recording the performance results.

They are also responsible for configuring operational priorities, determining project objectives, and developing operations solutions by defining, studying, estimating, and screening alternative solutions.

A Development operations engineer must know how to manage the IT infrastructure that supports software code in dedicated, Multi-tenant, or hybrid cloud environments.

They might have to provision resources, select an appropriate deployment model, the direct testing protocol to validate each release, and monitor performance after release.

This set of engineers makes an average of $122,000 per annum.

1 – Software Architect

Wikipedia defines a software architect as a “software development expert who makes high-level design choices and tries to enforce technical standards, including software coding standards, tools, and platforms.”

Architects make high-level design choices based on their programming experience. An architect has thought through all the aspects of software, just like an architect that builds a house.

Software architects take care of such significant aspects as functionality, performance, resilience, reuse, comprehensibility, scalability, security, technology constraints, and tradeoffs.

This is a very marketable career in computer science because it involves a lot of other sciences, business, and interpersonal management skills.

This set of IT professionals makes an average of $139,500 per annum.


What is the future of computer science career path?

The future of computer science is the automation of repetitive tasks and other tasks that require speed. The future of computer science is the creation of systems that make life easier to live, facilitated by creators and those listed within this article.

What is the benefit of a marketable computer science career?

Marketable computer science skills allow computer scientists to create and develop products that make people’s lives easier.


Time and demand shape the future of many marketable careers. As a computer scientist, the easiest way to survive them all is to adapt to the wind of change as they sweep along.

Predictions all lead to computer scientists and IT professionals needing to develop technology, be it 6G or Quantum computing. Read more.



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