Breaking At-Home Learning Fatigue

During 2020 and for much of 2024 thus far, millions of students of all ages across the world have been engaging in at-home remote learning in order to reduce the spread of COVID-19. This means that many students and children are staring at computer and television screens even more than previous generations.

Even as schools get back in session and teachers and students begin to meet in the classroom again with understandable caution, at-home learning is here to stay. Below are a few suggestions that will help you and your child avoid at-home learning barriers and fatigue that comes along with learning continuously in an area of familiarity.

Learning Challenges At Home

Learning at home might be a challenge for some students due to the fact that home can often symbolize a place of relaxation. When we leave it up to students themselves, many put off their online studies and have difficulties keeping up with an independent workload.

Just like the many adults who have had trouble adjusting to working remotely, students themselves must be given the tools and discipline in order to complete their studies in their entirety — even while undergoing online curriculums.

The idea of a school day has somewhat changed, too. There is so much more time throughout the day for learning to continue, as long as students stay engaged throughout the learning process.

Increase the Gamesmanship

Now that children are learning more at home, many parents might be looking to keep up this same level of at-home productivity — even after children head back to the classroom. Many learning apps make a game out of the learning process, which has a way of drawing children in. Many apps keep track of the player’s score and post leaderboards on a daily basis — some even give away prizes for those who excel. 

Online Learning Tools

There are useful educational tools of a variety of difficulties available online for students and educators. Parents can custom-tailor supplemental online learning that will help augment knowledge and instruction in subjects students are already good at and also help improve any subject areas a particular child struggles with. 

Whether a particular student needs to improve in reading comprehension, math, or even typing speed, there is an app or website that will help them improve their learning. Children are generally more responsive to learning apps that are fun and game-oriented.

Many studies show that the typical college freshman reads at a 7th grade level. For those who would like to avoid such a thing, there are an extensive amount of reading programs for kids that will help readers of any skill level improve, whether it’s done from a PC, a tablet, or an Android phone.

Although schools are getting back to some semblance of normal operations in the near future, at-home learning will continue to be a huge industry and a huge area of opportunity for students to gain knowledge and differentiate themselves when it comes time to be college-bound.

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