Environment Volunteering: 21 Best Programs For You

Lately, people are becoming increasingly aware of the environment we live in and the need to ensure it is safe and habitable for the present time and future generations. Therefore, many environmental volunteering programs are coming up on a daily to give people the opportunity to contribute to making our world a safer place. 

We have only one world and we need to ensure that it is safe for all of us to live in. If you are passionate about making the world a better place, we will provide you with the 21 best volunteer programs to keep you busy during your free time.

Why Environmental Volunteering Programs/Opportunities?

The world is changing globally, with the environment suffering the greatest blow in recent times. Human activities such as poaching, industrialization, deforestation, agricultural activities have dealt a great blow on the environment we live in and the list goes on.

Whatever affects our society affects us generally as human beings. Therefore, volunteering in an environmental program is a great way to contribute to the survival of the environment.

The environment consists of human life, wildlife, and ocean life, with many species standing the threat of extinction is nothing is done to salvage the situation.

Consequently, this presents us with a  challenge that we all need to put our hands on the deck to solve.

There are many volunteering opportunities and programs available for those who wish to contribute to the course of saving our environment and ensuring the survival of all species.

How Can You Become An Environmental Volunteer?  

Environmental volunteering is a personal decision that begins with your passion for the environment.

These environmental volunteering programs begins with the love and prompts to do something about the immediate environment in which you find yourself. In essence, we should all be volunteers at one point or the other.  

Once you make up your mind to become a volunteer, the following steps will help you make the right volunteering choice.

Below we will talk about the steps on how to join volunteering opportunities for environmental programs.

A Step-By-Step Guide On How To Become An Environmental Volunteer

Finding the right volunteer opportunity is not always easy for everyone. Nonetheless, there are steps to follow that can make it easier for people to make the right decision when it comes to volunteering. They include:

1. Decide what you are passionate about

To have the best volunteer experience, it is essential to figure out where your passion lies.

There is no doubt that volunteering aims to make an impact. On the other hand, volunteering helps to give you that inner satisfaction of haven contributed to a great course in history.

It is essential to understand and be passionate about environmental needs before joining volunteering programs.

The demands of environmental volunteering can be very tasking. Therefore, it is your passion for the environment that will keep you going throughout your period as a volunteer. (ultram)

2. Understand the requirements of the particular volunteer opportunity before applying

It is essential to read and understand the requirements of the particular volunteer opportunity you are applying for before making commitments.

There are different organizations offering volunteers the opportunity to serve in one of their environmental programs. It is essential to note that different organizations and environmental volunteer opportunities have different requirements.

Therefore, need to understand what the demands of each specific opportunity present. Doing so will help you make an informed decision about what you want to do as a volunteer.

Read: Volunteering in Nepal: Full Guide & Best Opportunities

3. Decide whether you will be volunteering locally or abroad

There are local as well as international environmental volunteer opportunities available. While it is advisable to start your volunteer opportunity locally, there are still many people who wish to volunteer abroad.

If you are interested in volunteering abroad, one of the key factors you should consider is your budget.

Choosing a budget-friendly volunteering package will ensure that you do not have hitches during your volunteering period.

4. Double-check the volunteer program of your interest

It is essential to carry out an indebt research on volunteer programs before you finally enroll. A better understanding of the program can make it more fruitful and productive.

Ensure you study and understand the requirements of your environmental volunteering programs of choice and ask questions where necessary.

5. Talk to the provider about the program

Proper communication with the environmental volunteering programs provider can make the process easier.

Keeping in touch regularly with the program providers is one way to improve efficiency and provide morals. It also helps to enhance a provider-participant relationship.

In addition, it also helps you to keep in touch with the local communities in which you will serve as well as locate and keep in touch with other volunteers in the area of your interest.

How Can One Find Environmental Volunteering Programs?

Becoming an environmental volunteer is a noble task and shows your interest in the survival of our world.

Environmental volunteering programs are a great way to protect contribute to the survival and protection of our natural environment, wildlife, and ocean life.

There are many environmental volunteering opportunities available for those who have a passion for nature conservation and hands-on projects.

Read through this list to find the best environmental volunteering opportunites and programs.

Best Environmental Volunteering Programs

  Below is our selection of the top 21 best environmental volunteer opportunities you can sign up for and begin your volunteer journey.

Also read: 13 Best Veterinary Volunteering Opportunities

1. Volunteer as a Marine Conservation Intern with Eco Koh Tao

Location: Koh Tao, Thailand

Eco Koh Tao is a non-profit organization that is dedicated to taking care of main Eco events in the Koh Tao community.

Eco Koh Tao comprises a team of scuba divers, marine conversation experts, documentaries and filmmakers, and other people with audio-visual skills.

The team also receives extensive training in the marine ecosystem. The organization is willing to train interested volunteers in scuba diving and arrange for a certificate for them at the end of their training.

From solidifying your education to volunteering in keeping the environment safe, there is no better way to become an active part of our world today.

This is the first environmental volunteering program, and suitable volunteer for this position are:

  • People who are at least 18 years at the time of the application
  • Retirees over the age of 50 are also willing to apply
  • Singles and couples can also apply
  • The volunteer opportunity is also open for couples


  • Basic understanding of the English Language
  • Advanced Open Water Diving Certificate. None divers who wish to become volunteers will receive training and certification on arrival
  • The volunteer must be proactive, hardworking with the ability to apply common sense

Duration: A minimum of 2 weeks and a  maximum of 6 weeks and is required from Mondays through Fridays from the periods of 9:30 to 17:00


The volunteer must be very flexible and take up any activity that is happening at the moment. Some of the typical volunteer activities include:

  • Researches on recycling methods
  • Marketing
  • Beach cleaning
  • Research on microplastic
  • The building and stacking of coral nurseries
  • Morning buoy replacement
  • Emergency net removal
  • Coral watch
  • Research on giant clams
  • Drupella water testing and COTS collection etc.

The volunteer can also enjoy free time activities like swimming, water sport, sightseeing, hiking, climbing, yoga, and other forms of sports.  

Stats: Flexible position and open from January to December. For more information about the volunteer position and the status, visit the following link for more information.

This is an extensive information on environmental volunteering programs and opportunities.

2. Ecotourism Volunteer with Galapagos National Park

Location: Galapagos, Ecuador

Won’t it be great to be part of the team putting in their effort to preserve the Galapagos?

IOI Empowering Galapagos is open to volunteers who are willing to collaborate with the Galapagos National Park to conserve and protect the flora from the adverse effect of human activities.

As an intern with eco-tourism, you will be responsible for gathering information to assist the national park staff make essential decisions and find better ways to enhance their ecotourism offering.

Suitable candidates for this environmental volunteering programs should be:

  • 18+ on or before the date they begin their registration
  • The opening is available for both singles and couples
  • Families can also volunteer as well as groups
  • Retirees and people over 50 can also sign up for this volunteer opportunity


  • At least an intermediate understanding of the Spanish language
  • Good communication and the ability to treat others patiently
  • Team workability as well as the ability to work alone
  • Ability to adjust to flexible schedules
  • Ability to withstand adverse temperatures and work under the sun
  • Good data collection and entry ability
  • The ability to withstand the use of closed-toe shoes at all times and appropriate clothing to interact with visitors all the time
  • A laptop for data collection is also a requirement for the volunteer opportunity

Duration: Minimum of 2 weeks and a  maximum of 12  weeks (25-40 hours a week from Monday to Friday).


The volunteer intern will work in close collaboration with the Galapagos National Park’s communication department.

This environmental volunteering programs intern will assist the National Park to collect and analyze useful information that will help in the development and maintenance of the park.

The intern will also assist in the Consolidation of data for the improvement of the island’s ecotourism sector.

Other activities include:

  • Carrying out a survey on visitors about their satisfaction
  • Assist  in generating statistical data
  • Produce a database following your survey results

Status: Open from January to December and is currently recruiting people who wish to volunteer with them. for more information about the volunteer position, follow the link.

3. Biodiversity Monitoring Field Assistant

Location: Kalamos, Greece

Volunteer with Terra Sylvestris as a Biodiversity Field Assistant and work with locals to protect the environment. Working with this organization will provide you with hands-on training in data collection, wildlife watching, and monitoring of plant population.

You will receive training from some professionals around the world to enable you to carry out your duties properly as a volunteer with Terra Syslvestris.

If you are passionate about the seas and the natural ecosystem, this is a great opportunity to volunteer and offer your assistance to this organization working hard to protect endangered species, which includes plants and animals.

If you fall within the criteria below, then this volunteer program is suitable for you:

  • At least 18 years during the time of volunteering
  • You can apply as singles or couples
  • The opportunity is also open for families and groups who wish to apply
  • People over 50 and retirees can also apply
  • There is an opening for disabled people who wish to volunteer


  • The ability to speak and understand the English language (basic level)
  • Filled and signed application form from Terra Sylvestris official website
  • A copy of your means of identification (government ID card or its equivalent is acceptable)

Duration: Minimum of 2 weeks and maximum of 50 weeks from Monday through Friday, 09:00 to 15:00


Volunteers for this environmental volunteering program are expected to put in 5 hours a day for 5 days a week. The activities include basic house works like cleaning.

Other activities include taking care taking care of vegetable gardens, which include watering in the summer and weeding in the winter.

The volunteer will also work to ensure that the local habitat, (Wildlife and Sea Life) are in good condition by helping in gathering information and analyzing data to assist in the development and protection of the natural habitat.

Status: Volunteer opportunity is flexible open from January to December. Follow the link for details and registration criteria.

4. Environmental Scuba Diving

Location: Lisboa, Portugal

Volunteer with Impac Trip to discover life under the Portuguese oceans. Lend a hand in cleaning the Atlantic oceans and ensure the survival of our marine lives.

Volunteering with Impac Trip provides you the opportunity to learn about scuba diving and become a professional. There are many discoveries to be made on the Portuguese coastline as well as valuable ecosystems to protect.

Thus, the Environmental volunteering opportunities in Scuba Diving is suitable for:

  • People 18+ at the time of volunteering
  • Retirees and seniors above the age of 50
  • Singles and couples with a passion for marine life and scuba diving
  • Families and groups can also apply for the volunteer opportunity


  • A basic understanding of the English language is necessary
  • Volunteers must be medically certified to be eligible to apply

Duration: Minimum of a week and maximum of 4 weeks volunteer duration


Volunteers will be required to go for international diving certification under a recognized body.

Again, volunteers will also learn about the Portuguese ecosystem with the view of providing valuable information about how to protect the ecosystem.

Volunteers will also work in collaboration with the local communities to educate about:

  • Factors that affect the environment
  • Environmental conservation
  • Protection of marine life and biodiversity

Stats:   The position is currently open for volunteers. Impact Trip Environmental Scuba Diving volunteer opportunities are open from February to November only.

5. Marine Conservation Research Assistant

Location: Nosy Komba, Madagascar

MRCI – Madagascar Volunteer opportunity provides a variety of opportunities for interested applicants with a passion for protecting the ecosystem in Madagascar.  

To be suitable for this volunteer opportunity, you need to meet the following criteria:

  • Volunteers must be over 18 years at the time of registration
  • Singles and couples are eligible to volunteer
  • Groups are also welcome to volunteer
  • The opportunity is also open to retirees and senior citizens over 50


  • An intermediate understanding of the English language is necessary
  • A clean criminal background check
  • Volunteers must possess a PADI Open Water and Advanced Open Water Dive Certification or equivalent. However, the organization provides volunteers the opportunity to complete the diving course with them and get certified.


This environmental volunteering has the following programs which include:

  • Reef Research
  • Artificial Reef Research
  • Coral transplanting
  • Creative Structures
  • Nudibranch Research
  • Turtle Monitoring

Stats: Flexible volunteer opportunity that is open from January to December, for further information and registration, follow the link

6. Reef Conservation Supporter With North Bali Reef Conservation

Location: Amlapura, Indonesia

North Bali Reef Conservation is an NGO that requires the assistance of volunteers to carry out their mission and achieve their goals. They work in collaboration with local volunteers to restore and preserve the coral reef ecosystem.

Suitable applicants  for this volunteer program should be:

  • At least 18 years to apply
  • The opportunity is also open to Seniors and retirees over 50 years
  • Singles and couples can apply
  • Groups are also welcome to apply for the volunteer opportunity


  • A basic understanding of the English language is necessary
  • Positive attitude and mental skill is essential 
  • Diving certification is an added advantage for the program

Duration: Minimum of 1 week and a maximum of 24 weeks


Volunteers will engage in cultural work with the local communities through educational diving and conservation. The volunteer can also learn how to dive with some of the top professionals.

Activities also include teaching, plastic recycling, diving, turtle conservation, and other activities as may be requested by the organizers.

Volunteering with North Bali Reef Conservation provides the opportunity to live and work close to the beach.

Stats: The opportunity to volunteer with North Bali Reef Conservation is open from January to May and from September to December. For more information about the opportunity, visit the following link.

7. Become a Volunteer With Volunteer Now Costa Rica to Keep Our Oceans Free From Plastics

Location: Puntarenas, Costa Rica

Volunteer with Volunteer Now Costa Rica to help keep our oceans and coastlines free from plastic pollution.

The organization is dedicated to ensuring that our beaches and coastlines are clean through organizing clean-up and creating awareness about the need to keep plastic wastes out of our beaches.

Suitable applicants for this volunteer opportunity should be:

  • At least 18 years during the time of application
  • The opportunity is open for volunteers over 50
  • Singles and couples can apply for the volunteer opportunity
  • The opportunity is also open for families and groups


  • A basic understanding of the English language is a requirement
  • Accepting volunteers from all parts of the world

Duration: Minimum of one week and a maximum volunteer period of four weeks. Volunteers are required to work 7 days a week from Sunday to Saturday from 08:00 to 12:00.


Volunteers for these environmental volunteering programs will make up a team to organize sanitation around the oceans and coastlines. The volunteer will also collaborate with the local team to drive organizational goals through education and enlightening the general public.

The volunteers must be willing to work as a team with a positive spirit and optimistic drive.  

Stats: Position open to the general public from January to December. To start the volunteering process, click on the link for more information and the date of arrival.

8. Volunteer in Zanzibar

Location: Nungwi; Jozani, Zanzibar

Volunteering in Zanzibar is a great opportunity to contribute to the maintenance of the African ecosystem and wildlife.

The volunteer opportunity is along the beach and the rural communities of Zanzibar. The program also comes with a low volunteer fee, which makes it very affordable for those wishing to find an affordable opportunity to volunteer abroad.

Under the Zanzibar volunteer program, there are two different volunteer opportunities to work as a volunteer. They are:

Therefore, it is your choice to decide which of the two opportunities have the passion for.


For program requirements, you need to sign up on the following website for information.

Duration: for rainforest and coastal conservation programs, the minimum duration for volunteering is 1 week and you can volunteer for up to 12 weeks. The turtle conservation also has a minimum volunteer period of 1 week and a maximum period of 12 weeks. Volunteers will put in 5 to 7 hours of work daily. 


The activities depend on our choice of program. You can be  in the rainforest and coastal lines helping to protect some of Zanzibar’s most endangered species, which includes:

  • Monkeys
  • Lizards
  • Chameleons
  • Snakes
  • Tortoise etc.
  • You will also work in collaboration with other team members to help tackle the effect of coastal erosion. You will also help to provide environmental education to children and the local community.

Volunteers will assist in taking care of endangered marine turtles and as well as ensuring that wounded marine turtles receive proper attention.

Stats: the program is open on the first and the third Wednesday of every month. To start your volunteer journey in Zanzibar, follow the link.

9. Become a Volunteer at Victoria Falls

Location: Victoria Falls, Zambia

Many private game reserves around Victoria Falls require the assistance of volunteers to successfully carry out their activities. Suitable volunteers must at least 18 years at the time of the volunteer.


Visit the program website and sign up to see the requirements of the program.

Duration: volunteer period is usually between 2 to 12 weeks. Volunteers are required to put in 4 to 6 hours of volunteer every day.


Volunteers work in private game reserves around Victoria Falls to ensure the survival of wildlife. Volunteers also assist in researching better ways to improve these game reserves.

They also work in collaboration with local authorities to protect the game reserves.

Stats: Interested Volunteers can utilize the next start date, 21 June 2024 to register and begin their volunteer journey. The program is open every first and third Monday of every month.

10. Volunteer With IVHQ to Work in Kruger National Park, South Africa

Location: South Africa

Apply with IVHQ to become a volunteer with one of the largest game reserves in Africa. This is one of the best environmental volunteering programs on this list.

The Kruger park serves as a home for a variety of wildlife species including the Africa Big 5—the buffalos, elephants, lions, leopards, and rhinos.

The land covers over 2 million hectares and requires more than often the assistance of volunteers to take care of the game reserve.

Volunteers get the opportunity to engage in a variety of activities while appreciating the natural environment.

Suitable volunteers must be passionate about animals and be at least 18 years of age to volunteer.


  • Basic driving skills
  • Volunteers must attend a mandatory orientation and bushcraft training
  • Volunteers must be passionate about animals

Duration: a minimum of 2 weeks and a maximum of 12 weeks volunteer period is required. Volunteers will put in 8 hours of service every day as part of the requirement of the program.


Volunteers will be dealing with potentially dangerous games. Therefore, they require to undergo basic bush crafting training and orientation about animals and navigation the park.

Volunteers will assist in vegetation sampling and game drives, habitat assessment, and camera trapping.

Other volunteer activities include:

  • Monitoring of Vulture nests
  • Assenting in the creation of bush and alien plant
  • Assisting in long term biodiversity survey
  • Help in disaster management and road maintenance
  •  Locating and mapping of animals that are injured via a vehicle survey
  • Monitoring and ensuring the endangered species are safe

Stats: July 5, 2024, is the next available date to volunteer for this project. If you have a passion for animals and are willing to volunteer, follow this link.

11. Animal Welfare Volunteering in Tanzania – Arusha

Location: Arusha, Tanzania

If you love to become an animal care volunteer, the time to act is now. Join the next batch of Tanzanian volunteers working in collaboration with the vets to take care of farm and domestic animals.

The opportunity is a two-way experience, the volunteer offers assistance and also gains experience in return. They also get the opportunity to visit local farms around Arusha.

The volunteer position is suitable for people over 18 years. Volunteers under 16 can apply under the supervision of an adult who is at least 18 years.

A parental consent letter is also allowed for volunteers between 16 and 17+ years.


  • Evidence of a criminal background check is a requirement for all volunteers. For those below 18, 2 character reference letter is a requirement
  • Adequate volunteer travel insurance is a requirement for all volunteers
  • All volunteers are required to attend the program orientation
  • Understanding of basic English language is a requirement.

Duration: A minimum of 1 week and a maximum of 16 weeks with up to 4 hours of activities daily.


Volunteer activities include collaborating with a local vet in the care of animals. The volunteer will also engage in the studies of animal welfare in the country. Volunteers are also required to mingle with native Tanzanians and learn their culture and ways of life.

Volunteering in animal welfare can be stressful and keeps volunteers constantly on the move. Be sure you can withstand the stress before volunteering for the position.

Stats: The program is open on the 1st and 15th of every month. For more information, visit the IVHQ website.

12. Volunteer for an Agricultural Program in Ghana

Location: Ghana

Agricultural cultivation remains the main source of food production in Ghana. The program helps to ensure that there is sustainability in the food supply in Ghana.

Volunteers who are passionate about food production are suitable to apply for this volunteer opportunity.


  • Volunteers must be at least 18 years at the time of registration for this program
  • Adequate travel insurance is a necessity for all volunteers
  • Criminal background check is a requirement for all volunteer
  • All volunteers must attend and complete the interactive volunteer training session

Duration: Volunteer duration is between 1 to 24 weeks.


Volunteers will work alongside local farmers to cultivate the farms and supply food and crops to local children.

The volunteer position does not require that you have previous experience in agriculture.

However, due to limited machinery and resources, volunteers should expect physical work. Volunteers should endeavor to come along with flashlights, sun protectors, lightweight scarfs, working boots, bottles of water, and a hat. Insect repellents can also come in handy.

Stats:  Volunteer opportunity is open 1st and 15th of every month. Follow the link for more information about the program.  

13. Volunteer For Organic Agriculture Supporter in Nepal

Location: Kathmandu, Nepal

Third Eye Foundation provides volunteers who wish to make the world a better place with the opportunity to offer their assistance in the Nepal region. Serve as an intermediary between the local communities and donor agencies.

Organic Agricultural Program will enable volunteers to live together and study the lifestyle of the local communities.

Suitable volunteers for the organic agricultural support must be at least 18 years. Singles and couples are also welcome to volunteer a well as groups.


  • A basic understanding of the  English language is a  necessity
  • A motivation letter and current copy of my CV is required
  • Volunteers need to be practical, optimistic, and happy all the time

Duration:  A minimum of 2 weeks and a maximum duration of 20 weeks


Some of the activities include planting, gardening, and harvesting depending on the period you volunteer. As a volunteer, you will mingle with the local community and learn their way of life.

You will also assist them in the little ways you can whether by lending your hands in the farm work or teaching them better ways to cultivate food.

Stats: Open from February to December. Click on the link to begin your volunteering process.

14. Volunteer in the Marine & Archaeological Preservation

Location: Napoli, Italy

Volunteer with International Napoli Network to join the growing number of people with an interest in preserving archaeological sites around the world today.

Volunteers work in one of the smallest natural parks in Europe.

Suitable volunteers must be:

  • 18+ at the time of registration
  • Suitable for both singles and couples who wish to volunteer
  • Groups and families can also volunteer for the program


  • Fluency in the spoken form of the English language
  • Criminal background check is essential for all volunteers
  • Volunteers must have an idea of one or more of the following
    • Biology
    • Environmental Sciences
    • Archaeology  
    • Marketing and other relevant courses

Duration: Min duration for the program is 3 weeks while the max duration is 12 weeks


Volunteers will assist in the preservation and watching of marine biogenesis at the water park at Gaiola. The volunteer will also assist in data collection and analysis.

Volunteers will also mingle with the local Italians to learn their culture, food, and history. Volunteers will also assist in the conservation effort to save historical areas that are of great importance.

Stats: Volunteers with the passion to assist the community can apply immediately. The position is open from May to November.

15. Work in a National Park

Location: San Jose, Costa Rica

Volunteer with South America Inside and help in taking care of Cost Rica’s beautiful natural park. Team up with other volunteers to protect the wildlife and help to enlighten visitors about the park.

Take some time to experience the amazing nature of Costa Rica’s natural park.

This environmental Volunteering programs with America Inside is suitable for people who are:

  • Above the age of 18
  • Singles and couples with a passion for nature
  • Groups
  • Retirees and senior citizens with the passion and strength to work in nature


  • Basic understanding of Spanish or English is a requirement
  • High school level is also a requirement
  • CV and volunteer questionnaire

Duration: 2 to 24 weeks volunteer duration (5-6 days weekly).


Volunteers will be assigned to work on one of Costa Rica’s natural parks. Costa Rica wildlife is the main attraction that brings visitors to Costa Rica and volunteers are also required to attend to visitors and educate them.

Volunteers will engage in:

  • The clearing of hiking trail
  • Beach cleaning
  • Ensuring that the wildlife is safe
  • Help the park officials in the running of the national parks through engaging visitor in educational talks about the wildlife and environmental protection
  • Assist in administrative tasks in the park
  • Assist with activities at the visitors center

 Stats: open from January to December for interested volunteers. For more information, visit the website.

16. Become a Marine Conservation – Research Assistant in Indonesia

Location: Raja, Indonesia

Barefoot Conservation is responsible for researching and providing useful assistance in the maintenance of Reefs. They also embark on other community projects like teaching.

Suitable volunteers for this environmental volunteering programs should be:

  • At least 16 at the time of volunteering
  • The position is open for both singles, couples, and families
  • Group are also welcome to apply
  • Retirees and people over 50 can also leverage  this opportunity


  • A basic level of English is a requirement for this program
  • Volunteers from around the world can apply

Duration: minimum of 2 weeks and a maximum of 24 weeks


Volunteer activities include:

  • Team up with expert marine conservation scientists and the local Costa Rica community on a virtual marine conservation program
  • Sign up as an assistant with Manta Ray and dive with them daily at Raja Ampat, Indonesia
  • Become conversant with field skills in marine biology and conservation
  • Get certified as a Reef Check Eco Diver
  • Volunteers may also be required to teach the local in the areas of English language and proper waste management, environmental protection, and dental hygiene for children
  • Become a certified scuba diver and dive in one of the best locations in the world

Stats: Available from January to December and interested volunteers can sign up using the following link.

17. Volunteer With Ocean 2 Earth Volunteers in Great Barrier Reef Marine Conservation Project

Location: Queensland, Australia

Volunteer with Ocean 2 Earth Volunteers and help to save one of the world’s most beautiful sites. Gain some diving experience while doing that for your personal development.

If you are passionate about nature and ocean life, you are welcome to volunteer for this position.

Suitable volunteers for this program should  be:

  • At least 17 during the time of registration
  • The program is open for singles and couples
  • Family and groups are also welcome to apply
  •  Seniors and retirees over 50 can apply for the program


  • Fluent English language speaking
  • All volunteers must provide proof of tetanus vaccine and full travel insurance
  • The ability to swim and keep afloat is an added advantage

Duration: Minimum of 10 days and a maximum of 41 days.


Volunteers will engage in a lot of diving activities and train with biologists. They will also assist in taking surveys and provide reports on the health of the Great Barrier reef for further scientific researches.

Volunteers will also assist in clearing debris and cleaning up the marines for the safety of marine life. Volunteers will collaborate with others like minds from every part of the world to work as a team.

Besides lending a hand, volunteers also acquire certification in Advanced or Rescue Diver’s Course.  

Stats: The Volunteer opportunity is open from Jan-March, May-September, and November to December.

Interested volunteers can start their registration by following the link.


18. Volunteer as a Diving & Marine Conservation Intern

Location: Las Terrenas, Dominican Republic

Volunteer with Fundacion Aldeas de Paz as an intern in Diving and Marine Conservation if you are passionate about marine life. Seize the opportunity to train and become a certified ecological diver. Lend your skills at a diving center and asset in marine environment restoration. Also, assist in the control of invasive species.

The environmental volunteering opportunities is suitable for:

  • People 16+  during the time of registration
  • Singles, couples, families, and groups are also eligible  to apply
  • The position is also open for retirees and seniors


  • Basic understanding of the English language
  • A recent copy of my CV and a health certificate that shows suitability for driving
  • Commitment and flexibility to the program requirement
  • Patience and tolerance is also a requirement for the position

Duration: Minimum of 4 weeks and a maximum of 50 weeks.


Volunteers will undergo a training in ecology diving and assist in the conservation of marine ecosystems. Volunteers will also work in collaboration with the diving center to protect marine life and assist in keeping invasive species under check.

There is also some important takeaway from volunteering with Fundacion Aldeas de Paz and they are:

  • Volunteers will gain fluency in the Spanish language
  • Gain professional training and certification in diving
  • Enjoy memorable weekend excursions
  • Mingle with the native Dominicans and enjoy their ways of life and enjoy Caribbean music

Stats: The volunteering opportunity is open from January to December. Willing volunteers can start their registration here.

19. Volunteer with IVHQ to Care for Animals in Costa Rica

Location: Manuel Antonio, Costa Rica

International Volunteer HQ is responsible for many volunteer programs with numerous opportunities for animal lovers.

If you fall among the category and are willing to travel to Costa Rica, Animal Care Volunteer Project is the right volunteer opportunity for you.  

Suitable applicants  for this position should:

  • At least 18 at the time of volunteering for the program
  • Volunteers aged 16-17+ must be accompanied by parents/guardian or provide a consent letter to be eligible
  • Volunteers must be passionate about caring for animals


  • Record of criminal background check is a requirement for the position
  • All volunteers are required to provide adequate travel insurance to be eligible
  • Fluency in the English language is a requirement for the program

Duration: eligible volunteers can volunteer for 3 to 24 weeks.


Animal Care Volunteer Project volunteers are responsible for various activities like:

  • Bathing and training animals
  • Render their services in the area of obedience training
  • Ensuring that cages and kennels are clean
  • Ensuring that the animals are well-fed
  • Interacting with animals, walking, and playing with them
  • Interacting with visitors
  • Assisting in providing medical attention to animals
  • Organizing educational outreach and fundraisers
  • Assisting in the construction of dog fences and runs
  • Assist in the administration of the place

Stats: Next available date for volunteering is June 21, 2024. Follow the link for further information about the opportunity.

20. Volunteer For Animal Care Volunteer Project in San Jose

Location: San Jose, Costa Rica

Are you an animal lover and wish to devote your time to taking care of animals? The animal care volunteer project in Costa Rica is just the opportunity you need.

The project provides animal lovers the opportunity to care for animals and contribute to the welfare and medical treatment of animals under their care.

Suitable volunteers for these environmental volunteering programs should be at least 18 at the time of volunteering. However, people 16-17+ can volunteer accompanied by a parent or guardian or on the provision of a consent letter.


  • Evidence of a criminal background check
  • Fluency in spoken English Language
  • Provision of adequate travel insurance document
  • Two character reference letter for volunteers under 18 years

Duration:  Minimum volunteer duration of 1 week is required. Eligible candidates can volunteer for up to 24 weeks.

21. Marine Life Conservation In Placenia

Location: Placenia, Belize

ReefCI is reputable for providing some of the best volunteer opportunities.

Currently, they have an opening for volunteers who wish to render their assistance in ensuring the survival and health of Marine lives. Volunteers will also gain both training and work experience in marine conservation.

Suitable volunteers for the position should be at least 16 at the time of registration for the program.

Singles and couples are also welcome to volunteer as well as groups. The position is also open to Senior and retiree volunteers.


  • A basic understanding of the English language is a necessity
  • Digital scuba diving waiver
  • Previous experience can be an added advantage but not a requirement
  • Passionate about changing the world

Duration: Minimum of 1 week and a maximum of 12  weeks


There are numerous activities associated with this volunteer activity. Volunteers get hands-on experience in how marine conservation works. They will also work on the remote private Caribbean island in the Belize Barrier Reef to help in protecting marine life.

Volunteers will also be on the lookout for whale sharks and record any sightings.

For more information about the activities, visit the following link.

Stats: Volunteer opportunity is currently open and continues running from January to December for interested people.

22. Volunteer with Art in Tanzania to Study Climate Change Effect on Socio-Economy

Location: Dar es Salaam, Tanzania

The essence of this volunteer program is to study and make plans to understand climatic change and its effect on society and the economy. It is also a way of sensitizing the public about climatic change and its adverse effects.

Suitable volunteers must be at least 16 years during the time of registration. It is also an open invitation for seniors and retirees to join. Families and groups who are eligible can also apply for the program.

The program also makes provisions for those in a wheelchair to apply for the volunteer position.


  • Volunteers must understand the English language
  • Volunteers must submit a current copy of their CV and Resume
  • Education in the area  of climatic change is an added advantage for volunteers
  • Basic knowledge of social media skill is also essential

Duration: Eligible persons can volunteer for a minimum of 2 weeks and an extended period of up to 36 weeks. The opportunity requires 6-8 hours of volunteer time per day all through the week.


Volunteers will learn to work in the rural areas of Tanzania and assist the natives in agricultural activities.

Volunteers will also work with groups of women, children, and young people living with disabilities.

The environmental volunteering programs take a tri-dimensional approach to evaluate the current events, future occurrences and to provide a model for finding solutions to the problem. 

Stats: the program is currently available and open for volunteers around the world. For more information and registration, follow the link.


We all need to contribute in our little ways to ensure the survival of our world. While the government and other agencies are working hard to ensure we have a safer world to live in, their efforts are not enough.

If you are passionate about impacting our world directly, joining an environmental volunteering program is the best way to go about it.

Besides the basic knowledge you gain when you volunteer, there is also this satisfaction that comes with knowing that your efforts count in ensuring that the world is safe for all of us.



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