13 Best Genetics Classes Online | Paid or Free

Genetics can help you fully understand your health and make healthy choices by explaining what makes you unique, why you look like other family members, and why some diseases run in your family.

Taking the time to learn about genetics can help you fully understand your health and make healthy choices. This is why you should take any of the genetics classes available online.

These online genetics classes include information about how features like hair color, eye color, and disease risk are passed down (“inherited”) from parents to their children.

In other words, you’ll be able to apply what you’ve studied about genetics to your existing knowledge of the human body. You will also be aware of the origins of events that occur to you.

Taking any of the best genetics classes available online, whether paid or free, will give you a thorough understanding of genetics and its workings.

What is Genetics?

According to My46, Genetics is a branch of biology concerned with the study of how traits such as hair color, eye color, and risk for diseases are passed (“inherited”) from parents to their children.

Genetics influence how these inherited traits can be different from person to person.

Your genetic information is called your genetic code or “genome.” Your genome comprises a chemical called deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) and is stored in almost every cell in your body.

Can I Take Genetics Classes Online?

Yes, you can take genetics classes online.

Genetics classes are available online through various online e-learning sites for students from around the world. Video lessons, images, essays, downloadable tools, and more are all available in these classes.

The bulk of genetics classes available online is customizable. This means you can complete the course at your leisure.

In addition, the course will assist you in your quest to understand everything from computational functional genomics to cognitive and behavioral genetics.

Also, to learn about plant gene manipulation, the genome, genetic illnesses, gene mapping, molecular genetics, and inherited disorders, among other things.

However, suppose you’re enrolled in a university’s formal degree or certificate program. In that case, you’ll be obligated to finish the materials within a particular time (e.g., by specific due dates and within a specific quarter or semester).

Read: 15 Best Online Biology Classes in 2024 | Paid & Free

Why Should I Take Genetics Online Class?

There are numerous reasons why you should enroll in an online genetics course.

Genetics classes online help you understand various things, such as what makes you unique, why you look like other family members, and why certain diseases run in your family.

Taking the time to study genetics can also assist you in better understanding your health and making good decisions. Genes that do not function properly can cause issues.

When a single gene quits acting properly, it causes rare disorders. Many more frequent diseases are caused by a combination of multiple genes that don’t act properly and the environment, such as your lifestyle and behaviors.

Additionally, learning about your family’s medical history might provide a wealth of knowledge.

You can use information from an online class to learn about health hazards in your family, such as high blood pressure or obesity.

When you tell your healthcare providers about this, they can help you make decisions that will keep you and your family healthy. The more information you have, the easier it is to make good decisions.

It also allows students to work on actual, self-paced genetics practice and build their portfolios.

What Do I Need To Enroll In genetics Online Courses?

You don’t need much to enroll in an online genetics class. All you need is a smartphone or a computer with full access to a network, a pen, notepad, Earphones or earbuds, etc.

Don’t forget to include hard work, consistency, and determination to achieve your aim.

13 Best Genetics Online Classes in 2024| Paid or Free

There are a lot of genetics classes online offered by eLearning platforms and Universities, some of which come at no cost while others require a fee. These classes come with a certificate of completion at the end.

However, here are the 13 best free and paid genetics classes online.

You can read this: 15 Best Online Biology Classes in 2024| Paid & Free

1. Genetics and Next-Generation Sequencing for Bioinformatics

Duration: 3 hours

Price: $39.99

Level: Beginner

Do you wish to work in Bioinformatics but lack the necessary knowledge of DNA, RNA, and Genetics?

Are you interested in learning more about current advancements in DNA sequencing technology and how they might be used in personalized cancer therapy and disease research?

Don’t worry; you’ll figure it out by the conclusion of the class. Here are things you will learn in this class:

  • You will have a strong foundation in DNA, RNA, and Genetics
  • Recent advances in DNA sequencing technology
  • how to use the cloud-based platform Galaxy to analyze large sequencing datasets
  • Assess the quality of raw data
  • The applications in Personalized Cancer Therapy and Disease Research
  • how to use FastQC and Trimmomatic to improve data quality.

In addition, this is one of the best genetics online classes you can start.

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2. Human Genetics Made Easy

Duration: 3 hours

Price: $39.99

Level: Intermediate

In recent years, genetics has changed the realm of science and technology. You will be more successful in life if you thoroughly understand the subject.

This course will help you learn and appreciate the complicated processes involved in human genetics, whether you are a student or have an inquisitive mind.

A section on genetic diseases will help you comprehend the genetic foundation of diseases that affect humanity or your body.

Gene therapy and genetic engineering are particularly fascinating things to learn about because they can help you predict the future of medicine.

Therefore, this is one of the best online genetics classes you will love to enroll in.

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3. NCLEX Simplified: Neonate, Pediatrics, and Genetics

Duration: 1.5 hours

Price: $19.99

Level: All

NCLEX Simplified is a teaching method that breaks down knowledge into bite-sized bits to help prepare test takers by establishing confidence in basic question strategy based on things like… the Decision Tree (ugh).

This course thoroughly covers the subjects of neonates, pediatrics, and genetics. Hyperbilirubinemia, jaundice, Down’s syndrome, milestones, and other topics are covered.

Furthermore, the list goes on and on, but the information is brief and to the point. That is, after all, the purpose of NCLEX Simplified. It contains all the information you require and none of the information you do not.

You will be well-prepared for the NCLEX if you view all of them (as many times as necessary) to absorb the knowledge.

In addition, This is one of the genetics online classes you will love to enroll in, especially the graduate nurses and nursing students.

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4. Genetics and Molecular Biology for Medical Students

Duration: 3.5 hours

Price: $19.99

Level: Expert

This course is primarily for medical students but is also useful for students in biotechnology, pharmacy, nursing, biophysics, bioengineering, bioinformatics, and dentistry.

The essential ideas are reinforced through brief review sheets, end-of-lecture quizzes, and well-illustrated video lectures.

Furthermore, the instructor discusses how linear DNA in a human cell is packaged in a highly orderly and compact manner within the 23 pairs of chromosomes without becoming entangled, in addition to providing a full explanation of the structure and functions of nucleotides and nucleic acids.

As model organisms and stages of the eukaryotic cell cycle, prokaryotes have specific segments.

Considering the volatile nature of the issue and the fact that medical students are already confronted with a massive amount of medical terminology.

The most difficult concepts are conveyed utilizing animations and mnemonics in a simple and digestible way, which is why this is one of the best genetics online classes you will love to take.

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5. Introduction to Genetics and Evolution

Duration: 25 hours

Price: Free

Level: All

Offered by Duke University

A college-level course called Introduction to Genetics and Evolution is offered to prospective students simultaneously.

The course provides a brief review of some of the ideas that underpin these core areas of biology to those who are interested.

New “genome sequences,” commercial kits that can tell you about your ancestry (including pre-human) from your DNA or disease predispositions, the debate about the truth of evolution.

Also, why animals behave the way they do and how people discovered “genetic evidence for natural selection” are all topics that we hear about frequently.

This course covers the fundamental biology needed to comprehend all of these concerns better and attempts to clear up some misconceptions and prepare students for future, more advanced biology education (and especially evolutionary genetics).

More so, this is one of the best genetics classes online.

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6. Introduction to the Biology of Cancer

Duration: 8 hours

Price: Free

Level: Beginner

Offered by The Johns Hopkins University

Every year, over 500,000 people in the United States and over 8 million worldwide succumb to cancer.

Cancer is becoming more common as people live longer lives, and the disease is anticipated to affect over 20 million people annually by 2030.

This free course is for anyone interested in learning more about cancer and how it is avoided, diagnosed, and treated.

The course covers cancer’s molecular biology (oncogenes and tumor suppressor genes) and the disease’s biological markers.

Also, risk factors for major malignancies worldwide, such as lung cancer, breast cancer, colon cancer, prostate cancer, liver cancer, and stomach cancer, are discussed.

The course explains how cancer is staged, how imaging detects cancer, and how major malignancies are treated.

In addition, it offers two Honors lectures on liver and prostate malignancies in addition to the main subjects. This is also one of the best genetics classes available on the internet.

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7. DNA Decoded

Duration: 23 hours

Price: Free

Level: Intermediate

Offered by McMaster University

Are you a living creature? Then, once again, congratulations! You have DNA. But how much do you know about the tiny molecules that make you one-of-a-kind?

  • Why is DNA called the “blueprint of life”?
  • What is a “DNA fingerprint”?
  • How do scientists clone DNA?
  • What can DNA teach you about your family history?
  • Are Genetically Modified Organisms (GMOs) safe?
  • Is it possible to revive dinosaurs by cloning their DNA?

These and other questions are answered in DNA Decoded. If you want to learn more about DNA, join the teachers, and two McMaster University biochemists discussing its structure, how scientists deciphered the genetic code, and what our DNA can tell us about ourselves.

Along the process, you’ll discover how scientists examine our genetic risks, change DNA, and find new treatments for various diseases using practical approaches.

Then, in our virtual lab, conduct your own forensic DNA analysis of crime scene materials to solve a murder.

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Also, check this: 10 Best Online Anatomy Classes in 2024| Paid & Free

8. Animal Breeding and Genetics

Duration: 3 months

Price: $268.20

Level: All

This course is one of the best genetics classes online. In this class, you will learn how to

  • Describe the steps you need to take when setting up a breeding program.
  • Describe how you will use selection and genomic tools to alleviate the effect of monogenic recessive diseases.
  • Calculate family relationships and inbreeding coefficients in pedigrees and predict the rate of inbreeding for simple situations.
  • Explain how you can use family relationships between individuals to estimate breeding values and describe the consequences of different selection and mating strategies for responding to selection.
  • Also, describe how running breeding programs can be evaluated regarding response to selection and genetic diversity.
  • Describe how the dissemination of improved animal populations to end-users occurs and why this differs among animal species.
  • Gain the tools and insights to improve production and work towards a healthy population.

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9. Introduction to Biology – The Secret of Life

Duration: 16 weeks

Price: Free

Level: Beginner

The structure and function of macromolecules such as DNA, RNA, and proteins will be the first emphasis of this course.

You’ll learn how structural changes in certain of these macromolecules affect their functions and what impact these changes have on human health.

Furthermore, as you progress through the course, you’ll discover how to apply your knowledge of genetics and cell information flow to human health and disease, as well as molecular biology tools and their potential to impact our changing world.

After completing this course, you will have a solid understanding of biology, enabling you to comprehend the current medical revolution.

This is one of the best genetics classes online.

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10. Useful Genetics Part 1: How Our Genes Shape Us

Duration: 7 weeks

Price: Free

Level: Intermediate

Genetics is pervasive in the twenty-first century, from doctors’ offices to legal systems.

You’ll be well prepared to cope with today’s genetic difficulties and new questions that will inevitably occur at the end of this course.

Although this tough yet gratifying course focuses on genetics concerns that affect our health and well-being while giving a comprehensive analysis of genetics fundamentals comparable to that of a college genetics course.

You’ll discover how genes work and how the various variants we inherit impact our daily lives and society.

Also, learn how to evaluate health risk estimates, why DNA fingerprinting is so strong, and what DNA analysis does and does not reveal. This is one of the best online genetics classes you will ever take.

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11. Data science and genetics

Duration: 4 minutes

Price: NGN11,699.00

Level: All

Data growth has been one of the most astounding aspects of the parallel expansion of data science and genomics. We now have an embarrassment of riches. Consider that for a moment.

About 40,000 genes make up the human genome, which is made up of about three million base pairs.

Furthermore, in 2001, when researchers were able to finish the human genome sequence for the first time, it was the culmination of several years of great effort.

It was a massive operation. However, hundreds of more genomes have been sequenced since then, and it’s becoming a reasonably simple operation for a lab to do this independently.

This also means that genetic data is now generated at a rate far quicker than it can be managed, processed, understood, or implemented.

More so, this class is a paid course with a 1-month free trial, and it’s one of the best online genetics classes to enroll in.

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12. The genetic algorithm

Duration: 12 min

Price: NGN13,649.00

Level: All

Despite the development of many different optimization algorithms over the years, the genetic algorithm remains one of the most popular due to its simplicity and ease of application to a wide range of optimization problems.

The genetic algorithm is largely based on how evolution works in nature, as the name implies. Species evolve naturally based on three principles: reproduction, mutation, and survival of the fittest.

However, when a child is born in nature, it competes with other members of its species for survival in its habitats.

It can reproduce with another member of its species to develop new progeny if it survives long enough to adulthood. If the best is passed on to the kid.

More so, this class is a paid course with a 1-month free trial, and it’s one of the best online genetics classes to enroll in.

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13. Biology 101: Introduction to Reproduction and Genetics

Duration: 2.5 hours

Price: $19.99

Level: All level

Are you a student studying for the “O” Level exam? Or are you just seeking to brush up on your genetics and reproduction knowledge?

If you answered yes, this is the course for you. This is a beginner’s course in reproduction and genetics. The fundamental notions of these two subjects will be addressed.

You will be able to describe essential terminology in genetics, draw genetic diagrams, and explain how genes can be altered for positive purposes by the end of this course (Genetic Engineering).

Also, you’ll be able to compare plant and human reproduction. This course includes several examination-style questions, as well as suggested answers. (Provigil)

In addition, it’s one of the best genetics classes online.

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What is genetics?

Genetics is a branch of biology concerned with the study of how traits such as hair color, eye color, and risk for diseases are passed (“inherited”) from parents to their children.

Can I learn about genetics online?

Yes, you can.

Genetics classes are available online through a variety of online e-learning sites for students from all around the world. Video lessons, images, essays, downloadable tools, and more are all available in these classes.

Is an online genetics class worth it?

There are numerous reasons why you should enroll in an online genetics course.
Genetics classes online help you understand a variety of things, such as what makes you unique, why you look like other family members, and why certain diseases run in your family.

Why is genetics class important?

Taking the time to study genetics can also assist you in better understanding your own health and making good decisions. Genes that do not function properly can cause issues.

Where can I learn genetics online?

Here are some of the eLearning platforms:
Linkedin Learning
MasterClass, etc.


Free and paid genetics classes online are great resources. Do well to make the best out of the information provided in this post.



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