17 Best Computer Science Classes Online Free & Paid in 

Computer design and specialization knowledge is one that is highly sought after by many industries. As a computer science professional, your expertise is vital in the growth of computational systems in many industries, and if you’ve loved to join this career path, you will find some of the best computer science classes online to help you get ahead.

According to Rasmussen, applying computer science to prediction can have a tremendous impact on the world. “We are predicting human behavior; we are predicting climates, seasons, ocean currents, etc,” Nand says.

With these tools, we can predict everything from an incoming tsunami to the outbreak pattern of a pathogen.

Hence, this goes to show how much impact computer science has made in the world with more research still ongoing.

What Are Computer Science Classes?

Computer science classes strongly address the foundational theories of computation and information, taking a scientific and practical approach to its applications. In defining computation, you label it as any type of calculation or use of computing technology that walks in the path of well-defined models such as algorithms or protocols.

Many practitioners consider computer science to be a core foundational science. Hence, the study of this subject introduces systematically studying methodical processes so as to gain the processing, storage, representation, acquisition, and communication of vital information. By analyzing feasibility data, all these processes are achieved easily.

Computer science is a program under many higher institutions. In fact, it accommodates certain aspects of computers and technology, drawing strong similarities with information technology. However, they are two different subject areas today which makes it easy to differentiate them.

Can I Take Computer Science Classes Online?

Computer science is a vast course offered by many traditional institutions. These universities have key areas of computer science they treat alongside some practicals. And because they offered these courses, they discourage you from learning on your own terms.

The fact remains: you can input your details into a system and start a computer science degree online course at your convenience. In contrast to traditional college programs that demand you sit in a class at a certain time of the day, most online programs allow you to study when and where you want.

Why Take Computer Science Classes Online?

Learning has grown from being rigid to becoming very dynamic. By holding on to outdated patterns of learning, you withhold the massive growth process that is available and remain crippled by the former limitations.

Online classes have made it easier for learning to take place in a virtual environment, attracting people from different parts of the world. And when you consider the volume of computational knowledge available, it’s vital to draw perspective from different places.

17 Best Computer Science Classes Online Free & Paid in 2024

1. Computer Science 101: Master the Theory Behind Programming

Duration: 11 hours

Price: $89.99

Level: Beginner

You’ve come to the right site if you want to study the theory behind excellent programmers. This course is ideal for anyone who wants to study the basics of computer science theory.

Computer science and technology are frequently regarded as “analytical minds”-only pursuits. Technology, on the other hand, and its principle, I believe, are for everyone.

As a result, each topic is taught in a number of easy-to-understand ways throughout this course. I believe that anyone can follow along and succeed if they follow these several reinforcing steps.

As a result, this is one of the best computer science classes online that you will enjoy taking.

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2. Computer Science 101 – Computers & Programming for Beginners

Duration: 1.5 hours

Price: $19.99

Level: Beginners

Computer science is a subject that is becoming increasingly important. Whether you’re in college, school, or the workplace. In our daily lives, computers and computer applications are everywhere.

Cellphones, ATMs, and even home appliances that we can manage with our smartphones all require software. A lot of individuals are perplexed and don’t understand how anything works.

This short course will take you from a complete lack of knowledge to a firm grasp of the fundamental ideas of computer science and programming languages.

We utilize a lot of examples to teach the distinct concepts to keep the course interesting and entertaining. You will learn about the value of algorithms, how to design them, and why they are so vital, among other things.

Also, you’ll learn about other programming styles like imperative, declarative, and object-oriented programming.

Furthermore, real-world examples outside of code and computer programs will be provided to ensure that everyone understands what we’re talking about.

You will have a fundamental understanding of the most significant ideas in computer science and programming by the end of this course. This is one of the best computer science classes online that you will enjoy taking.

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Read this: 15 Best C++ Online Classes For Beginners & Advance | 2024

3. Master Complete Statistics For Computer Science – I

Duration: 21.5 hours

Price: $89.99

Level: All

Topics on probability and statistics play an important role in today’s engineering curriculum, as statistical approaches are very useful in analyzing data and interpreting conclusions.

Statistical approaches come in helpful when a prospective engineering student embarks on a project or research effort.

As a result, including a well-structured probability and statistics course in the curriculum will aid students in both understanding the concept and preparing for exams, such as normal course exams or entry-level exams for postgraduate courses.

The content of this course has been carefully tailored to meet the demands of engineering students.

All of the topics in this course are well-organized and presented in a logical order as the content progresses from the fundamentals to higher levels of statistics.

As a result, this course is student-friendly, as all ideas with appropriate examples prior to completing problems are well explained. In addition, this is one of the best computer science classes online that you will love to take.

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4. Computer Science: Programming with a Purpose

Duration: 88 hours

Price: Free

Level: Beginner

Offered by Princeton University i

Reading, writing, and arithmetic were the foundations of education in the previous millennium; now it is reading, writing, and computers.

Every student’s education should include learning to program, not just in the sciences and engineering, but also in the arts, social sciences, and humanities.

It is the first step towards comprehending the nature of computer science’s unquestionable impact on the modern world, beyond direct applications.

Furthermore, variables, conditionals, loops, arrays, and I/O are among the core programming concepts introduced in this lesson. Then we’ll move on to functions, where we’ll learn about recursion, modular programming, and code reuse.

Then we’ll go over an up-to-date overview of object-oriented programming.

Also, we employ the Java programming language and teach fundamental computational problem-solving abilities that may be used in a variety of modern computing situations.

Although mastery of Java is a goal, we concentrate on core programming concepts rather than Java. This is, nonetheless, one of the best computer science classes available. This is one of the free computer science classes online.

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5. Python for Everybody Specialization

Duration: 8 months

Price: Free

Level: Beginner

Offered by the University of Michigan

Python for Everyone is also one of the free computer science classes online that you would enjoy taking.

This Specialization expands on the popularity of the Python for Everyone course and uses the Python programming language to present essential programming concepts such as data structures, networked application program interfaces, and databases.

In the Capstone Project, you’ll design and build your own data retrieval, processing, and visualization apps using the technologies you’ve learned during the Specialization. This is one of the best computer science classes online.

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6. Introduction to Discrete Mathematics for Computer Science Specialization

Duration: 6 months

Price: Free

Level: Beginner

Offered By University of California San Diego HSE University

The language of Computer Science is discrete mathematics. Many fields, such as data science, machine learning, and software engineering, require fluency (it is not a coincidence that math puzzles are often used for interviews).

This course will introduce you to the language using a fun try-it-before-we-explain-it approach:

First, you will complete a series of interactive puzzles that have been meticulously constructed specifically for this online specialization, after which we will explain how to complete the problems and present key concepts along the way.

As a result, we feel that by doing so, you will develop a greater knowledge of and appreciation for the underlying ideas (not to mention the self-confidence you will earn if you invent these ideas yourself!).

You’ll also get hands-on experience with it through mathematical proofs and Python code.

We include programming examples, issues, and projects in the specialization to bring your experience closer to IT applications. Also, this is one of the best computer science classes online.

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7. Computational Thinking for Problem Solving

Duration: 18 hours

Price: Free

Level: Beginner

Computational thinking is the systematic approach to a problem and the creation and expression of a solution that can be carried out by a computer.

However, you don’t have to be a computer scientist to think like one! In fact, students from all fields of study are encouraged to enroll in this course.

The pillars of computational thinking, how computer scientists build and analyze algorithms, and how answers might be realized on a computer using the Python programming language are all covered in this course.

Also, by the end of the course, you will be able to write a simple Python program to develop an algorithm and express it to the computer.

Furthermore, this course will introduce you to people from various professions who solve challenges using computational thinking.

You’ll be part of a unique community of analytical thinkers, and you’ll be encouraged to think about how you might use computational thinking to create a positive social impact.

This is also one of the free computer science classes available online.

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8. Computer Science for Artificial Intelligence

Duration: 5 months

Price: $358.20

Level: All

Enrolling in this class will help you advance your career. You will gain a comprehensive and solid understanding of computer science and programming after taking this subject.

You will also learn:

  • Algorithms for graph search
  • Reinforcement learning 
  • Machine learning 
  • Principles of Artificial Intelligence 
  • How to design intelligent systems
  • How to incorporate artificial intelligence into Python programming

Furthermore, this is one of the best online computer science classes that you will like taking.

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9. Computer Science for Web Programming

Duration: 6 months

Price: $358.20

Level: All

This is also one of the top computer science classes available online. You will gain a wide understanding of computer science and programming in this session.

You also learn:

  1. What is the best way to grow your web applications?
  2. How to keep track of code changes, synchronize code across several persons, and test code changes
  3. The several methods in which an API can be used
  4. Web page and web app design and implementation
  5. Knowledge of a variety of languages, including C, Python, SQL, and JavaScript, as well as CSS and HTML
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10. AP Computer Science A: Java Programming

Duration: 6 weeks

Price: Free

Level: Beginner

This computer science course will teach you the fundamentals of Java programming and cover subjects that are important to the AP Computer Science A course and exam.

This course begins with an overview of computer functioning and the global influence of computing before moving on to Java programming fundamentals such as variables, selection, and object-oriented design.

Additionally, if you are interested in taking a first-level computer programming course, especially if you attend a school that does not offer one, this is the class for you.

This is one of the free online computer science classes.

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11. Computer Science Principles: The Internet

Duration: 59 min

Price: NGN7,799.00

Level: Beginner

Computers are capable of a great deal. But it’s the Internet that brings them to life, allowing people to converse and share data in fractions of a second across millions of kilometers.

The Internet is the backbone of all computers, controlling how software and hardware, regardless of manufacturer, interact.

Furthermore, this lesson teaches how encryption works and why it’s critical for keeping your data safe online.

It’s also a fantastic foundation for anyone, of any age, who wants to pursue a career in technology or computer science.

Understanding the fundamentals, such as the Internet, will help you understand how hardware, software, data, networks, and the people who use them interact.

Furthermore, this class is a paid class but has a 1-month free trial, also it’s one of the best paid computer science classes available online.

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Also, you can check this: 21 Online Java Classes For Beginners and Advance | 2024

12. Introduction to Quantum Computing

Duration: 1h 25min

Price: NGN11,699.00

Level: All

Classical computing, which gave birth to the digital age, is poised to be supplanted by a more exciting, powerful, and completely new type of computing.

This technology, known as quantum computing, works on entirely new scientific principles and has the potential to make a significant technological leap forward in artificial intelligence, medicine, chemistry, space capabilities, mixed reality, and much more.

Those who are left behind will have a difficult time catching up. Learn everything there is to know about quantum computing, as well as how to apply it to your own (and your company’s) future plans.

Also, the instructor explains what quantum computing is and its applications, opportunities, and risks in simple terms.

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13. Digital Transformation for Tech Leaders

Duration: 22 hours

Price: Free

Level: All

The technologies that will drive their digital transformation must be recognizable to technology leaders. This learning path presents these technologies to those in charge of their organization’s IT strategy.

Cloud computing, big data and data science, machine learning and artificial intelligence, blockchain, the Internet of Things, software project management, and security policies are just a few examples of topics covered.

Take a look at our Digital Transformation for Leaders and Digital Transformation in Practice study tracks as well. In addition, this is one of the partially free computer science classes online.

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14. An Introduction to Computer Vision

Duration: 3-4 hours

Price: Free

Level: All

As we expand our data to include more forms of inputs than just text, computer vision gives robots the ability to understand what they’re looking at.

This free online course makes the process of analyzing image data, such as object detection and image categorization, easier, allowing us to dig deeper into our unstructured data.

Begin to learn about the various theoretical and practical aspects of image computing. This is one of the computer science classes online you will love to take.

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15. An Introduction to Brain-Computer Interfaces

Duration:6-10 hours

Price: Free

Level: All

Consider developing a computer that can respond to the neural network of the brain by converting electrical impulses from the brain into commands that a computer can understand.

This field of neuroscience and computer programming is revolutionizing robotics, neurophysiology, and computer science.

This course on computer-brain interfaces is for you if these topics fascinate you. It’s also one of the best computer science classes available online.

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16. Understanding Visual Matching in Computer Vision

Duration: 1.5-3 hours

Price: Free

Level: All

Many computer vision applications rely on feature detection and matching to work. Feature matching is a powerful technique for detecting a specific object in a cluttered environment.

This free online course shows how to choose the best feature matching strategy for detecting correspondences, as well as how to create efficient data structures and algorithms to match the features.

In addition, this is one of the computer science classes available online.

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17. Introduction to Computer Network Security

Duration: 1.5-3 hours

Price: Free

Level: Beginner

This free online course on computer network security will teach you about the various types of network security that can protect your home or business.

Whether you’re a single home computer user, a small start-up business, or a multinational enterprise, security is critical in computing.

This course will cover the fundamental ideas and concepts of a security network, from choosing the right password to understanding sophisticated network security principles.

Also, this is one of the best computer science classes online.

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The study of algorithmic processes, computational machines, and computing itself is known as computer science.

Computer science is a broad study that covers everything from theoretical studies of algorithms, computation, and information to practical challenges like implementing computational systems in hardware and software.

Computer science classes strongly address the foundational theories of computation and information, taking a scientific and practical approach to its applications.

In defining computation, you label it as any type of calculation or use of computing technology that walks in the path of well-defined models such as algorithms or protocols.

Yes, you can.

All you have to do is to input your details into a system and start a computer science degree online course at your convenience.

In contrast to traditional college programs that demand you sit in a class at a certain time of the day, most online programs allow you to study when and where you want.

Here are things you need:

  • A computer
  • Full access to a network
  • A software
  • A full dose of patience, determination, and dedication


Online classes have made it easier for learning to take place in a virtual environment, attracting people from different parts of the world.

Therefore, free and paid computer science classes online are great resources. Do well to make the best out of this information provided in this post.


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