Wellspring Academy Review | Requirements, Tuition, Rankings

Wellspring Academy has gained recognition all around the united states. It is really a special school worth attending. In this article, I’ll be telling you all you need to know about this school. We’ll examine the tuition, requirements, student life, acceptance rate, facilities, available jobs in the school, rankings, etc.

Make sure you read till the end of this article as it promises to be a very insightful, educative and informative ride.

To begin, Ryan D. Craig, who also served as the school’s first Executive Director, founded the Wellspring Academy as the Academy of the Sierras in California in 2004. Aspen made a $6.5 million investment in the Wellspring Academy. In 2007, the school opened its second facility in North Carolina.

The table of content is right below.

Brief History About WellSpring Academy?

Wellspring Academies formerly or previously referred to as Academy of the Sierras is a pair of therapeutic boarding schools that is run by Wellspring, a branch of Aspen Education Group.

This school was formed basically for overweight and obese children, youths, and young adults. It is considered to be the first weight-loss boarding school in the United States of America.

Now, the Wellspring Academies has two campuses and these campuses were opened in September 2009. The first campus is in California.

The California campus is located in Reedley, California, just about 30 minutes southeast of Fresno, and this campus has 90 students ranging in age from 13 to 24 years old (grades 8-12, as well as a college-age program run in conjunction with Reedley College).

The second campus is called Wellspring Academy of the Carolinas or WSCL.It is in Brevard, North Carolina. Wellspring Academy Carolina has about 30 students aged 11 to 18 in grades 6-11.

Wellspring also provides summer weight reduction camps in New York, North Carolina, Florida, California, Texas, Pennsylvania, Wisconsin, Hawaii, Vancouver, Canada, and England, as well as after-school fitness and weight loss programs. Now let us have a little glimpse at the wellspring academy summer camps.

Wellspring Camps was a chain of health and wellness camps for kids based in La Jolla, California, and Melbourne, Florida. The camps emphasized modifying participants’ behavior and eating habits in order to help them develop long-term healthy lifestyles. Wellspring Camps is presently closed due to “financial feasibility.”


Healthy Living Academies, a subsidiary of Wellspring, launched its first two summer camps in June 2004. Women ages 16 to 23 were invited to Camp Wellspring in the Adirondack Mountains of New York. Boys and girls aged 10 to 17 were accepted to Wellspring Adventure Camp in the North Carolina mountains. Healthy Living Academies named Ryan Craig, a former member of the Aspen Education Board of Directors, as its president.

Daniel S. Kirschenbaum, PhD, was in charge of the clinical program at Healthy Living Academies. Because of his experience designing effective weight loss programs for hospitals across the country, Dr. Kirschenbaum was chosen.

He was the past president of the American Psychological Association’s Division of Exercise and Sport Psychology, and he has written over 100 scholarly publications and eight books, including Treatment of Childhood and Adolescent Obesity and The 9 Truths About Weight Loss.

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Is Wellspring Academy High school?

As earlier mentioned before, Wellspring Academy is dedicated to offering therapy for obese children and young adults while still focusing on attaining an education. It will be somewhat wrong if we said that Wellspring Academy is a High School, also, it’ll be partially wrong to claim that Wellspring Academy is not a high school.

Wellspring Academy is a Special Aid school that has a High School section. We say this because students are trained both academically and health-wise. So it is expected that they are grouped into classes as they progress.

Why attend WellSpring Academy?

The aim of Wellspring was on living a healthy lifestyle, with its members’ long-term success being discussed at international scientific conferences on obesity.

Wellspring claimed that its program had “the best-recorded outcomes of any non-surgical weight loss regimen for any age group,” based on decades of scientific research in obesity. Wellsprings Academy has a track record of success and a well-planned curriculum.

Now if you desire the best experience, wellspring academy should be your first option. The Wellspring Academies took a holistic approach to exercise and weight loss.

Participants in the regular program get diet and activity management, as well as culinary, nutrition, fitness, and aerobic training, to help them learn lifelong skills. Students consumed just about 1,300 calories and less than 12 grams of fat per day, consisting of three low-fat meals and two snacks.

Now, over the years, some specialists, such as Anjali Jain, a doctor at Children’s National Medical Center, questioned the cost and necessity of boarding school, claiming that participants were not tracked long enough after leaving the program to assess long-term outcomes. He had a feeling the obesity could resurface in some participants, most especially those whose cases of obesity were generic.

At The Obesity Society’s 2008 Annual Meeting, recent long-term results were presented and it depicts that wellspring had done a great job. The only exceptional case was that of Georgia Davis, who gained more than 500 pounds after leaving Wellspring, now this example was really high-profile example for Wellspring.

In a 2005 study with a limited sample of campers at the wellspring academy camps and solely self-reported data, 70 percent of Wellspring campers maintained or continued to lose weight in the six to nine months after camp finished; the weight loss subsequently averaged 7.4 pounds.

What is the WellSpring Academy acceptance rate?

The wellspring academy is not just for any child. This institution is basically for children and young adults with obesity. Therefore, not many people will apply. This institution accepted all students who were obese and applied.

What is the tuition fee for the WellSpring? 

Wellspring Academy tuition fee is currently unknown as the institution has shut down for a couple of years now.

What are the requirements to attend WellSpring Academy? 

Wellspring Academy requirements are currently unknown as the institution has shut down for a couple of years now. But, the first requirement to attend this school is to be overweight.

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Student life in WellSpring Academy

You may be wondering if this school does any academic activity since they are a therapeutic institution. But while working to lose weight, students continued their study.

Both studies and losing weight were focused on. Wellspring Academy of California, with a Western Association of Schools and Colleges-accredited academic curriculum, offered grades 8 through 12, as well as a collegiate program through a connection with Reedley College.

Wellspring Academy of the Carolinas provides a Southern Association of Colleges and Schools-accredited academic program for students in grades 7 through 12.

Core disciplines such as English, arithmetic, history, and science were taught at both Academies, as well as fitness, nutrition, and culinary workshops that reinforced weight-loss abilities.

Foreign languages, drama, and gardening were all available as electives, which varied by Academy and semester.

At the wellspring, daily physical exercise of at least 10,000 steps, including walking or running, was also required.

Cognitive behavioral therapy was used to reinforce behavioral improvements and teach pupils the self-regulatory strategies needed for long-term weight control. This included keeping track of everything a student ate throughout the day in a Self-Monitoring Journal.

The self-monitoring strategy was a significant component of long-term weight loss effectiveness, according to weight-loss specialists.

In addition, students met three times a week with a “behavioral coach” to reinforce the training, develop frustration tolerance and stress management skills, and work through the factors that commonly contribute to weight gain, such as emotional eating or using food as a coping mechanism.

Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT) was a crucial component of the Wellspring program since it has been shown in multiple studies to reinforce essential self-control skills such as self-monitoring and to have positive immediate and long-term benefits on weight loss.

WellSpring Academy Facilities

The facilities available in this institution are inexistent as the institution is no longer functional. But what the wellspring academy used as a technique for weight loss was Outdoor Behavioral healthcare, often known as wilderness therapy.

It is a controversial treatment option for teenagers with behavioral, substance abuse, and mental health difficulties. In this case for wellspring academy, it was obesity. “Challenge courses,” “adventure-based therapy,” and “wilderness experience programs” are all terms used to describe wilderness therapy.

In wilderness therapy, a range of theoretical orientations is used, including mindfulness-based treatment and cognitive behavioral therapy.

List WellSpring Academy jobs

There are currently no job openings at wellspring academy. Wellspring academy has been shut down for some years now. 

How much is WellSpring Academy’s salary?

The wellspring academy has no current staff so no one is under their pay role. Salary can’t be ascertained. 

WellSpring Academy Review – School Rankings

This institution has no ranking currently. It has since quit rendering services. But one very interesting thing about the wellspring academy is that they were fully accredited.

The wellspring academy was accredited by The National Association of Therapeutic Schools and Programs (NATSAP).

Other accrediting bodies for mental health programs and providers include The U.S. Federal Trade Commission (FTC), the Joint Commission (JACHO), the Council on Accreditation (COA), and the Commission on Accreditation of Rehabilitation Facilities (CARF).

Why did Wellspring Academy close?

Due to the economic crisis, lack of insurance coverage, and families’ inability to pay for treatment are some of the reasons for the closure.

All the numerous campuses as well as all Weight Loss Camps in the United States, Canada, and the United Kingdom, closed permanently in January 2014.

In 2015, one of the previous leaders of the California school founded Gem Academy, a comparable program for girls solely in Arizona. As soon as space, finance, and people can be secured, plans are in the works to build an identical boys-only academy.

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WellSpring Academy Official Website

There is no functional site reference to this institution.


Is wellspring academy still open?

No. The wellspring academy closed all campuses all around the world.

Will the wellspring academy open again?

No. The wellspring academy shut down permanently.

Why did the wellspring academy close down?

The wellspring academy closed down because of the economic meltdown.

Are there other therapeutic schools in the US?

Yes. There are other therapeutic schools in the united states and around the world.

Is Gem academy open?

Yes. Gem Academy is functional and running. Though it is an only girls boarding school.


The contents above have been carefully written to meet all your informative needs. Thank you for taking your time to read through. We hope you had an educative and informative experience.



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