Northwestern High School Reviews| Admission, Requirements, Academics, Scholarships

Northwestern High School is a small, progressive charter school in the city’s heart. They are located near Northwestern University and blocks away from the Chicago Loop. Our diverse population reflects this dynamic city. With more than 80% of our students living in poverty, we have some of the highest rates of homelessness in Illinois.

However, Northwestern High’s success rate for students is among the highest in Chicago. The school was founded to produce global citizens who can thrive in an ever-changing world.

If you are considering applying to Northwestern High School for 2024, here are some things you might want to know about our admission process, academic offerings, and scholarships available to new students.

The school offers a wide range of course opportunities and allows students to explore their interests and learn about their passions. For those seeking a rigorous academic experience, Northwestern High School is an excellent choice. The school is in a safe and friendly community, and the faculty and staff are committed to student success.

About the school

Northwestern High School was founded in 1961.  It was then located in the “The Old High School Building” in Chicago’s Old Town neighbourhood.  In 1993, Northwestern High School moved to its current location at 1300 West Jackson Boulevard in the city’s Near West Side. In 2005, they erected and completed a building that houses over 1,000 students.  

Since the opening of the new building, Northwestern High School has been adding new programs and curricula to its curriculum.  They have been taking many steps to become a better high school and are constantly seeking ways to better their school.  The school is now fully equipped with computers for the students.  Northwestern offers academic classes that suit the needs of the students.

Northwestern High School’s Mission

Over the years, Northwestern High School has demonstrated an ability to provide a positive education to Chicago’s most challenging students. They have consistently sent many students to high school graduation and beyond and won many awards. Their mission is to improve the academic and social success of the students we serve.

Northwestern High School Admission

The school provides a seamless admissions process, allowing all potential applicants to apply online, along with a comprehensive essay, interview, and grade. This allows applicants to see the school online, make an informed decision, and have their applications ready for submission by December 30.

They review all students on a first-come, first-served basis and accept only 1,500 students for the 2024-2024 school year. They are not accepting applications for students currently in the current classes. NH policy states that the current class will continue through the end of the 2024-2024 school year but not beyond.

Admission Requirements

For the entry deadline of February 1st, you may download the application and mail it in or e-mail it to The yearly application is available online too. You may only apply to one school per year.

The application requires information regarding your educational history, demonstrated abilities, motivation for the academic program, extracurricular activities, work experience, and financial needs. This information determines if you are a good fit for the Northwestern High community. The process does not take long, but each parent must provide some information.

A high school diploma or GED, a unique skill in a specialized area such as English or History,  parent/guardian financial obligation of $5,000.00, which can be satisfied through a FAFSA or hardship withdrawal. Northwestern High School was the first in Alabama to receive the Microsoft award, an honour presented to schools that show exemplary achievement in using technology to improve educational achievement.  

The school uses the Microsoft Suite of products, including PowerPoint, Excel, Outlook, Publisher, Access, etc. A server centrally located on the North and East sides of the school manages the school’s software suite.  Room 162 is the Learning Resource Center, where the students can access the Microsoft suite on laptops and Macs.

Academic Offerings

The mission at Northwestern High School is to transform students into future global citizens who are secure and confident in who they are. We offer a rigorous college preparatory curriculum that prepares students for admission to selective colleges and universities.

The classes cover various academic content, emphasising reading and analyzing essays. We welcome honours and advanced placement courses for students who want to stretch themselves academically.

The school also offers a robust fine arts curriculum that includes violin, piano, choir, and various other electives. For students who have opted not to take advantage of these electives, Northwestern High School offer after-school arts programs and summer camps to help them continue cultivating their talents and interests.

Northwestern High School offers a wide range of course opportunities to fit each student’s interests and needs.
The primary school of Northwestern High School opened in September 1851 and housed children in the lower section of what is now The Avenue of Flags.  

The primary school building, constructed of wood and pine, was wide, long, and high.  As of 1855, the school housed 85 students.  In 1856, the construction of a new and larger building started.  By 1859, the new building opened, and boys and girls were segregated.  The initial capacity of the school was 850 students, but by 1870, the capacity was increased to 1,200 students.

Northwestern High School courses

Northwestern High School offers a rigorous musical education and many extracurricular activities.  The musical ensembles at Northwestern are as follows:  All three ensembles perform at school concerts, put on local shows, and tour the region to play other schools.  

Two ensembles also perform in yearly competitions, including the Scholastic Music Festival of New Jersey.  Each year, the choir class competes in two Vocal Music State Competitions; One at James Caldwell High School in Trenton and one at Hunterdon Central High School in Raritan.  The choir is also available for class meetings and for students to participate in the performing arts.

Northwestern Scholarships & Financial Aid

In addition to receiving any federal, state or local financial aid available, students at Northwestern High School are eligible for the South Florida Section to Advancement Placement (SAP) Scholarships.  To receive full scholarship status for the Northwestern College of Business, students must score 2100 or higher on the SAT.

Students must also have a minimum of 5.0 GPA, be members of the National Honour Society, and participate in 50 hours of community service per year.  Northwestern High School students must maintain a minimum of 40 cumulative credits.  

Students can earn one-half credit per semester for completing the school’s optional course “Cross Country, Decathlon, Football, Basketball, Soccer, Lacrosse or Swim”.  In the 1990s, the school’s sports program struggled.

Location & Demographics

Students can attend Northwestern High School in either the North Omaha neighbourhood or the campus at the Summit of the Rockies campus.  The North Omaha Campus is the primary campus and offers students the ability to live on campus, with limited transportation options, or even commute with their parents.  The Summit campus offers a smaller, more diverse set of residence halls and various resources for student success.  

Northwestern High School has a non-denominational, Christian curriculum and values. The mission statement of Northwestern is to provide students with a rigorous academic experience that values faith and service.  The school offers a rigorous curriculum that includes preparation for college, state testing, and a recognized state curriculum.


The mission of the Northwestern High School program is to inspire and empower young people in our community to become excellent citizens. To develop students who lead productive and successful lives beyond the limits of the school.

Northwestern High School offer an academically rigorous curriculum that includes a full-time curriculum of core academic courses. The curriculum covers English, Social Studies, Mathematics, Science, and Computer Science courses. Each school year, NHS offer hundreds of new and returning students the chance to explore higher education options. They also encourage building strong and lasting relationships in and out of the classroom. Northwestern High is a member of the Chicago Public School system.


Teacher: Mr. Toby Harris, Mrs Mayann McLaurin, Mr Josh McNair.

Academic Decathlon Team:

Academic Decathlon is a national academic competition in which teams of students take on a series of college-style questions. Students are graded on each one they answer. Students must have reading, writing, math, science, Social Studies, and Physical Education proficiency. Participation is open to students in grades 9-12 from schools within the 15 North Carolina counties.

Test scores

Northwestern High School is a public school that educates students from grades 9-12. The school has a very welcoming environment and a variety of clubs and organizations for students to get involved in.    

Northwestern High School has an average of 3,109 students at its high school. Its high school also has a faculty of 50.1%, with an average of 11.

Important information

  • More than half of the students live in the neighbourhood surrounding our school.  
  • At least 85% of students qualify for free or reduced lunch.  
  • Northwestern High School take children from socio-economically challenged families and provides them with the support they need. For more information on the demographic profile of our students, read the admissions essay.  
  • Tuition covers most of the cost of each of our student’s education. 
  • Students take college-level classes with other students in the city, and the curriculum is as rigorous as any public school.  
  • Northwestern High School hire dedicated and caring teachers.  
  • They provide students and families with the same access to counselling as public schools.

Students can attend Northwestern High School by completing the NCHSAT, an assessment in the 9th or 10th grade. NCHSAT determines their score in the subject area they would like to enter.  The NCHSAT is a nationally-recognized reading, math, writing, and scientific examination. It is considered the gateway to higher education.

After taking the NCHSAT, students can earn college credit and early admission to most colleges. In addition to this examination, students can apply for various scholarships.

The academic program at Northwestern High School is designed to help students explore their interests. But also to enable you to gain the confidence and skill sets needed to succeed.

Scholarships Available to New Students

The Auburn University Associated College Scholars Bursary is for students with exceptional academic accomplishments who have either completed the requirements to finish their first year of college or are enrolled in college in the Fall.

NHS and the other two comprehensive high schools in the Asheboro City Schools district offer the AP, AP/IB, Core College Experience, and Honors Courses.

Most Northwestern High School students must achieve a minimum GPA and SAT scores of 1400 to be considered for admission. However, scholarships at Northwestern High School is pretty competitive. To learn more, visit the Northwestern High School website for more details about the admissions process.  

Applications Due March 1, 2024, To apply to Northwestern High School for the 2024 school year, complete the admissions application. Submit a transcript and a list of colleges, universities, and military academies you plan to apply to during your admissions process.

Northwestern High School is a Chicago Public School, but they do not receive any of Chicago Public School’s funding. Instead, Northwestern is fortunate enough to have generous donors who support our students and their educational experience.

Northwestern High School host two events for prospective students: a 5/12 Opening and an Informational Session at Northwestern High School on 5/27. And Northwestern High School Fair and Resource Fair Northwestern High School Applications, Early Action.

Please visit our admissions page here to learn more about the deadlines and how to apply to Northwestern High School.


Many students want to attend charter schools to access a different educational experience. Northwestern High School is one of the best charter schools in Chicago and is proud to be a top destination for Chicago Public Schools students. The charter school has high standards, academic programs, and benefits.

Northwestern High School help prepare students for success in high school, college, and the workplace. You can read more about the school and the top companies and firms that partner with them on the school website.



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