Hamilton County Schools Review | Admission, Tuition, Requirements, Calendar

Hamilton County Schools (or Hamilton County Department of Education) is the public school district that serves Hamilton County, Tennessee, USA. There are 79 public schools in Hamilton County, Tennessee. So selecting the best Hamilton County School for you or your child can be a challenge. You may be moving to Hamilton County soon or you’re already living and thus, you want to find out which school is suitable.

In either case, this article will review the 10 best Kanawha County Schools, including necessary details such as the admission, tuition, requirements, and academic calendar. 

Hamilton County in the state of Tennessee has a sum total of about 45,000 students and 2,900 teachers in 2024 according to data sources from the Tennessee Department of Education. Generally, the average teacher-student ratio in this county is 1:14.

Hamilton County schools are one of the highest-ranked public schools in Tennessee. It is important for any discerning parent who wants to send their child to any of the schools in Hamilton County to be familiar with the geographical location. You may look at the table of content Hamilton Country public schools below.

What Types of Schools are in Hamilton County?

Typical of any district or county, Hamilton has pre-kindergarten, elementary schools, middle schools, high schools. In addition to that, there are 42 private schools and 4 charters.

The capacity of the area can’t obviously support a university and so High graduates enroll at Tennessee University if they want to. Hamilton County area has 28 pre-K schools, 64 elementary schools, 23 middle schools, and 21 high schools. The schools offer grades PK and K-12. 

10 Best Hamilton County Schools

The list of the best Hamilton County Schools below was obtained and ranked in order of the math and reading proficiency test scores. It is the preferred measure for quantifying academic performance, quality of teaching, and education.

So don’t be perplexed to see elementary schools dominating the list. The pupils in most elementary schools nationwide score very high in math and reading proficiency exams.

The highest-ranked schools in Hamilton County are considered when they are ranked above 8/10.

Therefore, World Scholarship Forum has highlighted the best Hamilton County Schools based on the two criteria afore-mentioned. Additional sources are from Publicschoolreview.com, Schooldigger.com, and the National Center for Education Statistics.

Read: Kanawha County Schools Review 2024| Admission, Tuition, Requirements, Calendar

Thrasher Elementary School

Thrasher Elementary school is the highest-ranked school (10/10) and therefore the best Hamilton County School. It’s among the top 1% of best public schools in Tennessee.

In the 2024-22 academic session, 91% of the pupils are proficient in math and 75% in reading or language arts. There are 567 in population and the school serves Kindergarten, and grades 1-5 children.

The grade offered is PK-5 and the teacher to student ratio is 18:1 Admission into Thrasher Elementary School is free and enrollment of minorities and economically disadvantaged students is fair. You can learn more by checking their website.

Lookout Mountain Elementary School

Lookout Mountain Elementary School is the second on this list of the best public schools in Hamilton County. There are 165 students with a student-teacher ratio is 10:1 according to data sources on the school’s profile.

That ratio is lower than the Tennessee state level of 15:1 which implies that your child receives more attention from the teacher. The school serves Kindergarten, and grades 1-5 children, offering them Grade PK-5.

It is ranked among the top 5% of best schools in Hamilton County. Admission into Lookout Mountain is free and enrollment of minorities and economically disadvantaged students is fair.

You can learn more by checking their website.

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Nolan Elementary School

Nolan Elementary School is the 3rd in this list of the best Hamilton County Schools. It is a great school for kindergarten and grade 1-5 children.

Pupils enrolled in Nolan Elementary have average reading and math proficiency of 71% and 84%. The school serves 639 pupils and offers PK-5 grades in the 2024/22 session. The student-teacher ratio is 18:1 according to data sources on the school’s profile.

Admission into Nolan Elementary School is free and enrollment of minorities and economically disadvantaged students is fair.

You can learn more about the admission process, tuition, and academic calendar by checking their website.

Chattanooga School of Liberal Arts

Chattanooga School of Liberal Arts has 449 students enrolled in the 2024/22 academic session. It has a 10/10 ranking in math and reading proficiency. As expected, it is among the top 5% in the overall ranking of best public schools in Hamilton County, Tennessee.

The student-teacher ratio is 15:1 which is close to the Kentucky state level (16:1). The average test scores for math and reading proficiency are about 79% and 66% respectively in the 2018/19 session.

Admission into This school is a magnet school that prepares for Liberal Arts from Kindergarten to Grade 8. Minority and economically disadvantaged students are free to apply and be admitted.

Learn more by checking their website.

Westview Elementary School

Westview Elementary School has a 10/10 ranking in math and reading proficiency. It has 582 pupils enrolled in 2024. The student-teacher ratio is 15:1 which is equal to the Tennessee state level (15:1).

The average test scores for math and reading proficiency are about 75% and 64% respectively. Admission into Westview Elementary School is free and enrollment of minorities and economically disadvantaged students is fair.

Learn more by checking their website.

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Apison Elementary School

Apison Elementary School is the 6th on this list of the best public schools in Hamilton County. The population is 571 and the school serves Kindergarten, and grades 1-5 children.

The grade offered is PK-5 and the student-teacher ratio is 16:1 according to data sources on the school’s profile. That ratio is slightly higher than the Tennessee state level of 16:1. But regardless, 76% and 62% of the pupils are proficient in math and reading/language arts.

Admission into Apison Elementary School is free and enrollment of minorities and economically disadvantaged students is fair.

You can learn more by checking their website.

Wallace A. Smith Elementary School

Wallace A. Smith Elementary School is one of the Best Hamilton County Schools. There are 602 pupils enrolled in the 2024/22 academic session. The school serves Kindergarten, and grades 1-5 children, offering PK-5 grades.

With math and reading proficiency of about 69% and 63% (2018/19 session), Wallace A. Smith Elementary School is listed in the top 5% of all schools in Tennessee for overall test scores.

The admission process into this Elementary School is fair regardless of socioeconomic status, race, skin color, or culture. So minorities and economically disadvantaged students are free to enroll.

You can learn more by checking their website.

Chatt High Centre For Creative Arts

This is a good magnet school for grade 6-12 children geared toward creative arts. The school serves 597 pupils and offers K-12 grades in the 2024/22 session. The student-teacher ratio is 18:1 and the graduation rate is more than 95%.

Students enrolled in Chatt High Centre for Creative Arts have average math and reading proficiency of 65%.

You can learn more about the admission process, tuition, and academic calendar by checking their website.

Admission into this institution is free and enrollment of minorities and economically disadvantaged students is fair.

 Chattanooga School for Arts and Science Casas Upper

Similar to No. 8 on this list, Chattanooga School for Arts and Science is a magnet school. They conduct special training for elementary school children in Arts and Science.

The school serves 673 students and offers K-12 grades in the 2024/22 academic session. The student-teacher ratio is 12:1 and the graduation rate is more than 95%.

You can learn more about the admission process, tuition, and academic calendar by checking their website.

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Big Ridge Elementary School

Big Ridge Elementary School is one of the best Hamilton County Schools. There are 602 pupils enrolled in the 2024/22 academic session. The school serves Kindergarten, and grades 1-5 children, offering PK-5 grades.

The admission process into this Elementary School is fair regardless of socioeconomic status, race, skin color, or culture. So minorities and economically disadvantaged students are free to enroll.

You can learn more by checking their website.



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