How to Write a Resume With No Work Experience: Simple Step-by-step guide

It’s time to start looking for your first job!

You’ll need to write a CV, which might be nerve-wracking if you’ve never worked before. You’re stumped about where to begin, what to include, and which resume format to use.

Furthermore, the majority of online advice is irrelevant because it emphasizes the professional experience.

You’re probably fresh out of college and have no work experience. Maybe you’re a senior in high school looking for a part-time job.

Regardless of the situation, you’re undoubtedly having problems filling in the blank spot on your resume designated for work experience.

But don’t be concerned. We’ll show you how to make an AWESOME résumé in this article, even if you have no prior work experience.

Read on!

How to Format Your Resume

The arrangement of your resume is referred to as a resume format.

The best resume format is usually determined by your level of work experience.

But what happens if you don’t have any?

So, because you are preparing a no-experience resume, we recommend the reverse-chronological format. This is the most common format among applicants and a preference with recruiters.

The following sections must be included when producing this type of resume:

  • Header: Contact Information and a Statement of Purpose
  • Internships, extracurricular activities, projects, and voluntary work in education (These sections will replace your work experience)
  • Skills

Let’s go over them one by one!

1. Put your contact information in the header.

The first item you put in your header is your personal and contact information, as the name implies.

It’s the simplest part to master; just keep it short and sweet. Mention the following in your contact information section:

  • Name (first and last)
  • E-mail Address Phone Number
  • A link to a personal webpage or a professional profile (e.g., LinkedIn) (if you have one)
  • Use a professional-sounding e-mail address.

In other words, something like

If you use an email address you made in preschool (“”), you’re bound to make a bad impression.

2. Add an objective in your resume.

A resume objective is a brief statement in the header of your resume that describes your professional aims and ambitions.

Hiring managers only glance at your resume for 5-6 seconds on average. Yes, you read that correctly. In the majority of cases, the recruiting manager gets inundated with resumes. So they only have a few seconds to skim through each one.

This is your time to grab their attention (and show them you’ve got what it takes) in this part. An objective on a resume is usually three to four sentences long and includes information.

  • What branch of study are you in; what talents and experiences do you have (that are relevant to the job); and why are you applying for this position and/or this organization?

You don’t need a title for your resume aim, just like you don’t need one for your contact information. Simply add it to the bottom of your contact information section.

3. Make Your Education a Priority

The first section of a typical resume would be employment experience. However, since you don’t have any, you’ll want to leave that area blank and replace it with the education section.

In this manner, your education, which is one of your primary selling advantages, gets a lot more attention.

What should you put in the Education part of your resume?

In this order, list the following characteristics:

  • The title of the degree
  • The institution’s name
  • Years of attendance

Other things which are optional include:

  • The institution’s location
  • GPA (grade point average)
  • Commendations
  • Coursework that is relevant
  • Programs of exchange

If you attended a prominent university, you can usually put the name of the school before the degree. You’ll get the recruiter’s attention faster this way.

4. Include any non-work experience that is relevant.

When you don’t have any professional experience, finding a job can feel like an uphill battle. With no experience, how are you supposed to produce a one-page resume?

Many recruiters, thankfully, are looking for more than simply formal employment experience. Relevant talents, life experiences, and your educational history are all things you can highlight on your resume to help you obtain work.

You can use a combination of these aspects to show how you’re still a good fit for the job.

While these experiences and skills aren’t related to your work experience (since you don’t have any), they can nevertheless help you show what you can bring to a firm if employed. You may have developed the following professional skills over your life:

  • Directing or managing
  • Customer service is important.
  • Ability to communicate (verbal and written)
  • Organizing abilities
  • Leadership
  • Teamwork
  • Research

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5. Internships

College internships, both paid and unpaid, are one of your strongest defenses against “experience required.” They not only give you real-world work experience but also allow you to network and create connections that could lead to a career later on.

If you’re looking for a position where you don’t have any experience, be sure to include any internships you’ve performed. If you haven’t already, apply as a step toward an entry-level position.

6. Include any extracurricular or voluntary activities.

When asked, the majority of employers said they evaluate volunteer experience, such as volunteering at a soup kitchen, alongside paid employment experience.

Any volunteer work that showcases your skills or allows you to master a new ability should be listed on your resume.

Include extracurricular interests and hobbies only if they are related to the position and have given you transferrable abilities that are applicable to the employment function.

7. Don’t fail to list your key Skills

You must persuade the recruiter that you have what it takes to succeed in the position you are applying for. This is especially true if your résumé shows little (or no) employment experience.

That is why you must emphasize your abilities as much as possible.


Examine the job advertisement attentively and compile a list of all the abilities you observe.

The list could include talents like: Based on the job offer we provided as an example, the list could include:

Skills for a Resume with No Experience Example

  • Skills in analysis
  • Ability to think creatively
  • Skills in cross-functional teamwork
  • Personality traits
  • Leadership abilities Management abilities Marketing abilities Motivation abilities Oral and written communication abilities
  • Organizing abilities
  • Skills in public speaking
  • Proactive mindset
  • Building relationships is a soft skill, and having a strong work ethic is a hard skill.
  • Teamwork abilities
  • Learning to learn quickly

If you decide to include a skill like leadership on your first job resume, make sure it’s accompanied by achievement or activity.

The candidate’s organizing talents are shown in the bullet point that indicates the candidate planned events for youngsters, for example, in our sample resume with no experience.

These links between abilities and experience are even more crucial at the interviewing stage when recruiters will inquire about the specifics.

Keep in mind, only include talents that are self-evident from your experience (or education part) or those you can prove otherwise in your skills section.

Don’t be tempted to lie on your CV; if you have an interview, all of your lies will be exposed. And once they do, you’ll find yourself in a very awkward situation.

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8. Increase the number of sections for a greater impact.

When the experience portion of your resume is lacking, you must seize every opportunity to make up for it elsewhere.

If you want to show off your linguistic talents, go ahead. If you want to include certifications on your resume, be sure they’re relevant. Don’t be afraid to add your hobbies and interests to your CV if they show you’re a cultural match.

Everything relevant to the job should be included in your resume—this is how you may stand out with a resume that has no experience.

Here are a couple of extra resume section examples to get you started:

  • Spanish is one of the languages spoken here (Advanced)
  • French is the national language of France (Conversational)

9. Customize your Resume

Customize your resume for each job you apply for the last and most crucial thing to keep in mind while writing a decent resume is to tailor it to each job you apply for.

Different job posts will use different keywords, specify different work responsibilities, and so on. The greatest technique for getting your application noticed and, perhaps, securing your first job is to appeal to each particular employer’s wants and job requirements.

After all, there’s no magic formula for writing a winning resume; the only ideal CV is the one that earns you the job.

Even if you’re happily employed, be prepared to alter and update your resume. When you don’t have any work experience to display, use a hybrid resume structure and focus on your talents and education. You’ll get that job — and that much-desired experience — sooner or later.

10. To Increase Your Chances, Write a Cover Letter

Here’s the deal: about half of all job applicants include a cover letter with their application. Because your resume is lacking in professional experience, a strong cover letter will increase your chances of securing an interview.

Here’s how to compose an outstanding cover letter:

Make sure your cover letter meets all the professional correspondence formatting guidelines.

Create an engaging cover letter introduction that introduces you to the reader and motivates them to continue reading.

  • Describe your abilities and how they can assist the firm.
  • Explain why you’re a good fit for the company’s culture.
  • Always include a call-to-action at the end of your cover letter.
  • Also, ensure that your cover letter is the length.

Remember that your cover letter should not be a rehash of your CV. Use it to explain your motives to the recruiter, fill in the holes on your resume, and persuade them that you’re the best applicant available.

Other Factors To Think About When Writing Your First Resume

#1. Proofread thoroughly

Examine your resume for typos, grammatical problems, and inconsistencies to show your attention to detail. Before submitting the document to an employer, have a friend or mentor review it over. Make careful to re-evaluate your resume every time you make a change.

#2. Have faith in yourself

Employers want to know that you are proud of your accomplishments and that you are confident in your abilities. Make sure your resume reflects this by emphasizing all of your best and most relevant abilities and accomplishments.

#3. Keep it short and sweet

Recruiters frequently have numerous applications to analyze, and they may only spend a few seconds reading your resume.

Your CV should be strong but succinct. The recruiter should be able to easily see how your background and experience match up with the position they’re providing.

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More Tips on How to Write a Resume for Your First Job

There are a few other suggestions and tricks to consider when creating your first job resume with no work experience. You must turn it into a persuasive document that no employer will be able to ignore. Consider the following ten bullet points:

  • Pass the ATS test by mimicking the employer’s wording from the job description.
  • Show how your knowledge has grown through time by telling a progression tale.
  • Link to your social media feeds, but only after they’ve been “cleansed.”
  • Wherever feasible, be factual and quantify your accomplishments.
  • Consider using a pre-made resume template to help you format your resume effectively.
  • To reiterate your main points, use alternative wording. Repetition is your best ally.
  • Edit your no-experience resume ruthlessly – are all of your sentences jarring enough?
  • Proofread it thoroughly — a young professional’s attention to detail is crucial.
  • Never lie. You will be discovered and face the possibility of losing your job
  • When possible, utilize action words and techniques like bullet points to add impact.

Writing a resume for your first job doesn’t have to be a waste of time. If you know where you want to go in your profession, you’ll be able to locate enough relevant experience in your previous endeavors to illustrate your potential.


As a new professional, writing your first CV is a thrilling experience. It’s an opportunity to demonstrate to prospective companies how you’ve prepared for the workforce and why hiring you would benefit their company.

You’ll be able to expand on your engaging resume as your talents and expertise grow throughout your career if you start now. So, these tips on writing a resume when you have no work experience will be useful.


  • – How to Write a Resume with No Experience [21+ Examples]


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