15 Online DJ Courses | Free & Paid

DJs act as masters of ceremonies for a plethora of events, from weddings to housewarming parties, by entertaining the crowd with amusing conversations and a wide mix of music. They work for radio stations as announcers, and their online presence is on the rise. If you want to start out on the deck, you could enroll in online DJ courses.

While some of these online DJ courses are free, most are paid but cheap in every sense of the word and prove to be an effective way to develop your skills. To help you make the right choice, we have listed the 15 online DJ courses that can serve as a starting point for you.

Who is a DJ?

A DJ, who is also known as a disc jockey, is one who plays recorded music at public events, nightclubs, radio shows, and other places where tailored music is required. A DJ is to make sure that musical recordings and other programs, such as commercials and announcements, are laid on time.

In the yesteryears, the acronym DJ was used to describe someone who worked at a radio station. Now, however, the term has grown so popular that it describes anyone who creates his own dance music.

With the help of a mixer, a DJ samples sections of songs and rotates between records. Also, this individual can play a party song using electronic music software such as Ableton, Traktor, or FL Studio.

What Skills do I need to be a DJ?

The basic skill you should possess as a DJ is an excellent understanding of rhythm. It helps you understand how beats work and how to maximize the impact of their selections. Also, this skill gives you the greater freedom to be more creative with your performances.

To network with clients, co-workers, and individuals in the crowd, you’ll need strong interpersonal skills and since your work requires that you stand mostly, you would have to have a lot of stamina to keep up with the speed of live music performance and cheer your audience on.

Having good business knowledge is a huge plus, as it will help you negotiate contracts and invest in equipment.

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15 Online DJ Courses in 2024

#1. The Complete DJ Course For Beginners 2024 | 2 Be A DJ – Udemy

This online DJ course will guide you through the proper learning process in the most effective manner possible. All the essential abilities to become a DJ are what you will learn if you enroll in it.

Amongst other things, you’ll learn how to:

  • Mix your tracks in and out using your volume faders and cross-faders
  • Blend your music nicely using equalizers and filter sliders
  • Beat match and use the sync option to speed up your mixing
  • Be more creative with your mixes, and learn how to use the loop feature
  • Apply your hot cues in a variety of ways

#2. Rekordbox Dj – Mix like a Professional! – Udemy

In this online DJ curse, you will learn how to use Pioneer software. So, there is no prior knowledge required. You will also learn all the tricks and strategies needed to mix like a skilled DJ.

To complete it, you’ll need about 2.5 hours to complete and upon completion, you would be able to generate high-quality mixes having gained a solid foundation to become a good and skilled DJ.

#3. Ableton Live – DJ Mixtape & Podcasts in Ableton Live Course – Udemy

What is an online DJ course if it doesn’t teach you mixtapes? Here, you will learn all the techniques used by the World’s best DJs to create professional sending mixtapes for radio shows.

Also, it includes everything you’ll need to make DJ mixtapes in Ableton Live.

#4. Learn How To DJ – Beginner DJ Lessons – Udemy

This masterclass is for everyone who wants to learn how to DJ using only a USB drive and no computer. Regardless of your musical references, you will learn beat matching, mixing, and blending.

Prepare to perform your first show without a pre-recorded DJ set.

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#5. Learn how to DJ – Learn Everything you need to know, Fast! – Udemy

I can assure you that this learn how to DJ course delivers on its promise. It will take you from having no knowledge to learning everything you need to know to carry out your first DJ gig efficiently.

The benefits of enrolling in this online DJ course include:

  • Simple, straightforward, and easy to follow
  • Understanding the fundamentals of any DJ software.
  • Learning what each of the DJ decks’ knobs does and when you’d use them.
  • Discovering how to defeat a match.
  • Learning how to combine music at varying speeds.

#6. In-Depth Beginner Serato DJ Course – Udemy

Whether you’re a complete newbie or inexperienced with Serato, there is no ruling you off to becoming a DJ. This online course starts at the very beginning and walks you through not only the software’s functions but also some of the many methods you’ll need to know to become a DJ.

While learning about music theory may seem trivial, it is important that you learn it because it is a component of becoming a good DJ that you can’t overlook.

#7. Learn to DJ from beginners to advanced – Udemy

This three-art course will guide you through becoming a DJ as well as teach you advanced DJ techniques and procedures. Below are the various steps you’ll go through to make a good career out of being a disc jockey.

  • Equipment
  • Mixing\sperforming
  • Advanced FX and controls EQ’s Beat matching Basics of DJing
  • Recognizing the music
  • Advanced Controls Scratching
  • Mixing in Harmony
  • Getting ready for your DJ set Music Library Mashups
  • Reading amid a crowd

At the end of this course, you will perform and DJ for a plethora of events.

#8. DJing Live: From Setup to Soundcheck – Skillshare

This session will show you how to be well prepared for your gig by having all the required gear and a well-organized setup. In this online DJ course, you’ll find things easy and would want to constantly be ready for gigs.

#9. The Basics of Serato DJ – Skillshare

If you want to learn more about Serato DJ setup, you should enroll in this online course. It is especially for people who are new to DJing and want to learn everything there is to know about Serato.

The goal of this course is to organize your crates for your next job. All you need to do is enroll for free.

#10. How to Become a DJ: Learn How to Start DJing Online Today – Udemy

This full-fledged course of about 11 hours contains 51 instructional video lessons to work through and it is ideal for anyone whose intention is to learn everything about being a professional DJ.

This online course for DJs is appropriate for users of all levels of experience and the goal is to provide you with the technical underpinnings you’ll need to perform the same abilities used by the world’s best DJs and without the aid of a pre-recorded set.

#11.  Learn How to DJ From the Wu-Tang Clanv – Udemy

Take advantage of this beginner course to learn everything there is to know about DJing and decide if it is something you want to pursue. This online DJ class contains 49 lectures and 7 hours of course content.

It covers the beginner subjects of how to use and grasp the fader, how to understand beats per minute, song structure, and how to use headphones.

The course is organized into three sections: beginning, intermediate, and advanced.

#12. How to DJ With Ableton Live: DJ Techniques Clear and Simple – Skillshare

If you’re seeking for the greatest online DJ classes that teach you how to DJ with Ableton Live, look no further. This is an intermediate/advanced level course that is specially designed for those who want to improve their skills.

This 2-hour course contains 23 courses that cover the fundamentals of using controllers, Audio Effect Racks, and other useful Ableton Live tips and tricks.

#13. Udemy: Learn How to Become a DJ With Traktor – Udemy

If Traktor is your preferred DJ platform, this is the best online course you should take. The first few lessons will teach you everything you need to know about Traktor’s core capabilities and operations. Other topics in this course include how to use Traktor effects and loops, how to mix your songs harmonically, and sound aesthetics.

This course also covers advanced topics that can help even the most seasoned DJs develop their talents.

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#14. Mastering the Maschine – CreativeLive

This course allows you to sequence, sample, and apply effects to any musical piece to take your creation to the next level.

Every minute you devote to enhancing your music education will make a significant difference in your DJ abilities.

#15. How to DJ – The Professional Guide – Udemy

This is the curse that will show you how to be a DJ and have people dance to your music while having the absolute time of their lives. Whether you’re a seasoned pro trying to improve your present talents or a fresh aspiring DJ just getting started, there’s something for everyone.

This straightforward guide will help you grasp the fundamentals of DJing.


As much as some persons see DJing as a hobby, some other persons see it as a possible career path. Whatever your intention was for looking for the 15 online DJ courses in 2024, you will find excellent choices from our list above.



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