10 Best SAT Reading Tips in 2024 | Revealed

With many tough sections in the SAT test, it is easy to think that it is near impossible to hit a high score in the test. However, the best SAT reading tips and the right application have proven such a notion wrong.

This article will carefully outline the best tips that you can apply to hit your target score and even do well. Question is, would you devote your time to studying these tips and taking them seriously?

Read on to see the success tips we have for you in this article.

What is the SAT Test About?

The SAT is a college entrance exam used by most colleges and institutions to decide if they would grant you admission or not.

The purpose of SAT is to evaluate a high school student’s college readiness and to provide universities with a single point of reference for all applicants.

College admissions personnel will consider your standardized test scores alongside your high school GPA, letters of recommendation from instructors or mentors, extracurricular activities, admissions interviews, and personal essays.

How Long is the SAT Test?

The SAT exam is three hours long and will keep you riveted to your seat. If it includes an essay, you would have an additional thirty minutes sitting for the test.

Why You Need the Best SAT Reading Tips

There isn’t an exam you want to take that hasn’t already been taken. So, as a hack, seek the best advice from your predecessors while aiming to ace the test.

These SAT reading tips will boost your confidence for the test.

How to Register for the SAT

Follow these processes to register for the SAT test.

  • Find out when the SAT will be taken
  • Decide whether or not you’ll take the SAT with essay
  • Consider your schedule
  • Choose a test date and sign up for the SAT as soon as possible
  • Take a SAT practice test

10 Best SAT Reading Tips in 2024

Below is a long list of the best SAT reading tips that can help you in 2024.

#1. Acquaint Yourself with the Strategy-Based Section

Most students studying for the SAT believe that the reading portion is simply that: a section in which test-takers are required to read the material and answer questions about it.

This is just partly correct.

Actually, the Evidence-Based Reading portion is a little more involved. It offers a wide variety of reading passages, a severe time limit, and difficult questions.

The first step in achieving a perfect SAT Reading score is to comprehend exactly what this part entails in terms of:

  • Format
  • Scoring
  • Strategy

#2. Figure Out where You Stand

If you haven’t previously done so, take a SAT practice exam before you begin studying.

Taking an approved practice exam in test-like conditions will provide you with the most accurate assessment of your present SAT Reading score.

#3. Make a Plan to Improve your Score within a Reasonable Timeframe

While you may belong to the group of persons who believe that cramming for the SAT is a good reading tip and might improve your score, it is not true.

And, it is not a good way to get a perfect score on any section of the SAT test. Preparing for the SAT test takes time. So, devote at least three months and sometimes much longer to study for this exam.

This is especially true for the SAT Reading section, which needs a great deal of preparation and practice.

#4. Consider Yourself a Test-Maker, not a Test-Taker

The SAT Reading portion has been designed to be difficult and tricky. So, with SAT Reading, it is critical to think strategically.

Keep an eye out for ways the SAT is attempting to deceive you–the more you can predict these traps, the more likely you are to avoid them!

#5. Determine your Strengths and Play to them at all Times

On the SAT, there is no penalty for incorrect answers. This means that when you answer a question badly, no point is lost.

As a result, there’s no danger in speculating! On the SAT Reading, leave no questions unanswered.

On each part of the SAT, each question is also worth the same number of points. There is no difference in point worth between an easy and a difficult SAT Reading question.

#6. Improve your SAT Reading Question Types Fluency

It’s critical to understand the different questions you’ll see on the SAT Reading. This fluency will assist you in identifying your strengths and tailoring your approach to them.

It can also provide insight into the predictability of the SAT Reading section. After all, the same types of questions will be asked each time.

#7. Recognize the Most Common types of Incorrect Answers

The more you can detect common incorrect response options, the better your chances of avoiding pitfalls on the SAT Reading.

Make it a habit for them to identify evidence in the passage for every response choice they choose, not just Command of Evidence questions.

It’s named the Evidence-Based Reading area for a reason!

#8. Don’t Get Lost in Answer Options

One of the best SAT Reading tips is this; before coming up with a solution to a question, many test-takers develop the practice of going through all the answer options.

This must not be done! This makes it more likely that you’ll be distracted by a “shiny” trap answer.

It is important you read the question first, then look up your answer in the paragraph, make a prediction, and then eliminate any responses that don’t match your guess.

#9. On the Dual Passage, Divide and Conquer

Remember, one of the five SAT Reading passages is a dual passage. This means you will be required to read two shorter pieces in one sitting and respond to questions on each.

Divide and conquer instead of reading through these two paragraphs before getting to the questions!

Make life easier for yourself by focusing on only one passage at a time.

#10. Place a Premium on Precision Over Quantity

Because you’re used to needing to answer every question in a high school exam, do not rush through the SAT Reading section. Make an attempt to answer every question, even if some are educated guesses.

You’ll tend towards achieving a high SAT score if you focus on getting more questions correct over getting more questions answered.


In addition to the best reading tips listed above, hard work and smart study will earn you a perfect SAT reading score.

Also, you must recognize where you are lacking and practice on regularly to improve on them.




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